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Michael Sumner mdsumner

  • Integrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
  • Hobart, Australia
View GitHub Profile
dsn <- "/vsicurl/"
system.time(d <- gdal_raster_data(dsn, bands = 1:3, target_dim = c(1373, 1373)))

0.5 - 2 seconds in California

10-15 seconds in Western Australia or Tasmania

phwoar, this is a bit exciting, how about convert all those GADM files to one (Geo)Parquet and open it lazily:

url <- ""
f <- readLines(url)
files <- gsub("\"", "", na.omit(stringr::str_extract(f, "gadm.*\\.gpkg\"")))
gpkgs <- file.path(url, files)     

#> terra 1.7.71
query <- buffer(project(vect(geosphere::randomCoordinates(1), crs = "EPSG:4326"),   "EPSG:3857"), 
                c(1e6, 4e6), capstyle = "square")

plot(project(query, "EPSG:4326"), add = TRUE, border= "firebrick", lwd = 4)
import fsspec
import kerchunk.hdf

fs = fsspec.filesystem('https')

urls = ["",
dsn <- "/vsicurl/"
dsn <- basename(dsn)
info <- vapour::vapour_raster_info(dsn)

g <- grout(info$dimension, info$extent, blocksize = c(2048, 2048))

index <- tile_index(g)

This NetCDF has a spherical CRS longlat crs in "crs_wkt", but the NetCDF driver hardcodes WGS84 as the geolocation SRS:

gdalinfo /vsicurl/

  SRS=GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
#dsn <- dsn::vrtcon(sds::gebco(), ovr = 4)
dsn <- "vrt:///vsicurl/"

scaled.vrt <- "scaled.vrt"
system(glue::glue("gdal_translate {dsn} scaled.vrt -scale -ot Byte"))

## here I had to edit the pal.vrt to have "scaled.vrt" rather than "mem" in the source (...)
system(glue::glue(" pal scaled.vrt pal.vrt -of VRT"))

Note that the authorization mechanism requires GDAL 3.6 or later, find your version in terra with terra::gdal().

url <- ""

## make a GDAL dsn for an online file
dsn <- sprintf("/vsicurl/%s", url)
gdal_create -outsize 36000 17999 -ot Int8 -co SPARSE_OK=YES -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr 0 17999 0 36000 weird.tif
gdal_translate weird.tif cog.tif  -of COG
gdalinfo cog.tif | grep Overviews
#  Overviews: 18000x8999, 9000x4499, 4500x2249, 2250x1124, 1125x562, 562x281, 281x14

import xarray