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Last active October 18, 2021 02:00
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Why does terra take forever (or never complete ...)?

## remotes::install_github("hypertidy/gdalio")

## warp target 
extent <- c(-2e5, 2.4e5,  -2e5, 2.84e5)
dimension <- c(1024, 1024)
projection <- "+proj=lcc +lon_0=146 +lat_0=-42 +lat_1=-40 +lat_0=-44 +datum=WGS84"
target <- terra::rast(terra::ext(extent), nrows = dimension[2], ncols = dimension[1], crs = projection)


img_src <- "WMTS:,layer=Basemaps_Topographic,tilematrixset=default028mm"
## source data
terr <- terra::rast(img_src)

source(system.file("raster_format/raster_format.codeR", package = "gdalio", mustWork = TRUE))
## these should do exactly the same tasks through GDAL warper, but terra doesn't complete
v <- gdalio_terra(img_src, bands = 1:3, band_output_type = "Int32"); terra::plotRGB(v)
## why does this not complete ... don't run it, trust me it takes way too long and probably never finish
#terr <- terra::project(terr, target)

It does work well for an online GeoTIFF with overviews, so perhaps the COG driver does more for the auto-selection of the right zoon than the WMTS driver does. The GDAL WARP app lib does this well, for any driver - and I think terra might not use that.

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mdsumner commented Oct 18, 2021

REST servers with gdalio

src <-  ""

source(system.file("raster_format/raster_format.codeR", package = "gdalio", mustWork = TRUE))

x <- gdalio_terra(src, band_output_type = "integer", bands = 1:3)

## set your grid
v <- terra::vect(system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra"))
gdalio_set_default_grid(terra::rast(v, res = 0.001))

x <- gdalio_terra(src, band_output_type = "integer", bands = 1:3)

## set your grid
v1 <- terra::project(v, "EPSG:3857")
gdalio_set_default_grid(terra::rast(v1, nrows = 512, ncols = 768))
x1 <- gdalio_terra(src, band_output_type = "integer", bands = 1:3)

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