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Last active June 20, 2017 09:36
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Tags in DeliverTx response


In the light client (or any other client), the user may want to subscribe to a subset of events (rather than all of them) using /subscribe?event=X. For example, I want to subscribe for all transactions associated with a particular account. Same for fetching. The user may want to fetch transactions based on some filter (rather than fetching all the blocks). For example, I want to get all transactions for a particular account in the last two weeks (tx's block time >= time.Now().Sub(2 * time.Week)).

The goal is a simple and easy to use API for doing that.

Tx Send Flow Diagram -


1. Design question: in the above diagram, why the light client connects to the tendermint directly, but not through the ABCI app? @srm's current architecture looks more like where a client is a part of an ABCI app (he is not using the light-client library). 2. Won't we end up in a place where both Tendermint and App have different indexers (Tendermint storing tx results, App storing domain-specific details)? If so, maybe we should let our users do the indexing stuff. Yes, it means in Basecoin we will have to use KV indexer or or smth else to index accounts. The problem of the tags approach below (see Proposal) is that it doesn't allow complex types ( What if the user wants to index some complex struct. How will we encode this and transfer to the Tendermint? go-wire? (means requiring custom encoding) 3. There is a question of who should manage tx indexing keys - app or tendermint. We've discussed it already. But my question is (maybe it is silly) - why we need a hash in the first place? Is the tuple {heigh, index} not enough? It uniquely identifies transaction.(?) So, instead of letting the app manage the keys or saying that your data should not be malleable, we could send an index field with a DeliverTx request and let the app do the indexing (it can add some domain specific details or smth else - we cannot predict really).

# {block height, tx index} => ...
{123, 10} => [{account_holder, "Joe"}, {account_desc, "Private account}]


ABCI app return tags with a DeliverTx response inside the data field (for now, later we may create a separate field). Tags is a list of key-value pairs.

Example data:

  "channels": ["abci.account_owner.Igor", "abci.account_number.333222111"],
  "work": 10,
  "priority": 5,
  "account.owner": "Igor"

Tendermint will most likely have some reserved tags - e.g. "channels" (see below).

1. Subscribing to events

If the user wants to receive only a subset of events of type X, he/she must return channels tag with a DeliverTx response. For every channel in that list, Tendermint will notify the subscribers.

We will need to add an optional channels field:

/subscribe?event=X - events of type X
/subscribe?event=X&channels="abci.account_owner.Igor" - events of type X tagged `abci.account_owner.Igor`
/subscribe?channels="abci.account_owner.Igor"&channels="abci.account_owner.Ivan" - all events tagged `abci.account_owner.Igor` OR `abci.account_owner.Ivan`
/subscribe?channels="abci.account_owner.Igor" - all events tagged `abci.account_owner.Igor`
/subscribe?event=X&channel_patterns="abci.account_owner.*" - events of type X tagged `abci.account_owner.` (e.g. `abci.account_owner.Igor`, `abci.account_owner.Ivan`)
/subscribe?event=X&channel_patterns="abci.account_owner.*" - all events tagged `abci.account_owner.` (e.g. `abci.account_owner.Igor`, `abci.account_owner.Ivan`)

Frey suggested adding wildcard routes to allow clients to subscribe using regexps (e.g. abci.accounts.*). Do we need full regexp syntax or just a strict subset - *?[? Glob-style pattern matching should be enough (

2. Fetching transactions

This is a bit tricky because a) we want to support a number of indexers, all of which have a different API b) we don't know whenever tags will be sufficient for the most apps (I guess we'll see). c) I am still not convinced this should be on the Tendermint side and not on the ABCI side.

Some indexers (Elasticsearch) require schema (they call it "mapping") to be able to index the data. Where this schema should be defined? And when?

Schema for the account field:

  "account" : {
    "properties" : {
      "owner" : {
        "type" : "string"
      "ID" : {
        "type" : "integer"


  "channels": ["abci.account_owner.Igor", "abci.account_number.333222111"],
  "work": 10,
  "priority": 5,
  "account": { 
    "owner": "Igor Black",
    "ID": 333222111

Or I am digging too deep? What was the original plan? Tags to be a list of strings (["work:5","account_owner.Igor"]), which we index and allow for match queries?

Besides indexing, every indexer has its own query syntax.

Based on the feedback from our users (@srm), we can assume that queries could be arbitrary: tendermint/tendermint#525 (comment).

    "query": {
        "term" : { "account": { "owner": "Igor" } }
        "constant_score": {
            "filter": {
                "range": {
                    tx_commited_at: {
                        "from": "2017-01-01",
                        "to": "2017-05-01"


  • Trusted vs Untrusted index, that we verify after
  • app duplicating hash implementation


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The point where we will have to define a schema for the tags. With the simple key-value pairs we can just say channels should be an array of strings, work and priority - ints, others - strings.

"": "Igor",
"account.address": "0xdeadbeef",
"priority": 7
Otherwise, we have to define a schema somewhere OR pass it every time with the tags (WARNING: more space)

{"key": "", "_keyType": "string", "value": "Igor", "_valueType": "string"}

Yeah, and the schema stuff... knowing which fields are int and which are strings.... real pain.

Especially if it is not hard-coded anywhere, and then an app keeps writing int values in the tag, and suddenly a string and we are just kinda guessing the whole time?

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melekes commented Jun 19, 2017


  • let’s go with the 3rd approach - and not worry too much about performance
  • tags will be a list of KVPairs (protobuf encoded)
    message KVPair {
        string key = 1;
       optional string value_string = 2;
       optional int value_int = 3;
  • disallow duplicate keys for now
  • the work should be done in a separate package
  • what we want is sql like engine (Postgres, SQLlite) (mostly for historic queries)
    | id | tx_result | tx_id | account_address | block height | block creation time |
  • new package should be abstract enough so people are free to choose other than default engine

TM config:

  • whitelist keys which can be used in a fetching query (?) see the table ^^
  • flag for enabling indexing (already exist)

Open issues:

  • there is an issue where there are too many txs

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melekes commented Jun 20, 2017

While designing the library, need to think about concurrency model. events v1 was sequential with a "NOTE: EventSwitch callbacks must be nonblocking"

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