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Syntax highlighter for C#
/// <summary>
/// A basic implementation of a pretty-printer or syntax highlighter for C# soure code.
/// </summary>
public class SourceColorer
private string _commentCssClass;
private string _keywordCssClass;
private string _quotesCssClass;
private string _typeCssClass;
private bool _addStyleDefinition;
private HashSet<string> _keywords;
private bool _addPreTags;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the list of reserved words/keywords.
/// </summary>
public HashSet<string> Keywords
get { return _keywords; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the CSS class used for comments. The default is 'comment'.
/// </summary>
public string CommentCssClass
get { return _commentCssClass; }
set { _commentCssClass = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the CSS class used for keywords. The default is 'keyword'.
/// </summary>
public string KeywordCssClass
get { return _keywordCssClass; }
set { _keywordCssClass = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the CSS class used for string quotes. The default is 'quotes'.
/// </summary>
public string QuotesCssClass
get { return _quotesCssClass; }
set { _quotesCssClass = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the CSS class used for types. The default is 'type'.
/// </summary>
public string TypeCssClass
get { return _typeCssClass; }
set { _typeCssClass = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to add the CSS style definition to the top of the highlighted code.
/// </summary>
public bool AddStyleDefinition
get { return _addStyleDefinition; }
set { _addStyleDefinition = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to insert opening and closing pre tags around the highlighted code.
/// </summary>
public bool AddPreTags
get { return _addPreTags; }
set { _addPreTags = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SourceColorer"/> class.
/// </summary>
public SourceColorer()
_addStyleDefinition = true;
_commentCssClass = "comment";
_keywordCssClass = "keyword";
_quotesCssClass = "quotes";
_typeCssClass = "type";
_keywords = new HashSet<string>()
"static", "using", "true", "false","new",
"namespace", "void", "private", "public",
"bool", "string", "return", "class","internal",
"const", "readonly", "int", "double","lock",
"float", "if", "else", "foreach", "for","var",
"get","set","byte\\[\\]","char\\[\\]","int\\[\\]","string\\[\\]" // dumb array matching. Escaped as [] is regex syntax
/// <summary>
/// Highlights the specified source code and returns it as stylised HTML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The source code.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Highlight(string source)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (AddStyleDefinition)
builder.AppendFormat(".{0} {{ color: #0000FF }} ", KeywordCssClass);
builder.AppendFormat(".{0} {{ color: #2B91AF }} ", TypeCssClass);
builder.AppendFormat(".{0} {{ color: green }} ", CommentCssClass);
builder.AppendFormat(".{0} {{ color: maroon }} ", QuotesCssClass);
if (AddPreTags)
if (AddPreTags)
return builder.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the source code is highlighted, after any style (CSS) definitions are added.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The source code content.</param>
/// <returns>The highlighted source code.</returns>
protected virtual string HighlightSource(string content)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentCssClass))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The CommentCssClass should not be null or empty");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(KeywordCssClass))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The KeywordCssClass should not be null or empty");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuotesCssClass))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The CommentCssClass should not be null or empty");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TypeCssClass))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The TypeCssClass should not be null or empty");
// Some fairly secure token placeholders
const string COMMENTS_TOKEN = "`````";
const string MULTILINECOMMENTS_TOKEN = "~~~~~";
const string QUOTES_TOKEN = "¬¬¬¬¬";
// Remove /* */ quotes, taken from
Regex regex = new Regex(@"/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/", RegexOptions.Singleline);
List<string> multiLineComments = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
if (!multiLineComments.Contains(item.Value))
for (int i = 0; i < multiLineComments.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceToken(multiLineComments[i], MULTILINECOMMENTS_TOKEN, i);
// Remove the quotes first, so they don't get highlighted
List<string> quotes = new List<string>();
bool onEscape = false;
bool onComment1 = false;
bool onComment2 = false;
bool inQuotes = false;
int start = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
if (content[i] == '/' && !inQuotes && !onComment1)
onComment1 = true;
else if (content[i] == '/' && !inQuotes && onComment1)
onComment2 = true;
else if (content[i] == '"' && !onEscape && !onComment2)
inQuotes = true; // stops cases of: var s = "// I'm a comment";
if (start > -1)
string quote = content.Substring(start, i - start + 1);
if (!quotes.Contains(quote))
start = -1;
inQuotes = false;
start = i;
else if (content[i] == '\\' || content[i] == '\'')
onEscape = true;
else if (content[i] == '\n')
onComment1 = false;
onComment2 = false;
onEscape = false;
for (int i = 0; i < quotes.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceToken(quotes[i], QUOTES_TOKEN, i);
// Remove the comments next, so they don't get highlighted
regex = new Regex("(/{2,3}.+)\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
List<string> comments = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
if (!comments.Contains(item.Value + "\n"))
for (int i = 0; i < comments.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceToken(comments[i], COMMENTS_TOKEN, i);
// Highlight single quotes
content = Regex.Replace(content, "('.{1,2}')", "<span class=\"quote\">$1</span>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
// Highlight class names based on the logic: {space OR start of line OR >}{1 capital){alphanumeric}{space}
regex = new Regex(@"((?:\s|^)[A-Z]\w+(?:\s))", RegexOptions.Singleline);
List<string> highlightedClasses = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
string val = item.Groups[1].Value;
if (!highlightedClasses.Contains(val))
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedClasses.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceWithCss(highlightedClasses[i], TypeCssClass);
// Pass 2. Doing it in N passes due to my inferior regex knowledge of back/forwardtracking.
