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Last active December 10, 2015 10:09
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Save mike-neck/4419050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gradleb - gradle builder for easy creating gradle build script
import groovy.transform.*
@ToString (includeNames = true)
class BuildGradle {
final StringWriter w = new StringWriter()
def plugins = []
void apply () {
plugins.each {
w << "apply plugin : '${it}'\n"
w << '\n'
String project
void structure () {
def root = (!project)?'src' : "${project}/src"
def ant = new AntBuilder ()
def dirs = plugins.collect {plg ->
PLUGIN.values().collect {type ->
type.applicable(plg)? type.dir(root, group) : null
}.flatten().unique() - null
dirs.each {
ant.echo it
ant.mkdir dir : it
enum PLUGIN {
List<String> TYPE = [
'java', 'groovy', 'scala', 'antlr', 'application',
'jetty', 'war', 'osgi', 'checkstyle', 'codenarc',
'findbugs', 'jdepend', 'pmd']
List<String> dir (String grp) {
["main/java/${grp}", "test/java/${grp}"]
boolean applicable (String plugin) {TYPE.contains(plugin)}
List<String> TYPE = ['groovy', 'codenarc']
List<String> dir (String grp) {
["main/groovy/${grp}", "test/groovy/${grp}"]
boolean applicable (String plugin) {TYPE.contains(plugin)}
}, SCALA {
List<String> TYPE = ['scala']
List<String> dir (String grp) {
["main/scala/${grp}", "test/scala/${grp}"]
boolean applicable (String plugin) {TYPE.contains(plugin)}
}, WEB {
List<String> TYPE = ['jetty', 'war']
List<String> dir (String grp) {
boolean applicable (String plugin) {TYPE.contains(plugin)}
List<String> dir (String grp) {
["main/resources", "test/resources"]
boolean applicable (String plugin) {true}
List<String> dir (String root, String grp) {
this.dir(grp.replace('.', '/')).collect {"${root}/${it}"}
boolean applicable (String plugin) {}
String version
void wVersion () {
w << "version = '${version}'\n"
String group
void wGroup () {
w << "group = '${group}'\n"
String compatibility
void wCompatibility () {
w << "sourceCompatibility = '${compatibility}'\n"
w << "targetCompatibility = '${compatibility}'\n"
w << '\n'
def repos = []
void wRepos () {
w << 'repositories {\n'
if (repos.contains('mavenCentral')) {
w << ' mavenCentral ()\n'
} else {
w << '\n'
def otherRepos = (repos - 'mavenCentral').collect {
" url (${it})\n"
if (otherRepos.size() > 0) {
w << ' maven {\n'
otherRepos.each {
w << " ${it}\n"
w << ' }'
w << '}\n'
def dependencies = []
void wDependencies () {
w << 'dependencies {\n'
dependencies.each {
def item = it.split('/')
def scp = item[0]
def dep = item[1]
w << " ${scp} '${dep}'\n"
w << '}\n'
void compile () {
new File((!project)? '' : "${project}" + '/build.gradle').write(w.toString(),'UTF-8')
def gradleb (args) {
def cli = new CliBuilder (usage : 'gradleb -[hpajgvrd]')
cli.with {
h longOpt : 'help', 'Show usage information'
p longOpt : 'project-name', args : 1, argName : 'project',
'project name'
a longOpt : 'apply-plugins', args : 1, argName : 'plugin',
'Apply plugins to the project (you can specify multi plugins separated by commas. default : java)'
j longOpt : 'java-compatibility', args : 1, argName : 'compatibility',
'Java compatibility for source and target (default : 1.7)'
g longOpt : 'group-name', args : 1, argName : 'group',
'Group name for the project'
v longOpt : 'archive-version', args : 1, argName : 'version',
'a version of the project'
r longOpt : 'repositories', args : 1, argName : 'repositoryUrls',
'repositories to resolve dependencies. As a default maven central repository is included. You can specify more than one repositories separated by semi-colon(;)'
d longOpt : 'dependencies', args : 1, argName : 'dependencies',
'dependencies required. You should specify dependencies scope/group:artifact:version. You can specify multi dependencies separated by commas. (ex. groovy/org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5,testCompile/junit:junit:4.11)'
if (args.size () == 0) {
return null
def options = cli.parse(args)
if (options.h) {
cli.usage ()
return null
def project = ''
if (options.p) {
project = options.p
def plugins = ['java']
if (options.a) {
plugins += options.a.split(',').collect {it.trim()}
def compatibility = '1.7'
if (options.j) {
compatibility = options.j
def pattern = ~/^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)*(\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)?$/
def group
if (options.g) {
def grp = options.g
if (pattern.matcher(grp).matches()) group = grp
else new IllegalArgumentException("The package name [${grp}] is invalid group name.").printStackTrace()
def version = '1.0'
if (options.v) {
version = options.v
def repos = ['mavenCentral']
if (options.r) {
def rps = options.r
repos += rps.split(';').collect {it.trim()}
def dependencies = []
if (options.d) {
def dps = options.d
dependencies += dps.split(',').collect {it.trim()}
def buildGradle = new BuildGradle (
project : project,
plugins : plugins,
version : version,
group : group,
compatibility : compatibility,
repos : repos,
dependencies : dependencies
def gradle = gradleb(args)
if (gradle) gradle.compile()
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gradleb = 'groovy /path/to/gradleb.groovy'

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gradleb -hとやればヘルプが出ます。

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