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Created July 4, 2016 05:24
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Search : MonoBehaviour
int gridSize = 10;
void Start()
Tile[,] tiles = new Tile[gridSize, gridSize];
for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < gridSize; z++)
GameObject newObject = new GameObject("Tile " + x + " " + z);
tiles[x, z] = newObject.AddComponent<Tile>();
newObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < gridSize; z++)
if (InBounds(x, z - 1))
tiles[x, z].neighbors.Add(tiles[x, z - 1]);
if (InBounds(x, z + 1))
tiles[x, z].neighbors.Add(tiles[x, z + 1]);
if (InBounds(x - 1, z))
tiles[x, z].neighbors.Add(tiles[x - 1, z]);
if (InBounds(x + 1, z))
tiles[x, z].neighbors.Add(tiles[x + 1, z]);
Tile[] path = makePath(tiles[0, 0], tiles[gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1]);
foreach (var tile in path)
Debug.Log(tile.transform.position + " " + tile.gScore + " " + tile.fScore);
bool InBounds(int x, int z)
return (0 <= x && x < gridSize) && (0 <= z && z < gridSize);
//A*, please be gentle (Reference:*_search_algorithm#Pseudocode)
Tile[] makePath(Tile start, Tile destination)
//setup - reset all nodes' values
foreach (Tile t in FindObjectsOfType<Tile>())
t.pathParent = null;
t.gScore = 0;
t.fScore = 0;
List<Tile> closedList = new List<Tile>(); //already evaluated tiles
List<Tile> openList = new List<Tile>(); //discovered, but not yet evaluated, tiles
start.fScore = getFScore(start.gameObject, destination.gameObject);
//while there are still tiles to be evaluated
while (openList.Count > 0)
Tile current = null;
int lowestFScore = int.MaxValue;
//Find the lowest F Score and make that tile the current one to evaluate
foreach (Tile t in openList)
if (t.fScore < lowestFScore)
current = t;
lowestFScore = t.fScore;
//We did it reddit! Destination found and path completed
if (current == destination)
//Put together the path with all the parent references
List<Tile> fullPath = new List<Tile>();
Tile currPahNode = destination;
while (currPahNode != start) //DON'T add the starting tile (that the unit is already on) to the list. Star the path at the first tile to go to.
currPahNode = currPahNode.pathParent;
//Reverse list to get the forward direction
return fullPath.ToArray();
//Current node has been evaluated, but we're not done yet. Find the next one to evaluate!
foreach (Tile neighbor in current.neighbors)
//skip empty neighbor links or already evaluated tiles
if (neighbor == null || closedList.Contains(neighbor))
int tentativeGScore = current.gScore + getFScore(neighbor.gameObject, destination.gameObject);
//if this is a better path, update its info and (if not already in the open list,) add it to the open list of tiles to evaluate
if (!openList.Contains(neighbor) || tentativeGScore < neighbor.gScore)
neighbor.pathParent = current;
neighbor.gScore = tentativeGScore;
neighbor.fScore = getFScore(neighbor.gameObject, destination.gameObject);
if (!openList.Contains(neighbor))
Debug.Log("Could not find a path from " + + " to " + + ". Returning Null!");
return null;
// (X, Z) distance between two tiles
int getFScore(GameObject from, GameObject to)
Vector2 start = new Vector2(from.transform.position.x, from.transform.position.z);
Vector2 finish = new Vector2(to.transform.position.x, to.transform.position.z);
return Mathf.RoundToInt(Vector2.Distance(start, finish) * 1000);
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