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Last active September 11, 2015 17:06
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Dijkstra with Heaps for problem set 5 udacity course intro to algorithms
# udacity ps 5.1
class BinaryHeap(object):
"""BinaryHeap for maintaining ordered
list of nodes with smallest score at the
top of the heap.
Cannot have more than one node with same key."""
def __init__(self):
self.ordered = []
self.length = 0 = {}
def insert(self, key, score):
Append node to heap, update map and length,
then upheapify on that node.
# update map
i = self.length[key] = i
# append to heap
self.ordered.append({"key": key, "score": score})
# update length
self.length += 1
# no need to upheapify on one node
if self.length > 1:
def pop(self):
Removes root node (smallest).
Replaces this deleted root node with the last element from
the ordered list and downheapifies.
# remove the root node from data structures
smallest = self.ordered.pop(0)
self.length -= 1
if self.length == 0:
return smallest
elif self.length == 1:
# already sorted
elif self.ordered:
# move last element to the root
# and downheapify on that node
self.ordered.insert(0, self.ordered.pop())
return smallest
def decrement_score(self, key, new_score):
Get index of node from map.
Update with new score.
Upheapify on that node.
i =[key]
self.ordered[i]["score"] = new_score
def smallest_key(self):
return self.ordered[0]["key"]
def fetch_score(self, key):
return self.ordered[[key]]["score"]
def upheapify(self, i):
If its not the root node and the parent is bigger
swap it with the parent and iterate on its new position.
while i:
# get parent
current = self.ordered[i]
j = self.parent(i)
parent = self.ordered[j]
if parent["score"] > current["score"]:
# parent is greater swap
self.swap(i, j)
i = j
# heap property maintained
def downheapify(self, i):
- if it is a leaf return
- if it has one child and that child is smaller,
swap it and finish.
- if it has two children, swap it with the smallest one
and iterate on its new position
while True:
current = self.ordered[i]
l = self.left_child(i)
r = self.right_child(i)
# if is a leaf
if l >= len(self.ordered):
left = self.ordered[l]
if self.one_child(i):
if left["score"] < current["score"]:
# left child is smaller
self.swap(i, l)
# has two children
right = self.ordered[r]
# heap property maintained
if min(left['score'], right['score']) >= current['score']:
# left is smaller
if left["score"] < right["score"]:
self.swap(i, l)
i = l
# right child is the smallest
self.swap(i, r)
i = r
def swap(self, i, j):
self.ordered[i], self.ordered[j] = self.ordered[j], self.ordered[i]
map(self._update_map, [i, j])
def _update_map(self, i):[self.ordered[i]["key"]] = i
def parent(self, i):
return (i - 1) // 2
def left_child(self, i):
return 2 * i + 1
def right_child(self, i):
return 2 * i + 2
def one_child(self, i):
return self.right_child(i) >= self.length
def dijkstra(G, v):
heap = BinaryHeap()
heap.insert(v, 0)
final_dist = {}
while heap.length:
# Found shortest path to node w.
# lock it down!
smallest_so_far = heap.pop()
w = smallest_so_far['key']
final_dist[w] = smallest_so_far['score']
for x in G[w]:
# Skip nodes we already have shortest
# dist for.
if x in final_dist:
new_dist = final_dist[w] + G[w][x]
if x not in
# add new node to the heap
heap.insert(x, new_dist)
elif new_dist < heap.fetch_score(x):
# found a better path to the node
heap.decrement_score(x, new_dist)
return final_dist
# Test
def make_link(G, node1, node2, w):
if node1 not in G:
G[node1] = {}
if node2 not in G[node1]:
(G[node1])[node2] = 0
(G[node1])[node2] += w
if node2 not in G:
G[node2] = {}
if node1 not in G[node2]:
(G[node2])[node1] = 0
(G[node2])[node1] += w
return G
def test():
# shortcuts
(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G')
triples = ((a, c, 3), (c, b, 10), (a, b, 15), (d, b, 9), (a, d, 4), (d, f, 7), (d, e, 3),
(e, g, 1), (e, f, 5), (f, g, 2), (b, f, 1))
G = {}
for (i, j, k) in triples:
make_link(G, i, j, k)
dist = dijkstra(G, a)
assert dist[g] == 8 # (a -> d -> e -> g)
assert dist[b] == 11 # (a -> d -> e -> g -> f -> b)
# TODO: generate a random graph
# for 100 nodes, pick a random node,
# pick a random weight make a connection
if __name__ == '__main__':
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