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Created December 21, 2022 08:35
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Advent of Code 2022 solution for day 21
use std::collections::HashMap;
use num_rational::Rational64;
pub type Number = Rational64;
pub enum Expr<'a> {
Add(&'a str, &'a str),
Sub(&'a str, &'a str),
Mul(&'a str, &'a str),
Div(&'a str, &'a str),
use Expr::*;
pub fn parse_expr(s: &str) -> Expr {
if let Ok(n) = s.parse::<Number>() {
return Number(n);
let (a, rest) = s.split_once(' ').unwrap();
let (op, b) = rest.split_once(' ').unwrap();
match op {
"+" => Add(a, b),
"-" => Sub(a, b),
"*" => Mul(a, b),
"/" => Div(a, b),
_ => panic!("bad operation"),
pub type Monkeys<'a> = HashMap<&'a str, Expr<'a>>;
pub fn parse_monkeys(input: &str) -> Monkeys {
input.lines().map(|line| {
let (name, expr) = line.split_once(": ").unwrap();
(name, parse_expr(expr))
pub fn eval<'a>(monkeys: &Monkeys<'a>, which: &'a str, cache: &mut HashMap<&'a str, Number>) -> Number {
match cache.get(which) {
Some(n) => *n,
None => {
let n = match monkeys.get(which) {
Some(Number(n)) => *n,
Some(Add(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache) + eval(monkeys, b, cache),
Some(Sub(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache) - eval(monkeys, b, cache),
Some(Mul(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache) * eval(monkeys, b, cache),
Some(Div(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache) / eval(monkeys, b, cache),
Some(Unknown) => panic!("this is for part 2"),
None => panic!("bad monkey reference"),
cache.insert(which, n);
pub fn part1(input: &str) -> Number {
let monkeys = parse_monkeys(input);
eval(&monkeys, "root", &mut HashMap::new())
use crate::part1::{parse_monkeys, Expr, Monkeys, Number};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Sub};
use num_traits::sign::Signed;
use Expr::*;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Formula {
// let's try a * x + b
a: Number,
b: Number,
impl std::fmt::Debug for Formula {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let zero = 0.into();
let one: Number = 1.into();
match (self.a, self.b) {
(a, b) if a == zero => write!(f, "{}", b),
(a, b) if a == one && b == zero => write!(f, "x"),
(a, b) if a == one && b > zero => write!(f, "x + {}", b),
(a, b) if a == one && b < zero => write!(f, "x - {}", b.abs()),
(a, b) if b == zero => write!(f, "{} * x", a),
(a, b) if b > zero => write!(f, "{} * x + {}", a, b),
(a, b) if b < zero => write!(f, "{} * x - {}", a, b.abs()),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl Add<Formula> for Formula {
type Output = Formula;
fn add(self, other: Formula) -> Self::Output {
Formula {
a: self.a + other.a,
b: self.b + other.b,
impl Sub<Formula> for Formula {
type Output = Formula;
fn sub(self, other: Formula) -> Self::Output {
Formula {
a: self.a - other.a,
b: self.b - other.b,
impl Mul<Formula> for Formula {
type Output = Formula;
fn mul(self, other: Formula) -> Self::Output {
// (ax + b) * (cx + d) = acx**2 + (ad + bc) x + bd
let (a, b) = (self.a, self.b);
let (c, d) = (other.a, other.b);
if a * c != 0.into() {
panic!("unexpected quadratic");
Formula {
a: (a * d + b * c),
b: b * d,
impl Div<Formula> for Formula {
type Output = Formula;
fn div(self, other: Formula) -> Self::Output {
let (a, b) = (self.a, self.b);
let (c, d) = (other.a, other.b);
if c != 0.into() {
panic!("unexpected division by x");
Formula { a: a / d, b: b / d }
pub fn eval<'a>(
monkeys: &Monkeys<'a>,
which: &'a str,
cache: &mut HashMap<&'a str, Formula>,
debug: bool,
) -> Formula {
match cache.get(which) {
Some(n) => *n,
None => {
let n = match monkeys.get(which) {
Some(Number(n)) => Formula { a: 0.into(), b: *n },
Some(Add(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache, debug) + eval(monkeys, b, cache, debug),
Some(Sub(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache, debug) - eval(monkeys, b, cache, debug),
Some(Mul(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache, debug) * eval(monkeys, b, cache, debug),
Some(Div(a, b)) => eval(monkeys, a, cache, debug) / eval(monkeys, b, cache, debug),
Some(Unknown) => Formula {
a: 1.into(),
b: 0.into(),
None => panic!("bad monkey reference"),
if debug {
println!("Evaluating {}, which is {:?}", which, monkeys.get(which));
println!("got {:?}", n);
cache.insert(which, n);
pub fn solve(input: &str, debug: bool) -> Number {
let mut monkeys = parse_monkeys(input);
let (a, b) = match monkeys.get("root") {
Some(Add(a, b)) => (a, b),
Some(Sub(a, b)) => (a, b),
Some(Mul(a, b)) => (a, b),
Some(Div(a, b)) => (a, b),
_ => panic!("root monkey is not operating on two numbers"),
monkeys.insert("root", Sub(a, b));
monkeys.insert("humn", Unknown);
let equation = eval(&monkeys, "root", &mut HashMap::new(), debug);
// at this point we know that ax + b = 0, so x = -b/a
-equation.b / equation.a
pub fn part2(input: &str) -> Number {
solve(input, false)
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