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Created May 18, 2019 00:50
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A quick sketch of how we could map the API to something nice in Elm
module Main exposing (main)
import Html
main =
Html.text "Hello, World!"
-- API
type Alias
= CurrentUser
e2e cy =
describe "The Home Page"
[ it "successfully loads"
[ visit "/posts/new"
, getInput ""
|> typeIn "My first post"
, elementThatContains "Submit" |> click
, currentUrl
|> shouldContain "/posts/my-first-post"
, log "Almost there..."
, getNode "h1"
|> shouldContain "My First Post"
, it "displays form validation"
[ getInput "#first" |> clear
, getForm "form" |> submit
, getNode "#errors"
|> shouldContain "Fist name is required"
, it "can fetch from the API"
[ request "/posts/3"
|> its "body"
|> as_ CurrentUser
suite =
{ baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"
describe label fn =
Debug.todo "Boom!"
it label fn =
Debug.todo "Boom!"
configure config tests =
Debug.todo "Boom!"
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