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test kitchen output
-----> Converging <default-windows-2012r2>...
Preparing files for transfer
$$$$$$ You must set your run_list in your policyfile instead of kitchen config. The run_list your config will be ignored
$$$$$$ Ignored run_list: ["recipe[chef-vault::default]", "recipe[platform::default]"]
Preparing dna.json
Exporting cookbook dependencies from Policyfile C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/Temp/default-windows-2012r2-sandb
Error: Invalid lockfile data
Reason: (ChefDK::CachedCookbookNotFound) Cookbook `webdeploy' not found at expected cache location `webdeploy-8fe
a02926c72c1137e18e2851177533e99cdaec9' (full path: `C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/chefdk/cache/cookbooks/webdeploy-8fe
>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: Failed to complete #converge action: [Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of chef export D:/code/chef/cookbooks/platform/Policyfile.rb C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/Temp/defa
ult-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160524-7644-1jnsr3n --force ----
STDERR: Error: Invalid lockfile data
Reason: (ChefDK::CachedCookbookNotFound) Cookbook `webdeploy' not found at expected cache location `webdeploy-8fea02926c
72c1137e18e2851177533e99cdaec9' (full path: `C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/chefdk/cache/cookbooks/webdeploy-8fea02926c
---- End output of chef export D:/code/chef/cookbooks/platform/Policyfile.rb C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/Temp/defaul
t-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160524-7644-1jnsr3n --force ----
Ran chef export D:/code/chef/cookbooks/platform/Policyfile.rb C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/Temp/default-windows-2012r
2-sandbox-20160524-7644-1jnsr3n --force returned 1]
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration
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