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Last active January 14, 2021 23:20
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Trunk-based development

You don't simply do TBD

  • embed it in a proper workflow
  • implement fast and specific feedback loops on all stages
    • analysis
    • development
    • CI pipeline
    • shipping working software to PROD afap

Build review in

  • lean manufacturing: reduce waste
    • changeover time is waste
    • reducing changeover time means reducing waste
    • pull-request based reviews involve 2 changeovers
      1. reviewer has to "stop" her work and switch context to reviewed code
      2. developer implementing the change has to come back to the code later, re-establish context in her brain...
  • better: have review during coding
    • pair programming
    • proper rotation in team across stories and topics
  • involve PO, BA, QA early and often

Hone your engineering skills by optimising for TBD

  • think about a good migration path
  • small changes less likely cause breaking change
  • spend less time in code reviews and shift the time to improve your infrastructure / pipeline / test suite

Speed up the feedback loop

  • commit early & often leads to integrate early and often
  • the fresher the code is in your mind, the easier to fix it, hence the cheaper to fix it

Engineering practises that enable TBD

  • feature toggles
  • a good test suite
    • balanced test suite / testing pyramid
    • integration tests
    • PACT tests
  • tech huddles, have everyone involved

"Issues" with feature branches

  • delay integration == delay feedback
    • you only know whether changes are properly working once you integrate into master, which happens quite late
    • possibly many intermediate changes to master
  • undermine the concept of continuous integration
  • increases complexity of your CI process
    • exponential explosion of possible combinations to check every branch with every other branch
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