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Created June 22, 2012 11:17
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Produce a disk inventory for fridge:
- how many hard disks and how large
- how are they partitioned
- how are the RAID devices defined
- where are they mounted
- how much space is used and how much is free
Written by Marius Gedminas <>
import collections
import optparse
import os
__version__ = '1.1.3'
FilesystemInfo = collections.namedtuple('FilesystemInfo',
'device mountpoint fstype size_kb used_kb avail_kb')
PVInfo = collections.namedtuple('PVInfo', 'device vgname')
VGInfo = collections.namedtuple('VGInfo', 'name size_kb used_kb free_kb')
LVInfo = collections.namedtuple('LVInfo', 'name vgname size_sectors device')
DMInfo = collections.namedtuple('LVInfo', 'name major minor')
class LinuxDiskInfo(object):
_swap_devices_cache = None
_filesystems_cache = None
_filesystems_by_device_cache = None
_lvm_pvs_cache = None
_dm_cache = None
def _swap_devices(self):
if self._swap_devices_cache is None:
self._swap_devices_cache = self.list_swap_devices()
return self._swap_devices_cache
def _filesystems(self):
if self._filesystems_cache is None:
self._filesystems_cache = self.list_filesystems()
return self._filesystems_cache
def _filesystems_by_device(self):
if self._filesystems_by_device_cache is None:
self._filesystems_by_device_cache = dict(
(r.device, r) for r in self._filesystems)
return self._filesystems_by_device_cache
def _lvm_pvs(self):
if self._lvm_pvs_cache is None:
self._lvm_pvs_cache = dict(
(pv.device, pv) for pv in self.list_lvm_physical_volumes())
return self._lvm_pvs_cache
def _dms(self):
if self._dm_cache is None:
self._dm_cache = dict(
(, dm) for dm in self.list_device_mapper())
return self._dm_cache
def _read_string(self, filename):
with open(filename) as f:
def _read_int(self, filename):
return int(self._read_string(filename))
def list_swap_devices(self):
"""Return short device names such as ['sda1']"""
res = []
with open('/proc/swaps') as f:
f.readline() # skip header
for line in f:
filename = line.split()[0]
if filename.startswith('/dev/'):
return res
def list_filesystems(self):
"""Return a list of FilesystemInfo tuples."""
res = []
with os.popen('df -P --local --print-type') as f:
f.readline() # skip header
for line in f:
device, fstype, size_kb, used_kb, avail_kb, use_percent, mountpoint = line.split()
if device.startswith('/dev/'):
res.append(FilesystemInfo(device[len('/dev/'):], mountpoint, fstype, int(size_kb), int(used_kb), int(avail_kb)))
return res
def list_physical_disks(self):
"""Return physical disk names such as ['sda', 'sdb'].
Limitations: only handles ATA/SATA/SCSI disks; no RAID or whatnot.
return sorted(name for name in os.listdir('/sys/block')
if name.startswith('sd'))
def list_device_mapper(self):
"""Return a list of DMInfo tuples."""
res = []
with os.popen('dmsetup -c --noheadings info') as f:
for line in f:
# name, major, minor, attr, open, segments, events, uuid.
name, major, minor, _, _, _, _, _ = line.split(':')
res.append(DMInfo(name, int(major), int(minor)))
return res
def list_lvm_volume_groups(self):
"""Return volume groups names."""
res = []
with os.popen('vgdisplay -c 2>/dev/null') as f:
for line in f:
# columns:
# 1 volume group name
# 2 volume group access
# 3 volume group status
# 4 internal volume group number
# 5 maximum number of logical volumes
# 6 current number of logical volumes
# 7 open count of all logical volumes in this volume group
# 8 maximum logical volume size
# 9 maximum number of physical volumes
# 10 current number of physical volumes
# 11 actual number of physical volumes
# 12 size of volume group in kilobytes
# 13 physical extent size
# 14 total number of physical extents for this volume group
# 15 allocated number of physical extents for this volume group
# 16 free number of physical extents for this volume group
# 17 uuid of volume group
(vgname, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, size_kb, extent_size_kb,
n_extents, used_extents, free_extents,
uuid) = line.strip().split(':')
res.append(VGInfo(vgname, int(size_kb),
int(used_extents) * int(extent_size_kb),
int(free_extents) * int(extent_size_kb)))
return res
def list_lvm_physical_volumes(self):
"""Return a list of PVInfo tuples."""