// This does {space or [}{1 capital){alphanumeric}{]}
regex = new Regex(@"(?:\s|\[)([A-Z]\w+)(?:\])", RegexOptions.Singleline);
highlightedClasses = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
string val = item.Groups[1].Value;
if (!highlightedClasses.Contains(val))
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedClasses.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceWithCss(highlightedClasses[i], TypeCssClass);
// Pass 3. Generics
regex = new Regex(@"(?:\s|\[|\()([A-Z]\w+(?:<|&lt;))", RegexOptions.Singleline);
highlightedClasses = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
string val = item.Groups[1].Value;
if (!highlightedClasses.Contains(val))
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedClasses.Count; i++)
string val = highlightedClasses[i];
val = val.Replace("<", "").Replace("&lt;", "");
content = content.ReplaceWithCss(highlightedClasses[i], val, "&lt;", TypeCssClass);
// Pass 4. new keyword with a type
regex = new Regex(@"new\s+([A-Z]\w+)(?:\()", RegexOptions.Singleline);
highlightedClasses = new List<string>();
if (regex.IsMatch(content))
foreach (Match item in regex.Matches(content))
string val = item.Groups[1].Value;
if (!highlightedClasses.Contains(val))
// Replace the highlighted classes
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedClasses.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceWithCss(highlightedClasses[i], TypeCssClass);
// Highlight keywords
foreach (string keyword in _keywords)
Regex regexKeyword = new Regex("(" + keyword + @")(>|&gt;|\s|\n|;|<)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
content = regexKeyword.Replace(content, "<span class=\"keyword\">$1</span>$2");
// Shove the multiline comments back in
for (int i = 0; i < multiLineComments.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceTokenWithCss(multiLineComments[i], MULTILINECOMMENTS_TOKEN, i, CommentCssClass);
// Shove the quotes back in
for (int i = 0; i < quotes.Count; i++)
content = content.ReplaceTokenWithCss(quotes[i], QUOTES_TOKEN, i, QuotesCssClass);
// Shove the single line comments back in
for (int i = 0; i < comments.Count; i++)
string comment = comments[i];
// Add quotes back in
for (int n = 0; n < quotes.Count; n++)
comment = comment.Replace(string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", QUOTES_TOKEN, n), quotes[n]);
content = content.ReplaceTokenWithCss(comment, COMMENTS_TOKEN, i, CommentCssClass);
return content;
public static class MoreExtensions
public static string ReplaceWithCss(this string content, string source, string cssClass)
return content.Replace(source, string.Format("<span class=\"{0}\">{1}</span>", cssClass, source));
public static string ReplaceWithCss(this string content, string source, string replacement, string cssClass)
return content.Replace(source, string.Format("<span class=\"{0}\">{1}</span>", cssClass, replacement));
public static string ReplaceWithCss(this string content, string source, string replacement, string suffix, string cssClass)
return content.Replace(source, string.Format("<span class=\"{0}\">{1}</span>{2}", cssClass, replacement, suffix));
public static string ReplaceTokenWithCss(this string content, string source, string token, int counter, string cssClass)
string formattedToken = String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", token, counter);
return content.Replace(formattedToken, string.Format("<span class=\"{0}\">{1}</span>", cssClass, source));
public static string ReplaceToken(this string content, string source, string token, int counter)
string formattedToken = String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", token, counter);
return content.Replace(source, formattedToken);
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