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Created November 12, 2021 09:04
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JS for blog posts on
// scripts for blog posts - they load whenever a blog post entry loads
// written by Michael Sliwinski:
// feel free to copy and give credit:
// more details about this gist:
const URL = ""; //my main domain
const POSTS = "/searchposts.json"; //json with all the posts
//get related links based on the tag of the current blog post
function getRelated(slug) {
// let's add "#prevnext to footer of the blog post"
let related = document.createElement('div');
let lang = (slug.slice(3,4) == '/') ? slug.slice(0,3) : ''; //lang detect
related.innerHTML = '<h3>Related posts</h3>';
if (lang == '/pl') related.innerHTML = '<h3>Podobne wpisy:</h3>';
if (lang == '/es') related.innerHTML = '<h3>Entradas relacionadas:</h3>'; = "hidden"; //we hide it first, before we show all of the posts
let tempTag = '';
let slugTag = '';
let counter = 0; //count to 3 related posts
let tempTitle = '';
let tempSlug = '';
let addTag = false; //add this?
fetch(URL + lang + POSTS)
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((responseText) => {
let posts = JSON.parse(responseText, function(key, value) {
if (key == 'tags') tempTag = value;
if (key == 'url') {
if (value == slug) {
let mytags = tempTag.split(', ');
for (let name of mytags) {
if (name != 'video') { //we skip the video tag
slugTag = name;
} else continue;
posts = JSON.parse(responseText, function(key, value) {
if (key == 'title') { tempTitle = value; } //we get the title of the current item
if (key == 'emoji') { tempTitle = value + ' ' + tempTitle; } //we add emoji to it
if (key == 'tags') {
if (findTags(slugTag,value)) { // it contains a tag we seek
if (counter<3) addTag = true; else addTag = false;
} else addTag = false;
if (key == 'url') {
if (value == slug) addTag = false;
if (addTag) {
.catch((error) => {
//add related links below the blog post
function addRelated (slug, title) {
let related = document.createElement('a');
related.setAttribute('href', URL + slug);
related.innerHTML = goodTitle (title);
document.querySelector('#related').style.visibility = "visible";
//getting previous (older) and next post (newer) for the current post
function getPrevNext(slug) {
// let's add "#prevnext to footer of the blog post"
let prevnext = document.createElement('div');
//lang detect - if the fourth char is / then get the first three chars
let lang = (slug.slice(3,4) == '/') ? slug.slice(0,3) : '';
//let's define vars and get on with it
let prevTitle = ''; //title of previous post
let prevSlug = ''; //slug of previous post
let nextTitle = ''; //title of next post
let nextSlug = ''; //slug of next post
let thisTitle = ''; //title of this slug
let tempTitle = ''; //temporary title
fetch(URL + lang + POSTS)
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((responseText) => {
let posts = JSON.parse(responseText, function(key, value) {
if (key == 'title') { tempTitle = value; } //we get the title of the current item
if (key == 'emoji') { tempTitle = value + ' ' + tempTitle; } //we add emoji to it
if (key=='url') {
if (value == slug) { // we found it so we post the NEXT post
thisTitle = tempTitle;
return postPrevNext(nextTitle,nextSlug);
} else {
if (thisTitle) { //if we found THIS then we deal previous post, not next.
if (!prevTitle) {
prevTitle = tempTitle;
prevSlug = value;
return postPrevNext(prevTitle,prevSlug,'prev');
} else { //we don't have this title yet, so everything else is a potential next stuff
nextTitle = tempTitle;
nextSlug = value;
.catch((error) => {
//posting previous and next titles and urls in the div "#prevnext"
function postPrevNext (title='',slug='',type='next') {
let link = document.createElement('a');
let titleNew = (type == 'next') ? title + ' »' : '« ' + title;
if (title) {
link.setAttribute('href', URL + slug);
link.innerHTML = goodTitle (titleNew);
if (type == 'next') {
} else {
// converts our safe HTML titles from JSON to nomral titles
function goodTitle (title) {
return title
//finding tags in the comma-separated tag list - dupicated from scripts.js
function findTags(tag,tags) {
let mytags = tags.split(', ');
let result = false;
for (let name of mytags) {
if (name == tag) result = true;
return result;
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