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cheethoe / gist:49d9c1d0003e44423e54a060e0b3fbf1
Last active April 14, 2022 21:01
Rook v0.8.0 device/osd removal
# This will use osd.5 as an example
# ceph commands are expected to be run in the rook-toolbox
1) disk fails
2) remove disk from node
3) mark out osd. `ceph osd out osd.5`
4) remove from crush map. `ceph osd crush remove osd.5`
5) delete caps. `ceph auth del osd.5`
6) remove osd. `ceph osd rm osd.5`
7) delete the deployment `kubectl delete deployment -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-osd-id-5`
8) delete osd data dir on node `rm -rf /var/lib/rook/osd5`
BenWoodford /
Last active November 22, 2023 21:51
New Nissan Connect EV API

Late 2018 Update

I am no longer working on this as the new API is US-only as I'm in the UK, so cannot even use it or the new app. Please don't ask me questions about it as I honestly can't remember anything.

Nissan Connect EV 2018 API

This is a work in progress, just jotting down my findings from the APK decompile so far. As I can only read the decompiled Java and not MITM the app due it not working in the UK, getting the payload info may take a while. There's loads of API calls so this may not be thorough for a while.

Base URL:

xbb / README
Last active November 18, 2024 09:04
IDRAC6 Virtual Console Launcher
Use this as an example on how to start the virtual console without the need of Java Web Start or accessing it from the web interface.
You can use the user and password that you use for the web interface.
You need an old JRE... I used 1.7.0_80 from the Server JRE package, also I have tested successfully 1.7.0_79 with MacOS.
You don't need to install it, just extract it or copy the files in "jre" folder.
Open the viewer.jnlp file that you get by launching the virtual console from the web interface with a text editor.
Note the urls to the jar files. Download the main jar file avctKVM.jar and the libs for your operating system and architecture.
Extract the dlls (.so Linux, .jnilib MacOS) from the jar libs.
dferg / howto-tomato-l2tp-ipsec-server.markdown
Last active December 18, 2023 21:49
HOWTO: Install L2TP/IPsec Server on TomatoUSB


This howto describes setting up a LT2P over IPsec VPN server on your router with TomatoUSB firmware. This should allow you to connect using the built-in client to your Mac, iPhone or Android device. (Not sure about Windows.)

At the end of this tutorial, you should have a L2TP/IPsec VPN server that starts automatically on boot. Mac/iPhone/Android devices can connect with their native client and will be assigned an IP address within your LAN subnet. They should be able to talk to other devices on your LAN and should be able to contact hosts on the Internet NAT'd behind your WAN IP address.


  • Router running Shibby's fork of TomatoUSB
  • entware installed to a USB stick mounted at /opt (howto)
dferg / howto-tomato-install-entware.markdown
Last active January 22, 2024 04:40
HOWTO: Install entware on Shibby TomatoUSB


This howto describes installing entware for the Tomato open-source router firmware.


  • USB stick - 1G or more in size
  • USB-capable router running TomatoUSB.

This Howto Was Tested With

arunoda / gist:7790979
Last active September 10, 2024 08:43
Installing SSHPass

Installing SSHPASS

SSHPass is a tiny utility, which allows you to provide the ssh password without using the prompt. This will very helpful for scripting. SSHPass is not good to use in multi-user environment. If you use SSHPass on your development machine, it don't do anything evil.

Installing on Ubuntu

apt-get install sshpass

Installing on OS X

KartikTalwar /
Last active December 22, 2024 01:59
Rsync over SSH - (40MB/s over 1GB NICs)

The fastest remote directory rsync over ssh archival I can muster (40MB/s over 1gb NICs)

This creates an archive that does the following:

rsync (Everyone seems to like -z, but it is much slower for me)

  • a: archive mode - rescursive, preserves owner, preserves permissions, preserves modification times, preserves group, copies symlinks as symlinks, preserves device files.
  • H: preserves hard-links
  • A: preserves ACLs