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  1. Reflection on "29 Behaviors That Will Make You An Unstoppable Programmer" Say I Don't Know, Move Fast and Break Things, Absorb Massive Criticism With Ease. These are the three "Behaviors" that popped out at me when reading through this article. I am learning more and more each day to ask people for help. People are willing to help when others are willing to learn. That being said, code can be developed within a group, and analyzed by others. I know that criticism is a good thing and I will take any criticism as a way to better myself as a developer. I really like what was said in Behavior 29- Move Fast and Break Things. "Do not let perfect be the enemy of good". I've never heard this saying before, and this really resonated with me because I always feel like I need to do something perfectly right away. I understand I will be a constant learner as a programmer. I will continually need to learn new practices and technologies, and perfection (though strived for) should not be something I get hung up on.
megstang /
Created July 30, 2018 22:48
Gear Up Assignment for Prework

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you? I feel like empathy has played a huge role in my life so far, especially my professional life. Having worked as a teacher the last three years, I need students to feel comfortable with me, to trust me, and the only way they will open up is if they feel respected by me. Having empathy for people, in my case students, has helped me invision myself in their shoes.

How does empathy help you build better software? I think empathy helps build better software because we are ultimately interacting with a user, one that we need to understand their viewpoint of. Just like me invisioning myself in my students shoes, I need to invision myself in the users shoes. When working in groups to create code, empathy is a good practice to help with predicting your teams reactions or behaviors, understanding where they're coming from.

Why is empathy important for working on a team? Similar to what I said before, when working on a team, you are working with diff

DTR with Averi:
What are your learning goals for this project?
Averi: Clear understanding of what’s going on...what the code is doing.
Meg: Understand modules better and how we can use them within classes. Also, to better understand how to use data within a CSV.
What drives us in this project?
Averi: Moving on to Mod 2
Meg: Same as Averi… moving on to Mod 2 with a better understanding of ruby necessities
What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
Averi: I prefer pair programming...divide-and-conquer makes me nervous
Meg: I also prefer paired programming
megstang / Storytelling
Created September 17, 2018 21:16
Story Telling
Storytelling Reflection
Describe your 3-act arc by answering these three questions in 1-2 paragraphs:
Who are you: I am a hardworker that always strives to do my best. I've always enjoyed learning new skills, especially in an analytical type of field. Growing up, I always loved math. I enjoy anything that is very logical... especially activities that somewhat parallel a puzzle. I enjoy challenging myself to gain new skills and be the best I can be within a certain subject area. I'm aware that there's always room for improvement, and that is exciting for me.
Why are you here: After graduting from college with a degree in mathematics, I went in to teaching. I loved teaching, but it did not allow me to live a lifestyle that was enjoyable outside of work. I had a desire to have a job that would be mentally stimulating, and would allow me to achieve goals outside of my job. Turing is really touch, and I knew this coming in, but I am enjoying this challenge!
What's next: My ideal position in the future is one in
megstang / Storytelling
Created September 17, 2018 21:16
Story Telling
Storytelling Reflection
Describe your 3-act arc by answering these three questions in 1-2 paragraphs:
Who are you: I am a hardworker that always strives to do my best. I've always enjoyed learning new skills, especially in an analytical type of field. Growing up, I always loved math. I enjoy anything that is very logical... especially activities that somewhat parallel a puzzle. I enjoy challenging myself to gain new skills and be the best I can be within a certain subject area. I'm aware that there's always room for improvement, and that is exciting for me.
Why are you here: After graduting from college with a degree in mathematics, I went in to teaching. I loved teaching, but it did not allow me to live a lifestyle that was enjoyable outside of work. I had a desire to have a job that would be mentally stimulating, and would allow me to achieve goals outside of my job. Turing is really touch, and I knew this coming in, but I am enjoying this challenge!
What's next: My ideal position in the future is one in
megstang / gist:fd55a31fc11a85a7314542857a83cf64
Created September 29, 2018 19:52
Intermission Questions/Answers
Describe, step by step, what happens when I type into my browser and try to go to the page?
- The internet helps the domain name get translated into an IP address. It then sends teh HTTP gets request to the server which sends a response back to the user.
What does HTTP stand for?
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
What protocol does the World Wide Web use?
megstang / Storytelling
Created October 1, 2018 22:24
Rough Draft of Professional Story
I've always known that I've been a nerd for logic. Growing up, things like puzzles and riddles captivated me. When it came time for me to choose a pathway in college, this skill set helped lead me to choose Mathematics. I attended College for Math, but decided that I wanted to also major in something that would help me better give back to the community. With three semesters left, I added an aditional Secondary Education major as well. Following graduation, I was fortunate enough to get a job as an 8th grade math teacher in Fort Collins, Colorado. I loved teaching, and I especially loved the impact I had on the community. Unfortnately, teaching was not the most financially and emotionally sustainable job for me. After three years in teaching, I decided to enter into a field that would not only help me stay financially stable, but could also open doors for me to work in progressive, community driven organizations. It is my hope that with the skillset that Turing provides me, I will be able to one day do this.
Why you want to connect with this person and what you hope to talk about- Mary BEth Burch
When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet- I will contact them by the end of this mod, so that I can maybe shadow them in mod 3 or intermission
What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them- I will make sure to get their contact information, and follow up with any other contacts they give me.
Option #1: If you're going to utilize networking events, look at upcoming networking events on,, or other social networking sites to make a plan for 1 that you can attend between now and the end of Module 3. Decide:
Why is this particular event interesting to you? How will you connect with others at this event? I will be attending a hackathon at the end of October. I have been wanting to attend one of these since we started at Turing, but finally feel that I may be able to contribute a little bit. I will make sure to be social and talk to other groups.
What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?
During the lecture with Jeff, I learned that the Agile approach is more appealing than waterfall. Agile is a process that everyone works on together, continueing to loop back to teh starting spot, add/adjust, and move on. Waterfall is used when you want to make $$$ quick, but there are flaws in this, and that is mainly that you would later need to redo everything once a mistake or addition was made.
How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?
We used to manage tasks, and we also did nightly standups over slack where we would each say what we did that day, and what we plan on doing tomorrow. This is something we tried out for the first time, and I really appreciated this.
megstang / gist:6a65720b6ca2d33934dbd316172c4e63
Created December 3, 2018 21:34
Maria and Meghan DTR -- Brownfield of Dreams
DTR: Define the Relationship
Template for DTR Memo
Project: Brownfield of Dreams
Group Member Names: Maria Torres and Meghan Stang
Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):
Maria- I'd like to finish with time to spare to refactor and dry up code.
Meg- I'd like to get a better understanding of consuming APIs, and develop some muscle memory. I'd also like to finish the whole project as well.