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mfeineis / ElmCypressApiExploration.elm
Created May 18, 2019 00:50
A quick sketch of how we could map the API to something nice in Elm
module Main exposing (main)
import Html
main =
Html.text "Hello, World!"
-- API
mfeineis / NotHdom.js
Created November 10, 2018 22:56
hdomy fiddling
const DomDriver = {};
const assemble = () => null;
const at = () => null;
const range = () => null;
const render = () => null;
const set = () => null;
const DEC = "intent:DECREMENT";
const INC = "intent:INCREMENT";
mfeineis / Dockerfile
Last active September 7, 2018 13:47
Minimal Elm Docker image based on alpine
FROM alpine
RUN apk add binutils && wget -qO - "" | tar -zxC /usr/local/bin/ && strip /usr/local/bin/elm && apk del binutils
mfeineis /
Last active August 21, 2018 19:23
A list of stuff that can be improved on the freshly release Elm 0.19 Guide

This is taken from a thread on slack that tried unsuccessfully to coordinate issues of the guide :-)

elm install NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline

instead of:

mfeineis / enhance.js
Created May 13, 2018 18:45
Fiddling on how to decouple global routing by having the supported modules register themselves via the router - inverting the dependency (i.e.
// wheather-local.hybrid.js
import { http } from "http";
function registration(require) {
// The router registration for the "wheather-local" widget
// will be moved to the main application
require(["env", "router"], ({ api }, { register }) => (
fragment: `${api}/fragments/wheather-local`,
mfeineis /
Created May 13, 2018 14:56
Gets the stuff that might be interesting to debug Elm compiler issues
lsb_release -a
uname -a
stack --version
mfeineis /
Created March 24, 2018 11:21
A recorded conversation off the Elm slack regarding good WebGL resources

rlking [11:39 AM] There is this site which has all these nice background effects, which seems to be made with webgl. I’d like to make an Elm lib containing some. 1 Would it be possible? 2 What’s a good place to start? I assume webgl basics, but any other tips regarding image manipulation? (edited) Stuff like this as well & (edited)

passiomatic [11:56 AM] At least on the they use canvas so it could be WebGL. Phil Rhie, LA-based designer. 🇺🇸🇰🇷 Persona