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Created October 30, 2011 12:08
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UTF-8 string to block of Unicode codepoints conversion: Red/System
Red/System []
; function utf8-to-cps (cps = codepoints)
; This function decodes UTF-8 information supplied as bytes in argument u
; and uses the argument res to store the array of codepoints
; (integers >= 0 and < 10FFFFh); the space for this array should have been
; allocated by the caller; an upper limit for the size of the array in bytes
; is 4 times the length of the UTF-8 string. The actual size used is returned.
; For the algorithm, see
; Remarks about the contents:
; (1) Coding errors are skipped until the first correct UTF-8 combination
; is encountered. The first byte of the offending combination is
; replaced by a standard byte according to one of the several options
; described in the article cited above and/or taken from elsewhere.
; (2) Codepoint U+0000 cannot be represented as UTF-8 single byte 00h
; since that signifies end-of-c-string for Red/System!
; However, this code point can be represented by C0h 80h.
; (3) As it stands, the function accepts "overlong" combinations, such as
; C0h 80h or E0h 80h 80h or even F0h 80h 80h 80h for U+0000.
; Uncomment the appropriate lines to test for this.
; (4) In any case, it rejects 4-byte sequences coding for 110000h and higher
; (in fact, up to 1FFFFFh), because codepoints beyond U+10FFFF
; are not defined in the Unicode standard.
; (5) Also, it rejects sequences resulting in the invalid Unicode codepoints
; U+DC00..U+DFFF, which are used in UTF-16 for high and low surrogate halves.
; It may, however, use some of these as replacement in the output.
; Remarks about the coding:
; (1) Another choice of type for the input parameter could have been
; pointer! [byte!], but this would have meant that the length of the
; input must be paassed as an extra parameter. It would have done
; away with the problem of the null byte, though.
; (2) The choice of type for the output parameter is almost forced upon us,
; since Red/System does not have native arrays.
; (3) The shift and bitwise or operators are assumed to be more efficient
; than division and addition. They are also more closely tied to the
; UTF-8 specs, reducing the possibility of errors.
; (4) The cases of invalid byte sequences include:
; - an invalid starting byte
; - an unexpected continuation byte
; - a start byte not followed by enough continuation bytes (incomplete sequence)
; - a sequence that decodes to a value that should use a shorter sequence
; (an "overlong form").
; The first case is caught by the test: unless b1 < C0h
; The second case is caught by the tests: b2 >= 80h b2 < C0h etc.
; The third case is effectively caught by the same tests, since
; b2 >= 80h etc. will fail if b2 = 0 etc.
; Thus there is no need for the equivalent of the protective REBOL clause
; if not tail? next u
; etc.
; The last case is also explicitly caught if the appropriate lines are
; uncommented.
; (5) With a restriction to the BMP (codepoints up to U+FFFF) the resulting
; array of codepoints could have elements that are uint16!, which would
; save half of the space for this array.
#define code-array! [pointer! [integer!]]
#define replacement
; choose one of the following options
FFFDh ; U+FFFD = replacement character
; 1Ah ; U+001A = control SUB (substitute)
; 241Ah ; U+241A = symbol for substitute
; 2426h ; U+2426 = symbol for substitute form two
; 3Fh ; U+003F = question mark
; BFh ; U+00BF = inverted question mark
; DC00h + b1 ; U+DCxx where xx = b1 (never a Unicode codepoint)
utf8-to-cps: func [
u [c-string!]
res [code-array!]
return: [integer!]
b1 b2 b3 b4 ; up to four bytes in a UTF-8 sequence
; for computing purposes they are of integer! type
cp ; computed codepoint
res0 ; start of result
res0: res
while [b1: as-integer u/1 b1 <> 0][
; cycling through res is done at the end; likewise for u
; to account for this, as soon as a multiple byte sequence is consumed
; the pointer in u is moved one less than the number of bytes consumed
either b1 < 80h ; single byte (ASCII)
res/value: b1 ; and we are done
res/value: replacement
; assume error by default - this simplifies code greatly
; res/value is now only set if a correct sequence has been decoded
unless b1 < C0h [ ; 80h - BFh may not start a sequence
case [
b1 < E0h [ ; start of two-byte sequence
b2: as-integer u/2
if all [
b2 >= 80h b2 < C0h
cp: (b1 - C0h << 6) or
(b2 - 80h)
; if any [
; cp > 7Fh ; optional test for overlong
; cp = 0 ; even so, must allow U+0000
; ][
res/value: cp
u: u + 1
; ]
b1 < F0h [ ; start of three-byte sequence
b2: as-integer u/2
b3: as-integer u/3
if all [
b2 >= 80h b2 < C0h
b3 >= 80h b3 < C0h
cp: (b1 - E0h << 12) or
(b2 - 80h << 6) or
(b3 - 80h)
if all [
any [cp < DC00h cp > DCFFh]
; cp > 7FFh ; optional test for overlong
res/value: cp
u: u + 2
b1 < F8h [ ; start of four-byte sequence
b2: as-integer u/2
b3: as-integer u/3
b4: as-integer u/4
if all [
b2 >= 80h b2 < C0h
b3 >= 80h b3 < C0h
b4 >= 80h b4 < C0h
cp: (b1 - F0h << 18) or
(b2 - 80h << 12) or
(b3 - 80h << 6) or
(b4 - 80h)
if all [
cp <= 10FFFFh
; cp > FFFFh ; optional test for overlong
res/value: cp
u: u + 3
; true [
; error case
; ]
res: res + 1
u: u + 1
res - res0
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Looks good to me!

