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Mike Fikes mfikes

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React Native + macOS + Clojurescript


Project Catalyst

Since the recent release of Catalina, macOS has shipped with the ability to allow iOS/iPAD apps to run on macOS without any modification via a featureset known as Project Catalyst.

This is exciting, as writing React Native + Clojurescript apps as a target for the desktop is much more compelling than a pure Electron app (imo).

(ns laboratory.advent-code-2018
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
(declare reach-twice)
(deftest advent-code-day1-part2
(is (= 0 (reach-twice [+1 -1])))
(is (= 10 (reach-twice [+3 +3 +4 -2 -4])))
; I mostly use Clojure running on the JVM, and ClojureScript that compiles into
; JavaScript that runs in browser
; But there are two great ClojureScripts that feel more like scripting.
; - Lumo runs on top of Node.js and can therefore use npm libraries
; - Planck runs on JavaScriptCore which powers Safari (I think)
; I chose lumo because the first Google result "clojurescript parse json"
athos / deps.edn
Last active June 2, 2024 08:57
Try on your terminal `clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {hello-clojure/hello-clojure {:git/url "" :git/sha "099bdf7d565b2c35c1df601abf58514cc5276237"}}}' -M -m hello-clojure`
{:paths ["."]
:deps {clansi/clansi {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}}}