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Created June 20, 2011 09:00
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Save meso-cacase/1035335 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script uses WWW::Mechanize to get siRNAs from siDirect 2.0 web server (
# WWW::Mechanize module is available at CPAN.
# Usage:
# ./ sequence.txt
# sequence.txt is a single FASTA file or a plain nucleotide sequence file (i.e., only contains nucleotide sequence).
# Characters other than A,T,G,C and U are ignored. Both lower-case and upper-case letters are accepted.
# ========== Example of sequence.txt ==========
# ggctgccaag aacctgcagg aggcagaaga atggtacaaa tccaagtttg ctgacctctc
# tgaggctgcc aaccggaaca atgacgccct gcgccaggca aagcaggagt ccactgagta
# ccggagacag gtgcagtccc tcacctgtga agtggatgcc cttaaaggaa ccaatgagtc
# cctggaacgc cagatgcgtg aaatggaaga gaactttgcc gttgaagctg ctaactacca
# agacactatt ggccgcctgc aggatgagat tcagaatatg aaggaggaaa tggctcgtca
# ccttcgtgaa taccaagacc tgctcaatgt taagatggcc cttgacattg agattgccac
# ctacaggaag ctgctggaag gcgaggagag caggatttct ctgcctcttc caaacttttc
# ctccctgaac ctgagggaaa ctaatctgga ttcactccct ctggttgata cccactcaaa
# aaggacactt ctgattaaga cggttgaaac tagagatgga caggttatca acgaaacttc
# tcagcatcac gatgaccttg aataaaaatt gcacacactc agtgcagcaa tatattacca
# ========================================
# If you plan to submit a large number of queries, please insert 'sleep' command to prevent overloading our server.
# Example:
# % ls
# input_sequences/* siDirect_result/
# % cd input_sequences/
# % ls
# NM_000014.fa NM_000015.fa NM_000016.fa [...]
# % foreach n ( * )
# % ../ $n > ../siDirect_result/$n.siRNA
# % sleep 5
# % end
# [...]
# % cd ../siDirect_result/
# % ls
# NM_000014.fa.siRNA NM_000015.fa.siRNA NM_000016.fa.siRNA [...]
# Options:
# siRNA design options can be set using %param. All of the parameters are described in the code below.
# Example 1) Parameters for designing human siRNAs:
# my %param = (
# 'yourSeq' => $input_seq, # input nucleotide sequence into TEXTAREA.
# 'uitei' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei et al.'
# 'seedTm' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Seed-duplex stability:'
# 'seedTmMax' => '21.5', # set 'Max tm' to 21.5 deg C
# 'spe' => 'hs', # select 'Homo sapiens' from 'Specificity check:'
# 'hidenonspe' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Hide less-specific siRNAs'
# ) ;
# Example 2) Parameters for designing human shRNA vectors with pol III promoter:
# my %param = (
# 'yourSeq' => $input_seq, # input nucleotide sequence into TEXTAREA.
# 'uitei' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei et al.'
# 'seedTm' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Seed-duplex stability:'
# 'seedTmMax' => '21.5', # set 'Max tm' to 21.5 deg C
# 'spe' => 'hs', # select 'Homo sapiens' from 'Specificity check:'
# 'hidenonspe' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Hide less-specific siRNAs'
# 'consAT' => '1', # tick the checkbox "Avoid contiguous A's or T's"
# 'consATmax' => '4', # Avoid contiguous A's or T's 4 nt or more
# 'custom' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Custom pattern:'
# 'customPattern' => 'NNGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN', # set Custom pattern
# 'hide' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Only show siRNAs that match all checked criteria'
# ) ;
# 2011-06-20 Written by Yuki Naito at Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS), Japan.
use warnings ;
use strict ;
use WWW::Mechanize ;
my $input_seq = join '', <> ;
my %param = (
'yourSeq' => $input_seq, # input nucleotide sequence into TEXTAREA.
'uitei' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei et al.'
# 'reynolds' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Reynolds et al.'
# 'amarzguioui' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Amarzguioui et al.'
# 'UorRorA' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei + Reynolds + Amarzguioui'
# 'UorRA' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei + Reynolds * Amarzguioui'
# 'URA' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Ui-Tei * Reynolds * Amarzguioui'
'seedTm' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Seed-duplex stability:'
'seedTmMax' => '21.5', # set 'Max tm' to 21.5 deg C
# 'spe' => 'none', # select 'none' from 'Specificity check:'
'spe' => 'hs', # select 'Homo sapiens' from 'Specificity check:'
# 'spe' => 'mm', # select 'Mus musculus' from 'Specificity check:'
# 'spe' => 'rn', # select 'Rattus norvegicus' from 'Specificity check:'
'hidenonspe' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Hide less-specific siRNAs'
# 'hitcount' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Show number of off-target hits within three mismatches'
# 'pos' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Target range:'
# 'posStart' => '1', # set start position to 1
# 'posEnd' => '100', # set end position to 100
# 'consGC' => '1', # tick the checkbox "Avoid contiguous G's or C's"
# 'consGCmax' => '4', # Avoid contiguous G's or C's 4 nt or more
# 'consAT' => '1', # tick the checkbox "Avoid contiguous A's or T's"
# 'consATmax' => '4', # Avoid contiguous A's or T's 4 nt or more
# 'percentGC' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'GC content:'
# 'percentGCMin' => '0', # set minimum GC content to 0%
# 'percentGCMax' => '100', # set maximum GC content to 100%
# 'custom' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Custom pattern:'
# 'customPattern' => 'NNGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN', # set Custom pattern
# 'exclude' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Exclude pattern:'
# 'excludePattern' => '', # set Exclude pattern
# 'hide' => '1', # tick the checkbox 'Only show siRNAs that match all checked criteria'
# 'ALL' => '1', # DEBUG MODE; show all siRNAs
) ;
my $html = crawl_siDirect2(%param) ;
my $tab_delimited_result = parse_result_html($html) ;
print $tab_delimited_result ;
exit ;
# ====================
sub crawl_siDirect2 {
my %param = @_ ;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new ;
$mech->get('') ;
$mech->form_name('siDirect') ;
$mech->set_fields(%param) ;
$mech->submit ;
my $html = $mech->content ;
return $html ;
} ;
# ====================
sub parse_result_html {
my $html = $_[0] || '' ;
if ($html =~ /<textarea.*?>\n(.*?)<\/textarea>/is){
return $1 ;
} else {
return "Error: cannot retrieve siDirect 2.0 result.\n" ;
} ;
# ====================
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