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Last active January 2, 2022 14:10
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ConvertTo-JSON for Powershell 2.0
function Escape-JSONString($str){
if ($str -eq $null) {return ""}
$str = $str.ToString().Replace('"','\"').Replace('\','\\').Replace("`n",'\n').Replace("`r",'\r').Replace("`t",'\t')
return $str;
function ConvertTo-JSON($maxDepth = 4,$forceArray = $false) {
begin {
$data = @()
$data += $_
if ($data.length -eq 1 -and $forceArray -eq $false) {
$value = $data[0]
} else {
$value = $data
if ($value -eq $null) {
return "null"
$dataType = $value.GetType().Name
switch -regex ($dataType) {
'String' {
return "`"{0}`"" -f (Escape-JSONString $value )
'(System\.)?DateTime' {return "`"{0:yyyy-MM-dd}T{0:HH:mm:ss}`"" -f $value}
'Int32|Double' {return "$value"}
'Boolean' {return "$value".ToLower()}
'(System\.)?Object\[\]' { # array
if ($maxDepth -le 0){return "`"$value`""}
$jsonResult = ''
foreach($elem in $value){
#if ($elem -eq $null) {continue}
if ($jsonResult.Length -gt 0) {$jsonResult +=', '}
$jsonResult += ($elem | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1))
return "[" + $jsonResult + "]"
'(System\.)?Hashtable' { # hashtable
$jsonResult = ''
foreach($key in $value.Keys){
if ($jsonResult.Length -gt 0) {$jsonResult +=', '}
$jsonResult +=
"{0}": {1}
"@ -f $key , ($value[$key] | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1) )
return "{" + $jsonResult + "}"
default { #object
if ($maxDepth -le 0){return "`"{0}`"" -f (Escape-JSONString $value)}
return "{" +
(($value | Get-Member -MemberType *property | % {
"{0}": {1}
"@ -f $_.Name , ($value.($_.Name) | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth ($maxDepth -1) )
}) -join ', ') + "}"
#"a" | ConvertTo-JSON
#dir \ | ConvertTo-JSON
#(get-date) | ConvertTo-JSON
#(dir \)[0] | ConvertTo-JSON -maxDepth 1
#@{ "asd" = "sdfads" ; "a" = 2 } | ConvertTo-JSON
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Aaron-Ritter-IDEXX commented May 4, 2018

It seems to me that line 36 doesn't support enough numeric types. I prefer to remove lines 36 and 37 and insert these two lines at line 30, instead:

if ($value.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean') {return "$value".ToLower()}
if ($value.GetType().IsPrimitive) {return "$value"}

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This is crap. For a solution from a superior mind, see - but thanks for sharing.

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NaziMeh commented Aug 28, 2018

how can i remove \t in json?
{\t"id": "63304D56-6A42-43DB-7670-B73FD8389E6", \t"type": "Hello"}

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