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Michael Hedgpeth mhedgpeth

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I want to have a goal that I spend a certain amount over a period of time. This will include budgeting but the goal won't be invalidated if I spend money.

Example: Tithing. I want to spend $5,000 out of "Giving" category. The goal will ask me to fund $417 a month toward this, but then it will still say it's good when I spend the $417, because it knows I want to spend that amount of money.

I want a goal to have enough money for multiple transactions a year.

D:\code\chef\cookbooks\platform [master ↓ +1 ~2 -1 !]> kitchen diagnose --all
timestamp: 2016-05-24 18:30:44 UTC
kitchen_version: 1.8.0
class: Kitchen::Driver::Vagrant
version: 0.20.0
api_version: 2
-----> Converging <default-windows-2012r2>...
Preparing files for transfer
$$$$$$ You must set your run_list in your policyfile instead of kitchen config. The run_list your config will be ignored
$$$$$$ Ignored run_list: ["recipe[chef-vault::default]", "recipe[platform::default]"]
Preparing dna.json
Exporting cookbook dependencies from Policyfile C:/Users/mh185122/AppData/Local/Temp/default-windows-2012r2-sandb
Error: Invalid lockfile data
Reason: (ChefDK::CachedCookbookNotFound) Cookbook `webdeploy' not found at expected cache location `webdeploy-8fe
mhedgpeth / .kitchen.yml
Created March 18, 2016 15:49
.kitchen.yml for connecting to azure
name: azurerm
subscription_id: <%= ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] %>
location: 'South Central US'
machine_size: 'Standard_D1'