Running games through Steam's Proton is great. But what if there is a secondary exe or configuration application bundled with the game? How can you launch it if Steam itself only launches the game?
Simply run this command in a terminal:
cd /path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920/pfx
STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920" WINEPREFIX=$PWD \
"$HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/proton" run ./drive_c/path/to/custom_application.exe
Where 20920
is the game id.
First you cd
(change directory) to the proton prefix in question. If you don't have any custom steam libraries it likely will all be within your home directory. To find it easier you may run find . | grep compatdata
from ~/
and when you find it, cd
to it.
Real world example:
cd /media/michael/SSDGAMES/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920/pfx
STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/media/michael/SSDGAMES/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920" WINEPREFIX=$PWD \
"/home/michael/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/proton" run \
Someone in the comments below created a bash script that makes this easier:
Just wanted to say Protontricks already does that.
Either use a dedicated script that comes with Protontricks and displays a list of all wine prefixes known to Steam letting you select the right one:
protontricks-launch ~/Downloads/my.exe
or run a command that sets environment variables for you: