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Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek mgol

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duskwuff / dictionary.bin
Last active November 25, 2024 17:59
Contents of the Brotli dictionary (JSON encoded)

Multiple vulnerabilities in jQuery Mobile


All current versions of jQuery Mobile (JQM) as of 2019-05-04 are vulnerable to DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) via crafted URLs. In JQM versions up to and including 1.2.1, the only requirement is that the library is included in a web application. In versions > 1.2.1, the web application must also contain a server-side API that reflects back user input as part of an HTTP response of any type. Practically all non-trivial web applications contain at least one such API.

Additionally, all current versions of JQM contain a broken implementation of a URL parser, which can lead to security issues in affected applications.

Tree-shakeable Tokens Docs

Status quo and issues with it

Injector structure

Currently, to provide services in Angular, you include them in an @NgModule:

samthor / safari-nomodule.js
Last active February 14, 2024 02:54
Safari 10.1 `nomodule` support
// UPDATE: In 2023, you should probably stop using this! The narrow version of Safari that
// does not support `nomodule` is probably not being used anywhere. The code below is left
// for posterity.
* Safari 10.1 supports modules, but does not support the `nomodule` attribute - it will
* load <script nomodule> anyway. This snippet solve this problem, but only for script
* tags that load external code, e.g.: <script nomodule src="nomodule.js"></script>
* Again: this will **not** prevent inline script, e.g.:
const N = 1000000;
// 130 ms
(function() {
let a = '';
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a += 'x';
ericclemmons /
Last active September 20, 2024 12:46
HTML5 <details> in GitHub

Using <details> in GitHub

Suppose you're opening an issue and there's a lot noisey logs that may be useful.

Rather than wrecking readability, wrap it in a <details> tag!

 Summary Goes Here
avdg /
Last active May 24, 2016 22:46
Test262 es 6 results for UglifyJS harmony branch
  • Uglify checkout f63803e3e3753253721a4d7abbbe2ff46f11eecc (harmony)
  • Test262 checkout 28e707e367d438e52edb245067956df28d08ed25 (master)


{ http_parser: '2.7.0',
  node: '6.2.0',
  v8: '',
 uv: '1.9.1',
import template from './my-dummy.html';
import './my-dummy.scss';
const deps = new WeakMap();
class MyDummyController {
constructor($timeout, $q) {
deps.set(this, {$timeout, $q});
mgol /
Last active May 11, 2023 15:50
How to easily not serve JS and/or CSS to IE<11

Here's how to make your site not load CSS and/or JS in IE older than 11:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8,9,11">
        <title>Page title</title>
        <!--[if !IE]>-->
// The diff between the following two definitions has one line: `+c: 3,`:
var o1 = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
var o1 = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,