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What I Understand about PowerShell Approved Verbs

PowerShell Tips

Write-Host vs Write-Output

Write-Host writes directly to the console; Write-Output writes to the pipeline, which often ends up to the console but not necessarily.

For example: Write-Host "The Cake is a lie" | Out-Null won't work as expected, Write-Output "The Cake is a lie" | Out-Null will.

False Friends

The following verbs don't exist in the Approved verbs list:

  • Retrieve: Use Get instead;
  • Locate: Use Find or Search instead;
  • Build (I really miss this one): Use New, Initialize or Publish instead;
  • Configure: Use Initialize instead;
  • Put: Use Set, Add, Move, Register or Install instead;
  • Load: Use Import instead;
  • Setup: Use Install or Initialize instead.

Reserved Verbs

Format, ForEach, Where, Group, Sort and Tee are reserved verbs. These are used by the PowerShell language, or by special case commandlets.

Differences Between PowerShell Approved Verbs

Get vs. Find vs. Search

Get-* retrieves a precise something (i.e. an object, a resource, a value... Anything that can be represented by a POCO in PowerShell and .NET) from a given container of things. It takes a relatively short time.

Find-* tries to retrieve something from a given container of things. It takes a relatively long time.

Search-* tries to retrieve a reference of something from a given container of things. It takes a relatively long time.


Select-* extracts or transforms from its input to produce some differently structured output. Think of it like the Linq's Select clause.

Depending on the parameters it's been given, Select-Object can act as a filter like Where-Object, through Where-Object is much lower level.

Get vs. Read vs. Receive

Get-* retrieves data from an resource (e.g. a file, an object, an environment variable).

Read-* retrieves data from the console or the pipeline. The notion of stream isn't very far.

Receive-* retrieves data asynchronously (e.g. from the network).

Set vs. Write vs. Send

Set-* amends the data of a resource (e.g. a file, an object, an environment variable).

Write-* produces and displays data on the console or the pipeline. Writing data is a final outcome.

Send-* issues data asynchronously (e.g. over the network). Sending data is only a first step, this data will be acted upon later, likely by another process.

Write vs. Out

Write-* produces some output.

Out-* redirects the output of a pipeline. Think of it like Bash's redirections (e.g. > /dev/null, >> /var/log/cake.log).

New vs. Add

New-* makes up a brand new something, likely empty or in a default state.

Add-* appends data to an existing something.

Add vs. Register

Add-* appends data to a something.

Register-* creates a record about something in a container (e.g. a database).

Initialize vs. Install

Initialize-* performs the first configuration of something.

Install-* sets something up when it wasn't there before. Install is higher level than Initialize: it can be seen as { New | Move | Copy } + [ Initialize ].

New vs. Install

New-* makes up a brand new something, likely in a default state.

Install-* puts an existing something in the right place. It may also configure it by the way. Install is higher level than New: it can be seen as { New | Move | Copy } + [ Initialize ].

Test vs. Assert vs. Confirm vs. Approve

Test-* checks the existence, availability, and basic correctness (i.e. coherence, shape, structure, syntax) of something.

Confirm-* :: rethorical question or answer to an external request?

Assert-* Doesn't seem to be used anywhere. The only examples on the MSDN return 404s...

Approve-* is not used neither...

PowerShell Approved Verbs Defininitions


Approved Verbs Listing: Adds a resource to a container, or attaches an item to another item. For example, the Add-Content cmdlet adds content to a file. Avoid using Append, Attach, Concatenate, or Insert instead.

VerbsCommon.Add: Synonyms: Add to, append or attach.


Approved Verbs Listing: Confirms or agrees to the status of a resource or process.

VerbsLifecycle.Approve: Agree to the status of a resource or process.


Approved Verbs Listing: Affirms the state of a resource. Avoid using Certify instead.

VerbsLifecycle.Assert: State or affirm the state of an object.


Approved Verbs Listing: Acknowledges, verifies, or validates the state of a resource or process. Avoid using Acknowledge, Agree, Certify, Validate, or Verify instead.

VerbsLifecycle.Confirm: Acknowledge, verify, or validate the state of a resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to look for an object. Looks for an object in a container that is unknown, implied, optional, or specified.

VerbsCommon.Find: Search for an object.


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to retrieve a resource, such as a file. Specifies an action that retrieves a resource. Avoid using Read, Open, Cat, Type, Dir, Obtain, Dump, Acquire, Examine, Find, or Search instead.

VerbsCommon.Get: Get the contents / object / children / properties / relations / ... of a resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Prepares a resource for use, and sets it to a default state. Avoid using Erase, Init, Renew, Rebuild, Reinitialize, or Setup instead.

VerbsData.Initialize: Prepare a resource for use. Assign a beginning value to something.


Approved Verbs Listing: Places a resource in a location, and optionally initializes it. Avoid using Setup instead.

VerbsLifecycle.Install: Settle in an indicated place or condition (optionally initializing for use).


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to create a new resource. Creates a resource. (The Set verb can also be used when creating a resource that includes data, such as the Set-Variable cmdlet.) Avoid using Create, Generate, Build, Make, or Allocate instead.

VerbsCommon.New: Create a new resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Sends data out of the environment. For example, the Out-Printer commandlet sends data to a printer.

VerbsData.Out: Out - direct to a port. Output something to a port.


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to get information from a source, such as a file. Acquires information from a source. Avoid using Acquire, Prompt, or Get instead.

VerbsCommunications.Read: To read - to obtain (data) from a storage medium or port.


Approved Verbs Listing: Accepts information sent from a source. This verb is paired with Send. Avoid using Read, Accept, or Peek instead.

VerbsCommunications.Receive: Take or acquire from a source.


Approved Verbs Listing: Creates an entry for a resource in a repository such as a database.

VerbsLifecycle.Register: Record details about an item in a public store or publishing location.


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to create a reference to a resource in a container. Creates a reference to a resource in a container. Avoid using Find or Locate instead.

VerbsCommon.Search: Get a reference to a resource or summary information about a resource by looking in a specified collection. Does not actually retrieve that resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Locates a resource in a container. For example, the Select-String commandlet finds text in strings and files. Avoid using Find or Locate instead.

VerbsCommon.Select: To take as a choice from among several; pick out.


Approved Verbs Listing: Delivers information to a destination. This verb is paired with Receive. Avoid using Put, Broadcast, Mail, or Fax instead.

VerbsCommunications.Send: Convey by an intermediary to a destination.


Approved Verbs Listing: Used to modify an existing resource, optionally creating the resource if it does not exist, such as the Set-Variable cmdlet. Replaces data on an existing resource or creates a resource that contains some data. For example, the Set-Date cmdlet changes the system time on the local computer. (The New verb can also be used to create a resource.) Avoid using Write, Reset, Assign, or Configure instead.

VerbsCommon.Set: Set the contents / object / properties / relations / ... of a resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Verifies the operation or consistency of a resource. Avoid using Diagnose, Analyze, Salvage, or Verify instead.

VerbsDiagnostic.Test: Verify the operational validity or consistency of a resource.


Approved Verbs Listing: Adds information to a target. Avoid using Put or Print instead.

VerbsCommunications.Write: To write - communicate or express. Display data.

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