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Last active May 16, 2019 03:09
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go で赤黒木
package main
import (
type Ord int
const (
LT Ord = iota
EQ Ord = iota
GT Ord = iota
type Color interface {
balance(left Tree, value int, right Tree) Tree
ToString(value int) string
IsRed() bool
func main() {
tree := empty()
numbers := []int { 6,1,0,5,4,7,2,9,3 }
for _, i := range numbers {
tree = tree.Insert(i)
fmt.Println("====", i, "====")
func empty() Tree {
return LEAF
type Tree interface {
ToBlack() Tree
Insert(newValue int) Tree
insertPlain(newValue int) Tree
isLeaf() bool
ToString(depth int) string
type Leaf struct {
var LEAF = &Leaf{}
func (l *Leaf) isLeaf() bool {
return true
func (l *Leaf) ToBlack() Tree {
return l
func (l *Leaf) Insert(newValue int) Tree {
return l.insertPlain(newValue).ToBlack()
func (l *Leaf) insertPlain(newValue int) Tree {
return &Node{Color:red(), Value: newValue, Left: l, Right: l}
func (l *Leaf) ToString(depth int) string {
space := strings.Repeat(" ", depth)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-empty-", space)
type Node struct {
Color Color
Value int
Left Tree
Right Tree
func (node *Node) isRed() bool {
return node.Color.IsRed()
func (node *Node) isLeaf() bool {
return false
func (node *Node) ToBlack() Tree {
return &Node{Color: black(), Value: node.Value, Left: node.Left, Right: node.Right}
func (node *Node) ToString(depth int) string {
space := strings.Repeat(" ", depth)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s%s\n%s", node.Left.ToString(depth+1), space, node.Color.ToString(node.Value), node.Right.ToString(depth+1))
func (node *Node) Insert(newValue int) Tree {
return node.insertPlain(newValue).ToBlack()
func (node *Node) insertPlain(newValue int) Tree {
if newValue < node.Value {
newTree := node.Color.balance(node.Left.insertPlain(newValue), node.Value, node.Right)
return newTree
} else if node.Value < newValue {
newTree := node.Color.balance(node.Left, node.Value, node.Right.insertPlain(newValue))
return newTree
} else {
return node
type Black struct {
var BLACK = &Black{}
func (b *Black) ToString(value int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("B(%d)", value)
func (*Black) IsRed() bool {
return false
func black() Color {
return BLACK
func (b *Black) balance(left Tree, value int, right Tree) Tree {
if left.isLeaf() && right.isLeaf() {
return &Node{Color:b, Value: value, Left: left, Right: right}
if !left.isLeaf() {
leftNode := left.(*Node)
if !leftNode.Left.isLeaf() {
leftSubLeft := leftNode.Left.(*Node)
if leftNode.isRed() && leftSubLeft.isRed() {
return &Node{
Color: red(),
Value: leftNode.Value,
Left: leftSubLeft.ToBlack(),
Right: &Node{Color:black(), Value:value, Left: leftNode.Right, Right:right},
} else if !leftNode.Right.isLeaf() {
leftSubRight := leftNode.Right.(*Node)
if leftNode.isRed() && leftSubRight.isRed() {
return &Node{
Left:&Node{Color:black(), Value:leftNode.Value, Left:leftNode.Left, Right:leftSubRight.Left},
Right:&Node{Color:black(), Value:value, Left:leftSubRight.Right, Right:right},
} else if right.isLeaf() {
return &Node{Color:b, Value: value, Left: left, Right: right}
rightNode := right.(*Node)
if !rightNode.Right.isLeaf() {
rightSubRight := rightNode.Right.(*Node)
if rightNode.isRed() && rightSubRight.isRed() {
return &Node{
Left:&Node{Color:black(), Value: value, Left: left, Right:rightNode.Left},
Right: rightSubRight.ToBlack(),
} else if !rightNode.Left.isLeaf() {
rightSubLeft := rightNode.Left.(*Node)
if rightNode.isRed() && rightSubLeft.isRed() {
return &Node{
Left:&Node{Color:black(), Value:value, Left:left, Right:rightSubLeft.Left},
Right:&Node{Color:black(), Value:rightNode.Value, Left:rightSubLeft.Right, Right:rightNode.Right},
return &Node{Color:b, Value: value, Left: left, Right: right}
type Red struct {
var RED = &Red{}
func (r *Red) ToString(value int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("R(%d)", value)
func (*Red) IsRed() bool {
return true
func red() Color {
return RED
func (r *Red) balance(left Tree, value int, right Tree) Tree {
return &Node{Color: red(), Value: value, Left: left, Right: right}
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