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Created October 3, 2016 12:28
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## quad index template
p4 <- function(xp, nc) {
  (xp + c(0, 0, rep(nc, 2)))[c(1, 2, 4, 3)]
## offset pairs from a vector
prs <- function(x) {
  cbind(head(x, -1), tail(x, -1))
## pixel corners from a raster
edgesXY <- function(x) {
           extent(xmin(x), xmax(x) + res(x)[1], ymin(x), ymax(x) + res(x)[2])), 
    x = -res(x)[1]/2, y = -res(x)[2]/2))
## build a quad mesh from a raster
bgl <- function(x, z = NULL, na.rm = FALSE) {
  x <- x[[1]]  ## just the oneth raster for now
  ##exy <- as.matrix(expand.grid(edges(x), edges(x, "y")))
  exy <- edgesXY(x)
  ind <- apply(prs(seq(ncol(x) + 1)), 1, p4, nc = ncol(x) + 1)
  ## all face indexes
  ind0 <- as.vector(ind) + 
    rep(seq(0, length = nrow(x), by = ncol(x) + 1), each = 4 * ncol(x))
 ## need to consider normalizing vertices here
  if (na.rm) {
    ind1 <- matrix(ind0, nrow = 4)
    ind0 <- ind1[,!]
  ## dummy object from rgl
  ob <- rgl::oh3d()
  if (!is.null(z)) z <- extract(z, exy, method = "bilinear") else z <- 0
  ob$vb <- t(cbind(exy, z, 1))
  ob$ib <- matrix(ind0, nrow = 4)


ll <- c(-112.1, 36.1)

## 41 Mb
## download SRTM elevation data (something's wrong with raster::getData)
##srtm <- getData("SRTM", lon =  ll[1], lat = ll[2])
f <- ""
tif <- gsub("zip$", "tif", basename(f))
if (!file.exists(basename(tif))) {
  if (!file.exists(basename(f))) download.file(f, basename(f), mode = "wb")
## read elevation grid and crop
srtm <- raster("srtm_14_05.tif")
srtm <- crop(srtm, extent(ll[1] + c(-1, 1) * 0.5, ll[2] + c(-1, 1) * 0.7))

## build mesh3d object 
## we are plotting in long/lat so rescale heights 
ro <- bgl(srtm, z = srtm/30000)

# 0.7Mb
## download a google satellite image with dismo
gm <- gmap(x = srtm, type = "satellite", scale = 2)

## 1. Create PNG for texture
# we need RGB expanded (gmap gives a palette)
rgb1 <- col2rgb(gm@legend@colortable)
img <- brick(gm, gm, gm)
cells <- values(gm) + 1
img <- setValues(img, cbind(rgb1[1, cells], rgb1[2, cells], rgb1[3, cells]))
## finally, create RGB PNG image to act as a texture image
writeGDAL(as(img, "SpatialGridDataFrame"), "gm.png", drivername = "PNG", type = "Byte", mvFlag = 255)

## 2. Remap the image coordinates (Mercator) onto elevation coordinates (longlat), 
## and convert to PNG [0, 1, 0, 1]
tcoords <- xyFromCell(setExtent(gm, extent(0, 1, 0, 1)), cellFromXY(gm, project(t(ro$vb[1:2, ]), projection(gm))))

## single pass plot for rgl
shade3d(ro, col = "white", texture = "gm.png", texcoords = tcoords[ro$ib, ])
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mdsumner commented Oct 3, 2016


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