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Created July 1, 2011 08:29
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Groovy Markup Builder for jquery mobile
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.html('lang' : 'ja'){
meta('http-equiv' : 'Content-Type', 'content' : 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
title('jQuery Mobile Sample')
link('rel' : 'stylesheet', 'href' : '')
['', ''].each{
script('src' : it, ''){
div('data-role' : 'page'){
div('data-role' : 'header'){
a('href' : '#', 'data-role' : 'button', 'data-icon' : 'back', 'data-rel' : 'back', 'Back')
h1('List Sample')
div('data-role' : 'content'){
ul('data-role' : 'listview', 'data-themes' : 'g'){
['Apple', 'Mango', 'Banana', 'Grape', 'Citras'].sort{a, b -> a <=> b}.each{item ->
a('href' : 'next_page1.html', 'data-icon' : 'arrow-r', 'data-iconpos' : 'right', item)
div('data-role' : 'footer'){
['back' : 'back', 'arrow-u' : 'prev', 'arrow-d' : 'next', 'delete' : 'delete'].each{key, value ->
a('href' : '#', 'data-role' : 'button', 'data-icon' : key, value)
println '<!DOCTYPE html>'
println writer.toString()
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