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Created June 1, 2024 17:24
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tree-sitter grammar list
"ada": "",
"agda": "",
"angular": "",
"apex": "",
"arduino": "",
"asm": "",
"astro": "",
"authzed": "",
"awk": "",
"bash": "",
"bass": "",
"beancount": "",
"bibtex": "",
"bicep": "",
"bitbake": "",
"blueprint": "",
"bp": "",
"c": "",
"c_sharp": "",
"cairo": "",
"capnp": "",
"chatito": "",
"clojure": "",
"cmake": "",
"comment": "",
"commonlisp": "",
"cooklang": "",
"corn": "",
"cpon": "",
"cpp": "",
"css": "",
"csv": "",
"cuda": "",
"cue": "",
"d": "",
"dart": "",
"devicetree": "",
"dhall": "",
"diff": "",
"disassembly": "",
"djot": "",
"dockerfile": "",
"dot": "",
"doxygen": "",
"dtd": "",
"earthfile": "",
"ebnf": "",
"eds": "",
"eex": "",
"elixir": "",
"elm": "",
"elsa": "",
"elvish": "",
"embedded_template": "",
"erlang": "",
"facility": "",
"faust": "",
"fennel": "",
"fidl": "",
"firrtl": "",
"fish": "",
"foam": "",
"forth": "",
"fortran": "",
"fsh": "",
"func": "",
"fusion": "",
"gdscript": "",
"gdshader": "",
"git_config": "",
"git_rebase": "",
"gitattributes": "",
"gitcommit": "",
"gitignore": "",
"gleam": "",
"glimmer": "",
"glsl": "",
"gn": "",
"gnuplot": "",
"go": "",
"godot_resource": "",
"gomod": "",
"gosum": "",
"gotmpl": "",
"gowork": "",
"gpg": "",
"graphql": "",
"groovy": "",
"gstlaunch": "",
"hack": "",
"hare": "",
"haskell": "",
"haskell_persistent": "",
"hcl": "",
"heex": "",
"helm": "",
"hjson": "",
"hlsl": "",
"hlsplaylist": "",
"hocon": "",
"hoon": "",
"html": "",
"htmldjango": "",
"http": "",
"hurl": "",
"hyprlang": "",
"idl": "",
"ini": "",
"inko": "",
"ispc": "",
"janet_simple": "",
"java": "",
"javascript": "",
"jq": "",
"jsdoc": "",
"json": "",
"json5": "",
"jsonc": "",
"jsonnet": "",
"julia": "",
"just": "",
"kconfig": "",
"kdl": "",
"kotlin": "",
"koto": "",
"kusto": "",
"lalrpop": "",
"latex": "",
"ledger": "",
"leo": "",
"linkerscript": "",
"liquid": "",
"liquidsoap": "",
"llvm": "",
"lua": "",
"luadoc": "",
"luap": "",
"luau": "",
"m68k": "",
"make": "",
"markdown": "",
"markdown_inline": "",
"matlab": "",
"menhir": "",
"mermaid": "",
"meson": "",
"mlir": "",
"muttrc": "",
"nasm": "",
"nickel": "",
"nim": "",
"nim_format_string": "",
"ninja": "",
"nix": "",
"norg": "",
"nqc": "",
"nu": "",
"nuke": "C:/Users/User/dev/melMass/tree-sitter-nuke",
"nuon": "C:/Users/User/dev/melMass/tree-sitter-nuon",
"objc": "",
"objdump": "",
"ocaml": "",
"ocaml_interface": "",
"ocamllex": "",
"odin": "",
"org": "",
"pascal": "",
"passwd": "",
"pem": "",
"perl": "",
"php": "",
"php_only": "",
"phpdoc": "",
"pioasm": "",
"po": "",
"pod": "",
"poe_filter": "",
"pony": "",
"printf": "",
"prisma": "",
"promql": "",
"properties": "",
"proto": "",
"prql": "",
"psv": "",
"pug": "",
"puppet": "",
"purescript": "",
"pymanifest": "",
"python": "",
"ql": "",
"qmldir": "",
"qmljs": "",
"query": "",
"r": "",
"racket": "",
"rasi": "",
"rbs": "",
"re2c": "",
"readline": "",
"regex": "",
"rego": "",
"requirements": "",
"rnoweb": "",
"robot": "",
"roc": "",
"ron": "",
"rst": "",
"ruby": "",
"rust": "",
"scala": "",
"scfg": "",
"scheme": "",
"scss": "",
"slang": "",
"slint": "",
"smali": "",
"smithy": "",
"snakemake": "",
"solidity": "",
"soql": "",
"sosl": "",
"sourcepawn": "",
"sparql": "",
"sql": "",
"squirrel": "",
"ssh_config": "",
"starlark": "",
"strace": "",
"styled": "",
"supercollider": "",
"surface": "",
"svelte": "",
"swift": "",
"sxhkdrc": "",
"systemtap": "",
"t32": "",
"tablegen": "",
"tact": "",
"tcl": "",
"teal": "",
"templ": "",
"terraform": "",
"textproto": "",
"thrift": "",
"tiger": "",
"tlaplus": "",
"tmux": "",
"todotxt": "",
"toml": "",
"tsv": "",
"tsx": "",
"turtle": "",
"twig": "",
"typescript": "",
"typespec": "",
"typoscript": "",
"typst": "",
"udev": "",
"ungrammar": "",
"unison": "",
"usd": "",
"uxntal": "",
"v": "",
"vala": "",
"vento": "",
"verilog": "",
"vex": "C:/Users/User/dev/melMass/vex-lsp/crates/tree-sitter-vex",
"vhs": "",
"vim": "",
"vimdoc": "",
"vue": "",
"wgsl": "",
"wgsl_bevy": "",
"wing": "",
"wit": "",
"xcompose": "",
"xml": "",
"yaml": "",
"yang": "",
"yuck": "",
"zathurarc": "",
"zig": ""
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