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Created August 10, 2013 20:13
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js cheat sheet
// assign a variable to something - use the `var` keyword
var myVariable = "i love variables";
// change the value of an existing variable - don't use `var`
myVariable = "i REALLY love variables";
// change the value of a variable in place
myVariable = myVariable + " - don't you?";
// another example with numbers
var myNumber = 12;
myNumber = myNumber + 1;
// shortcuts for adding 1 to a variable
myNumber += 1;
// call a method
"i want peanut butter".toUpperCase();
// pass in an argument to a method
var word = "foo";
// call a property
// when you a call a method, it ends with (); when you call a property, it doesn't
"i want peanut butter".toUpperCase();
// call a function
alert('hello world');
// assign a variable to the value a function returns
var favoriteColor = prompt("What is your favorite color?");
// create a function; `number1` and `number2` are parameters, and the function returns a value
function add(number1, number2) {
return number1 + number2;
// call the function we created; `3` and `5` are arguments, which are assigned to the parameters in the function
add(3, 5);
// if a function doesn't return anything, it returns `undefined`
function sayHi() {
alert('Hello from Epicodus!');
// defer running of your user interface javascript until the page loads
$(function() {
// put your js here
// bind a callback to the click event:
$("h1").click(function() {
alert("This is a header.");
// oh, a callback is a function that is passed in as an argument
// hide something
// show something
// toggle whether something is hidden or showing
// insert some text into the page
// toggle a class on an element (useful to change the CSS that's applied to it)
// bind a callback to a form submission
$("form").submit(function() {
// grab the value of an input field
var someValue = $("input#some-value").val();
// clear the value of an input field by setting it to an empty string
// return false to keep the form from actually submitting
return false;
// do different things depending on the condition
if (age > 21) {
} else if (age === 21) {
alert("Now don't go crazy!");
} else {
// a condition can simply be a function or method that returns a boolean
if (person.isRecklessDriver()) {
quote += 50;
// && - do things only if multiple conditions are true
if (gender === 'male' && age < 26) {
quote += 50;
// || - do things only if any condition is true
if (gender === 'male' || age < 26) {
quote += 50;
// do things if a condition isn't true
if (!under18) {
// do something only adults can do
// create an empty array
var groceryList = [];
// add an element to the end of an array
// add an element to the front of an array
// access an element of an array, starting at index 0
// remove an element from the end of an array
// remove an element from the front of an array
// get the length of an array
// loop with forEach
var languages = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript'];
languages.forEach(function(language) {
alert('I love ' + language + '!');
// loop with for
for (var index = 1; index <= 3; index += 1) {
// create an empty object
var dictionary = {};
// add a property to the object
dictionary.catfish = "a feline that can swim";
// retrieve a property from an object
// create an object with properties
var michael = {
name: "Michael Kaiser-Nyman",
phone: "916.595.9543"
// create an object with a method
var michael = {
phoneNumbers: ["916.595.9543"],
addNumber: function(numberToAdd) {
// create a prototype object (the capital first letter is just a convention to indicate that it's only to be used as a prototype for creating other objects)
var Person = {
// the initialize method creates the array in which to store the phone numbers
initialize: function() {
this.phoneNumbers = [];
addNumber: function(numberToAdd) {
// create a "child" object from a prototype
var michael = Object.create(Person);
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