To install tree to get those nice screenshots:
- go here: and copy and paste that long line of text underneath the heading "Install Homebrew" into your terminal and press return
- it will ask you for your admin password, type it in ternminal even thought it's invisible! and press return
- it will ask you to press return, press return!
- after you see your command prompt again, the install of homebrew is done.
- now we install tree. type:
brew install tree
and press return
to use tree, cd into any folder you want to look at, type tree
and press return
These lines of code are meant to be run in your terminal by pasting and pressing enter one after the other.
chsh -s $(which bash)
ORchsh -s /bin/bash
- More info here
for i in {1..2000}; do printf ' ♡ 📂 → ➩ ➪ ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮ '; done;
- sudo scutil --set HostName new_hostname
- restart your computer