res = []
with os.popen('pvdisplay -c 2>/dev/null') as f:
for line in f:
# the "wtf" column is "physical volume (not) allocatable"
# the _ column is "internal physical volume number (obsolete)"
(device, vgname, size_kb, _, status, wtf, n_volumes,
extent_size_kb, n_extents, free_extents,
used_extents, uuid) = line.strip().split(':')
if device.startswith('/dev/'):
res.append(PVInfo(device[len('/dev/'):], vgname))
return res
def list_lvm_logical_volumes(self):
res = []
with os.popen('lvdisplay -c 2>/dev/null') as f:
for line in f:
# columns:
# - logical volume name
# - volume group name
# - logical volume access
# - logical volume status
# - internal logical volume number
# - open count of logical volume
# - logical volume size in sectors
# - current logical extents associated to logical volume
# - allocated logical extents of logical volume
# - allocation policy of logical volume
# - read ahead sectors of logical volume
# - major device number of logical volume
# - minor device number of logical volume
(name, vgname, _, _, _, _, size_sectors, cur_extents,
alloc_extents, _, _, _, _) = line.strip().split(':')
lvname = name.rpartition('/')[-1] # /dev/{vgname}/{lvname}
device = 'mapper/{vgname}-{lvname}'.format(
vgname=vgname.replace('-', '--'),
lvname=lvname.replace('-', '--'),
res.append(LVInfo(lvname, vgname, int(size_sectors), device))
return res
def get_disk_size_sectors(self, disk_name):
return self._read_int('/sys/block/%s/size' % disk_name)
def get_disk_size_bytes(self, disk_name):
# Experiments show that the kernel always reports 512-byte sectors,
# even when the disk uses 4KiB sectors.
return self.get_disk_size_sectors(disk_name) * 512
def get_disk_model(self, disk_name):
return self._read_string('/sys/block/%s/device/model' % disk_name)
def get_disk_firmware_rev(self, disk_name):
return self._read_string('/sys/block/%s/device/rev' % disk_name)
def list_partitions(self, disk_name):
"""Return partition names such as ['sda1', ...].
Includes primary, extended and logical partition names.
return sorted(name for name in os.listdir('/sys/block/%s' % disk_name)
if name.startswith(disk_name))
def get_dm_for(self, name):
"""Find device mapper with a given name."""
return 'dm-%d' % self._dms[name].minor
def get_sys_dir_for_partition(self, partition_name):
"""Find /sys directory name from partition name (e.g. 'sda1')."""
if partition_name.startswith('mapper/'):
name = partition_name[len('mapper/'):]
return '/sys/block/%s' % self.get_dm_for(name)
return '/sys/block/%s/%s' % (partition_name[:3], partition_name)
def get_partition_size_sectors(self, partition_name):
sysdir = self.get_sys_dir_for_partition(partition_name)
return self._read_int(sysdir + '/size')
def get_partition_size_bytes(self, partition_name):
return self.get_partition_size_sectors(partition_name) * 512
def get_partition_offset_sectors(self, partition_name):
sysdir = self.get_sys_dir_for_partition(partition_name)
return self._read_int(sysdir + '/start')
def get_partition_offset_bytes(self, partition_name):
return self.get_partition_offset_sectors(partition_name) * 512
def list_partition_holders(self, partition_name):
sysdir = self.get_sys_dir_for_partition(partition_name)
return sorted(os.listdir(sysdir + '/holders'))
def get_partition_fsinfo(self, partition_name):
holders = self.list_partition_holders(partition_name)
raid_devices = [d for d in holders if d.startswith('md')]
for dev in [partition_name] + raid_devices:
fsinfo = self._filesystems_by_device.get(dev)
if fsinfo is not None:
return fsinfo
return None
def get_partition_usage(self, partition_name):
users = []
pv = self._lvm_pvs.get(partition_name)
if pv:
