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Last active November 8, 2021 09:22
Uncompress gzip response body in Node.js with zlib example
var request = require('request')
var zlib = require('zlib')
request(url, {encoding: null}, (err, response, body) => {
if(response.headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'){
zlib.gunzip(body, (err, dezipped) => {
} else {
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Thank you a lot! <3
Saved me a lot of time.

BTW, note to anyone else reading this...

Do not be stupid as I was and do not forget encoding: null in options.

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Geczy commented Dec 31, 2017

Request can handle it out of the box

  var request = require('request')
    { method: 'GET'
    , uri: ''
    , gzip: true
  , function (error, response, body) {
      // body is the decompressed response body
      console.log('server encoded the data as: ' + (response.headers['content-encoding'] || 'identity'))
      console.log('the decoded data is: ' + body)

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Request can handle it out of the box

  var request = require('request')
    { method: 'GET'
    , uri: ''
    , gzip: true
  , function (error, response, body) {
      // body is the decompressed response body
      console.log('server encoded the data as: ' + (response.headers['content-encoding'] || 'identity'))
      console.log('the decoded data is: ' + body)

Thank you so much.

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