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Michael Trouw michahell

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akrisiun /
Last active January 24, 2023 18:00 — forked from tianchaijz/
Shell command lsof : see open files and ports; Selection is OR by default, use -a for AND; Tested on OSX
# filter LISTEN - faster variant
lsof -anP -i4 -sTCP:LISTEN
# exclude UDP
lsof -anP -i4 -sTCP:LISTEN | grep TCP
# lsof with ports sort:
lsof -anP -i4 -sTCP:LISTEN | grep -v UDP | awk {'printf("%18s %-12s %8s %s %s %s\n", $9,$1,$2,$4,$3,$10)'} | sort -u
# docker-ps
joshangell /
Last active December 21, 2022 10:13
Quick and dirty explanation of how to get autocomplete, syntax highlighting etc when using Gridsome in PhpStorm.


  1. Make sure your gridsome dev server is running: cd frontend and then yarn dev or npm run dev
  2. Install JS GraphQL plugin:
  3. Select everything inside <page-query>, click the light bulb icon, choose "Inject language or reference" and select GraphQL, like this:

NOTE: you only have to do this once and then all your .vue files will support GraphQL queries inside <page-query> tags.

jmcaldera /
Last active May 25, 2024 19:58
Multiple SSH Keys macOS

Multiple SSH Keys on same client

Check if you have existing keys by opening the terminal and entering: ssh-add -l OR ls -al ~/.ssh and check for any file called (usually) id_rsa or similar

Identify the host you're using your current key for. You probably added this key to, for example your github or gitlab account. We will use this later on.

If you don't have a config file on ~/.ssh folder, you will need to create one. We'll get back to this later.

nickcheng /
Created January 26, 2018 01:16
git aliases for ignoring files locally.
git config --global alias.ignore 'update-index --skip-worktree'
git config --global alias.unignore 'update-index --no-skip-worktree'
git config --global alias.ignored '!git ls-files -v | grep "^S"'


bbogdanov / http-client.ts
Last active March 12, 2023 14:50
Extending Angular HttpClient
import {HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse, HttpHeaders, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
export interface IRequestOptions {
headers?: HttpHeaders;
observe?: 'body';
params?: HttpParams;
reportProgress?: boolean;
responseType?: 'json';
robertknight /
Created July 3, 2017 13:23
Testing the Windows screenreader NVDA on a Mac

How to test NVDA screen reader behaviour on a Mac:

  1. Download Microsoft Edge VM from
  2. Download Virtualbox and import the Edge VM image.

Then in the VM:

  1. Install guest addons in the VM
  2. Download & install latest NVDA from
  3. Download & install SharpKeys and use it to map left an alternative key (eg. Left Ctrl) to the Insert key. This is needed because Macs do not typically have an “Insert” key which is the prefix for many NVDA commands.
chrisdhanaraj / osx.ahk
Last active September 16, 2022 00:02
Autohotkey script to bring OSX keybinds to Windows
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
LCtrl & Tab:: AltTab
!Tab:: Send ^{Tab}
!+Tab:: Send ^+{Tab}
^Space:: Send ^{Esc}
musale /
Last active May 31, 2024 19:41
How to fix and recover a “corrupt history file” in zsh
# move to home directory
cd ~

# move the .zsh_history file into another .zsh_history_bad file
mv .zsh_history .zsh_history_bad

# write all printable strings into a new .zsh_history file
strings .zsh_history_bad > .zsh_history
zenorocha /
Last active April 11, 2024 23:07
/etc/hosts on Windows

1. Get your IP Address

echo `ifconfig $(netstat -nr | grep -e default -e "^0\.0\.0\.0" | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}') | grep -e "inet " | sed -e 's/.*inet //' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/.*\://'`

2. Modify your hosts file


DrewML /
Last active January 25, 2022 00:53
Theming Slack for OSX

Theming Slack for OSX

So, you love Slack, but you hate applications with large white backgrounds? Why not use Dark Mode!

Unfortunately, Slack does not have a Dark Mode, although it's on their list of possibilities.

But, don't fret - there is a solution! Because the slack native desktop apps are just wrappers around a web app, we can inject our own CSS to customize the application to our liking.

How to (OSX Only)