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Last active December 30, 2023 22:24
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  • Save mikaelhg/edf65dfad43e240fb4c483587b5e7f93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mikaelhg/edf65dfad43e240fb4c483587b5e7f93 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get started with Protomaps single-file static map hosting

Get started with Protomaps single-file static map hosting

Build maps

Planetiler downloads data files for you automagically.

java -jar planetiler.jar --download --area=finland --output=finland.pmtiles

Get prebuilt font glyphs

mkdir glyphs
cd glyphs
wget -O

Obviously, where in index.html it says glyphs, you'd change the URL to point to your own glyphs directory.


You can't run this example by loading the index.html from a local file into your browser, you have to run a local web server that can serve static files, and specifically HTTP GET Ranges from static files.

I suggest getting the Caddy server, and running it with the command

caddy file-server --listen :8080

Of course you have to fix all of the URLs in the index.html file to point to your local server.

<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Gumi Maps</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
<link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./themes/theme_osm_bright.js"></script>
body { margin:0; padding:0; }
#map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
let PMTILES_URL = "";
let protocol = new pmtiles.Protocol();
maplibregl.addProtocol("pmtiles", protocol.tile);
const p = new pmtiles.PMTiles(PMTILES_URL);
p.getHeader().then(h => {
let style = {
version: 8,
name: "OSM Bright",
zoom: 12,
glyphs: "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
sprite: "",
sources: {
openmaptiles: {
type: "vector",
maxzoom: 14,
url: "pmtiles://" + PMTILES_URL,
layers: theme_osm_bright
const map = new maplibregl.Map({
container: 'map',
center: [25.141578, 60.207030], // Vuosaari
hash: true,
zoom: 11,
minZoom: 5,
maxZoom: 18,
style: style
// map.showTileBoundaries = true;
map.addControl(new maplibregl.NavigationControl());
const theme_osm_bright = [
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": {"background-color": "#f8f4f0"}
"id": "landcover-glacier",
"type": "fill",
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"paint": {
"fill-color": "#fff",
"fill-opacity": {"base": 1, "stops": [[0, 0.9], [10, 0.3]]}
"id": "landuse-residential",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": [
["in", "class", "residential", "suburb", "neighbourhood"]
"layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {
"fill-color": {
"base": 1,
"stops": [
[12, "hsla(30, 19%, 90%, 0.4)"],
[16, "hsla(30, 19%, 90%, 0.2)"]
"id": "landuse-commercial",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": [
["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
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"layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {"fill-color": "hsla(0, 60%, 87%, 0.23)"}
"id": "landuse-industrial",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": [
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"paint": {"fill-color": "hsla(49, 100%, 88%, 0.34)"}
"id": "landuse-cemetery",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": ["==", "class", "cemetery"],
"paint": {"fill-color": "#e0e4dd"}
"id": "landuse-hospital",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": ["==", "class", "hospital"],
"paint": {"fill-color": "#fde"}
"id": "landuse-school",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": ["==", "class", "school"],
"paint": {"fill-color": "#f0e8f8"}
"id": "landuse-railway",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
"filter": ["==", "class", "railway"],
"layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {"fill-color": "hsla(30, 19%, 90%, 0.4)"}
"id": "landcover-wood",
"type": "fill",
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"source-layer": "landcover",
"filter": ["==", "class", "wood"],
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"fill-color": "#6a4",
"fill-opacity": 0.1,
"fill-outline-color": "hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.03)"
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"paint": {"fill-color": "#d8e8c8", "fill-opacity": 1}
"id": "landcover-grass-park",
"type": "fill",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "park",
"filter": ["==", "class", "public_park"],
"paint": {"fill-color": "#d8e8c8", "fill-opacity": 0.8}
"id": "waterway_tunnel",
"type": "line",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "waterway",
"minzoom": 14,
"filter": [
["in", "class", "river", "stream", "canal"],
["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"]
"layout": {"line-cap": "round", "visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {
"line-color": "#a0c8f0",
"line-dasharray": [2, 4],
"line-width": {"base": 1.3, "stops": [[13, 0.5], [20, 6]]}
"id": "waterway-other",
"type": "line",
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"filter": [
["!in", "class", "canal", "river", "stream"],
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"layout": {"line-cap": "round", "visibility": "visible"},
"paint": {
"line-color": "#a0c8f0",
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"id": "waterway-other-intermittent",
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["!in", "class", "canal", "river", "stream"],
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"type": "line",
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"source-layer": "waterway",
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["in", "class", "canal", "stream"],
["!=", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
["==", "intermittent", 1]
"layout": {"line-cap": "round", "visibility": "visible"},
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
["==", "class", "motorway"],
["==", "ramp", 1]
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
["in", "class", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary"],
["==", "ramp", 1]
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
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["==", "class", "motorway"],
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
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["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"],
["in", "class", "secondary", "tertiary"],
["!=", "ramp", 1]
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"paint": {
"line-color": "#fff4c6",
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["==", "class", "motorway"],
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"id": "tunnel-railway",
"type": "line",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "transportation",
"filter": ["all", ["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"], ["==", "class", "rail"]],
"paint": {
"line-color": "#bbb",
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"line-width": {"base": 1.4, "stops": [[14, 0.4], [15, 0.75], [20, 2]]}
"id": "ferry",
"type": "line",
"source": "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "transportation",
"filter": ["all", ["in", "class", "ferry"]],
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"paint": {
"line-color": "rgba(108, 159, 182, 1)",
"line-dasharray": [2, 2],
"line-width": 1.1
"id": "aeroway-taxiway-casing",
"type": "line",
"source": "openmaptiles",
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"filter": ["all", ["in", "class", "taxiway"]],
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"line-cap": "round",
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"line-color": "rgba(153, 153, 153, 1)",
"line-opacity": 1,
"line-width": {"base": 1.5, "stops": [[11, 2], [17, 12]]}
"id": "aeroway-runway-casing",
"type": "line",
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"minzoom": 12,
"filter": ["all", ["in", "class", "runway"]],
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"line-color": "rgba(153, 153, 153, 1)",
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"id": "aeroway-area",
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"filter": [
["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
["in", "class", "runway", "taxiway"]
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"fill-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
"fill-opacity": {"base": 1, "stops": [[13, 0], [14, 1]]}
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"line-width": {"base": 1.5, "stops": [[11, 4], [17, 50]]}
"id": "road_area_pier",
"type": "fill",
"metadata": {},
"source": "openmaptiles",
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"metadata": {},
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"line-color": "#f8f4f0",
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