users.append('LVM: ' + pv.vgname)
if partition_name in self._swap_devices:
fsinfo = self.get_partition_fsinfo(partition_name)
if fsinfo is not None:
return ' '.join(users)
def fmt_size_si(bytes):
size, units = bytes, 'B'
for prefix in 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB':
if size >= 1024:
size, units = size / 1024., prefix
return '%.1f %s' % (size, units)
def fmt_size_decimal(bytes):
size, units = bytes, 'B'
for prefix in 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB':
if size >= 1000:
size, units = size / 1000., prefix
return '%.1f %s' % (size, units)
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbose',
parser.add_option('--decimal', help='use decimal units (1 KB = 1000 B)',
action='store_const', dest='fmt_size',
parser.add_option('--si', help='use SI units (1 KiB = 1024 B)',
action='store_const', dest='fmt_size',
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
fmt_size = opts.fmt_size
info = LinuxDiskInfo()
for disk in info.list_physical_disks():
disk_size_bytes = info.get_disk_size_bytes(disk)
template = "{disk}: {model} ({size})"
if opts.verbose >= 2:
template += ', firmware revision {fwrev}'
print template.format(
unallocated = disk_size_bytes
partition = None
last_partition_end = 0
for partition in info.list_partitions(disk):
partition_size_bytes = info.get_partition_size_bytes(partition)
if partition_size_bytes <= 1024*1024 and opts.verbose < 2:
# all extended partitions I've seen show up as being 2 sectors
# big. maybe they would become bigger if I had more logical
# partitions?
usage = info.get_partition_usage(partition)
fsinfo = info.get_partition_fsinfo(partition)
print " {name:8} {size:>10} {usage:30} {free_space:>15}".format(
name=partition + ':',
free_space=fmt_size(fsinfo.avail_kb * 1024) + ' free' if fsinfo
else '',
unallocated -= partition_size_bytes
partition_start = info.get_partition_offset_bytes(partition)
partition_end = partition_start + partition_size_bytes
last_partition_end = max(last_partition_end, partition_end)
free_space_at_end = disk_size_bytes - last_partition_end
if free_space_at_end and (opts.verbose >= 2
or free_space_at_end > 100*1000**2): # megs
print " {spacing:8} {size:>10} (unused)".format(
unallocated -= free_space_at_end
if unallocated and opts.verbose >= 2:
print " {spacing:8} {size:>10} (metadata/internal fragmentation)".format(
for vgroup in info.list_lvm_volume_groups():
template = "{vgroup}: LVM ({size})"
print template.format(,
size=fmt_size(vgroup.size_kb * 1024),
for lv in info.list_lvm_logical_volumes():
if lv.vgname !=
usage = info.get_partition_usage(lv.device)
fsinfo = info.get_partition_fsinfo(lv.device)
print " {name:8} {size:>10} {usage:30} {free_space:>15}".format(':',
size=fmt_size(lv.size_sectors * 512),
free_space=fmt_size(fsinfo.avail_kb * 1024) + ' free' if fsinfo
else '',
if vgroup.free_kb >= 1024 or opts.verbose >= 2:
print " {name:8} {size:>10}".format(
size=fmt_size(vgroup.free_kb * 1024),
if __name__ == '__main__':
mg@fridge:~ $ disk-inventory
sda: ST1000NM0011 (1.0 TB)
sda1: 2.0 GB swap
sda2: 1.0 GB md0 ext3 / 311.2 MB free
sda5: 15.0 GB md1 ext3 /var 3.3 GB free
sda6: 5.0 GB md2 ext3 /usr 1.4 GB free
sda7: 230.0 GB md3 ext3 /home 25.4 GB free
sda8: 247.1 GB md4 ext3 /stuff 70.7 GB free
sda9: 500.1 GB
sdb: ST3500320AS (500.1 GB)
sdb1: 2.0 GB swap
sdb2: 1.0 GB md0 ext3 / 311.2 MB free
sdb5: 15.0 GB md1 ext3 /var 3.3 GB free
sdb6: 5.0 GB md2 ext3 /usr 1.4 GB free
sdb7: 230.0 GB md3 ext3 /home 25.4 GB free
sdb8: 247.1 GB md4 ext3 /stuff 70.7 GB free
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mgedmin commented Aug 14, 2013

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