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x8x commented May 14, 2015

Hello Rudolf, I'm having this random problem with Red Console crashing:

  length? ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-in>> ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-out>>  "Regular File" 
;   12
  length? ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-in>> ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-out>>  "Regular File" 
;   12
  length? ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-in>> ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-out>>  "Regular File" 
;   12
  length? ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}
;call-in>> ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}

*** Runtime Error 1: access violation
*** in file: unicode.reds
*** at line: 345

ecall/o is just a wrapper to call/output. This example without wrapper return the same error:

  a: does[call/output {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'} o: ""]
;   func [][call/output {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt...
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]

*** Runtime Error 1: access violation
*** in file: unicode.reds
*** at line: 345

I had one occurrence of this error also (but mostly it's the above error that comes out most):

;call-in>> ecall/o {stat -n -f "%HT" '/i-am-a-file.txt'}

*** Runtime Error 100: no value matched in CASE
*** in file: unicode.reds
*** at line: 276
    load-utf8-buffer: func [
        src        [c-string!]                          ;-- UTF-8 input buffer (zero-terminated)
        size       [integer!]                           ;-- size of src in bytes (including terminal NUL)
        dst        [series!]                            ;-- optional output string! series
        remain     [int-ptr!]                           ;-- number of undecoded bytes at end of buffer
        return:    [node!]
            node   [node!]
            s      [series!]
            buf1   [byte-ptr!]
            buf4   [int-ptr!]
            end    [byte-ptr!]
            unit   [integer!]
            cp     [integer!]                           ;-- computed codepoint
            count  [integer!]
            used   [integer!]
        #if debug? = yes [if verbose > 0 [print-line "unicode/load-utf8-buffer"]]

        assert positive? size 

        either null? dst [                              ;-- test if output buffer is provided
            node: alloc-series size 1 0
            s: as series! node/value
            unit:  Latin1                               ;-- start with 1 byte/codepoint
            node: dst/node
            s: dst
            unit: GET_UNIT(s)
            if s/size / unit < size [
                s: expand-series s size * unit

        buf1:  as byte-ptr! s/offset
        buf4:  null
        end:   buf1 + s/size
        count: size

        if size = 1 [return node]                       ;-- terminal NUL accounted
        ;assert not zero? as-integer src/1              ;@@ ensure input string not empty

        ;-- the first part of loop is Rudolf's code with very minor modifications
        ;-- (res/value replaced by cp, 'u renamed to 'src)
        ;-- original source code:

        until [
            ; cycling through res is done at the end; likewise for src
            ; to account for this, as soon as a multiple byte sequence is consumed
            ; the pointer in src is moved one less than the number of bytes consumed

            used: count                                 ;-- pass number of remaining bytes in input stream
            cp: decode-utf8-char src :used
            if cp = -1 [                                ;-- premature exit if buffer incomplete
                s/tail: as cell! either unit = UCS-4 [buf4][buf1]   ;-- position s/tail at end of loaded characters (no NUL terminator)
                remain/value: count                     ;-- return the number of unprocessed bytes
                return node

line 345 is the return none command of function load-utf8-buffer (above) in %red/runtime/unicode.reds

I'm on mac osx btw. 8-) Using red-console built form latest nightly red +

Do you have an idea what could be going wrong?

Thank you!!
Will Arp

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x8x commented May 14, 2015

Just tried on Archlinux and can't reproduce the error, so it may be os x specific, either in unicode handling or in the call function.

On Archlinux 64:

  a: does [call/output {stat --printf="%F" '/i-am-a-file.txt'} o: ""]
;   func [][call/output {stat --printf="%F" '/i-am-a-file.txt'} o: ""]
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  call/output {stat --printf="%F" '/i-am-a-file.txt'} o: ""
;   0
;   "regular file"
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 10000 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0
  loop 100 [a]
;   0

I hope you are on Mac! ;-)

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