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Last active January 2, 2022 14:10
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ConvertTo-JSON for Powershell 2.0
function Escape-JSONString($str){
if ($str -eq $null) {return ""}
$str = $str.ToString().Replace('"','\"').Replace('\','\\').Replace("`n",'\n').Replace("`r",'\r').Replace("`t",'\t')
return $str;
function ConvertTo-JSON($maxDepth = 4,$forceArray = $false) {
begin {
$data = @()
$data += $_
if ($data.length -eq 1 -and $forceArray -eq $false) {
$value = $data[0]
} else {
$value = $data
if ($value -eq $null) {
return "null"
$dataType = $value.GetType().Name
switch -regex ($dataType) {
'String' {
return "`"{0}`"" -f (Escape-JSONString $value )
'(System\.)?DateTime' {return "`"{0:yyyy-MM-dd}T{0:HH:mm:ss}`"" -f $value}
'Int32|Double' {return "$value"}
'Boolean' {return "$value".ToLower()}
'(System\.)?Object\[\]' { # array
if ($maxDepth -le 0){return "`"$value`""}
$jsonResult = ''
foreach($elem in $value){
#if ($elem -eq $null) {continue}
if ($jsonResult.Length -gt 0) {$jsonResult +=', '}
$jsonResult += ($elem | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1))
return "[" + $jsonResult + "]"
'(System\.)?Hashtable' { # hashtable
$jsonResult = ''
foreach($key in $value.Keys){
if ($jsonResult.Length -gt 0) {$jsonResult +=', '}
$jsonResult +=
"{0}": {1}
"@ -f $key , ($value[$key] | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1) )
return "{" + $jsonResult + "}"
default { #object
if ($maxDepth -le 0){return "`"{0}`"" -f (Escape-JSONString $value)}
return "{" +
(($value | Get-Member -MemberType *property | % {
"{0}": {1}
"@ -f $_.Name , ($value.($_.Name) | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1) )
}) -join ', ') + "}"
#"a" | ConvertTo-JSON
#dir \ | ConvertTo-JSON
#(get-date) | ConvertTo-JSON
#(dir \)[0] | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth 1
#@{ "asd" = "sdfads" ; "a" = 2 } | ConvertTo-JSON
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This is legit. Thank you.

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THANK you!

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willemdh commented May 3, 2016

Found an issue with double escapng "

it should be

$str = $str.ToString().Replace('\','\\').Replace('"','\"').Replace("`n",'\n').Replace("`r",'\r').Replace("`t",'\t')

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ghost commented Jan 13, 2017

Hi, This function works totally fine with me, But the problem is it is breaking the order of the elements in the JSON file being sorted alphabetically. So by running the following:
@{ "xx" = "sdfads" ; "a" = 2 } | ConvertTo-JSON

the result becoming:
{ "a": 2, "xx": "sdfads"}

So the original order xx,a is becoming a,xx
How to not sort the order of the elements? Can you suggest what I might need to change?

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mappu commented Jan 31, 2017

What license is this snippet available under?

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does anyone know if there's a convertfrom-json implementation just like this one?

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Aaron-Ritter-IDEXX commented May 4, 2018

It seems to me that line 36 doesn't support enough numeric types. I prefer to remove lines 36 and 37 and insert these two lines at line 30, instead:

if ($value.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean') {return "$value".ToLower()}
if ($value.GetType().IsPrimitive) {return "$value"}

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This is crap. For a solution from a superior mind, see - but thanks for sharing.

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NaziMeh commented Aug 28, 2018

how can i remove \t in json?
{\t"id": "63304D56-6A42-43DB-7670-B73FD8389E6", \t"type": "Hello"}

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