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Contains python functions which should work in the 3D Slicer envrionment to convert between Slicer image registration transformation matrices and FSL/FLIRT image registration transform matrices
import numpy as np
import slicer, vtk
def getVolumeCoordinateTransformMatrixDict(volNode):
import numpy as np
def translationMatrix(point):
trMat = np.eye(4)
trMat[0:3, 3] = (*point,)
return trMat
vtk_IJKDirs = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
IJKDirs = slicer.util.arrayFromVTKMatrix(vtk_IJKDirs)
detIJKDirs = np.linalg.det(IJKDirs)
# Coordinate systems are ijk, hjk, hjkMm, hras0, ras
# Scaling by voxel size (this is independent of IJKDirs determinant)
V_hjk_TO_hjkMm = np.diag([*volNode.GetSpacing(), 1])
if detIJKDirs < 0:
### h-axis remains identical to i-axis
V_ijk_TO_hjk = np.eye(4)
### Rotate scaled array coordinate axes to orient them in RAS space
V_hjkMm_TO_hras0 = IJKDirs
### Properly locate the image origin in RAS space
V_hras0_TO_ras = translationMatrix(volNode.GetOrigin())
### Flip and shift i-axis to become h-axis
# The h-axis is obtained by flipping the i-axis and moving the origin to
# opposite the opposite corner of the volume (still along the i/h axis)
numVoxelsInIDimension = volNode.GetImageData().GetDimensions()[0]
V_ijk_TO_hjk = translationMatrix([numVoxelsInIDimension - 1, 0, 0]) @ np.diag(
[-1, 1, 1, 1]
# The h coordinate is N - 1 - i, where N is the number of voxels in the i
# dimension of the image volume array. Voxel indices are numbered 0 to
# N-1 for both i and h, but in reversed order from each other.
### Rotate scaled array coordinate axes to orient them in RAS space
# The h-axis is flipped relative to i-axis, so that needs to be reflected here
HJKDirs = IJKDirs @ np.diag([-1, 1, 1, 1])
V_hjkMm_TO_hras0 = HJKDirs
### Properly locate the image origin in RAS space
original_origin_destination = np.array(volNode.GetOrigin())
voxel_spacing_h = volNode.GetSpacing()[0] # h spacing = i spacing
# The origin shift needs to be constructed so that the original origin ends up
# at the originally intended location in RAS space. In the V_hras0
# coordinate system, the original origin has been moved by the HJKDirs
# matrix, so it is
original_origin_location_in_hras0 = (
V_hjkMm_TO_hras0 @ V_hjk_TO_hjkMm @ V_ijk_TO_hjk @ np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
needed_origin_shift_hras0_TO_ras = (
original_origin_destination - original_origin_location_in_hras0[:3]
# original_origin_destination - HJKDirs[:3, :3] @ np.array([voxel_spacing_h * (numVoxelsInIDimension - 1), 0, 0])
V_hras0_TO_ras = translationMatrix(needed_origin_shift_hras0_TO_ras)
# Add some grouped ones needed for easy FLIRT matrix calculations
V_hjkMm_TO_ras = V_hras0_TO_ras @ V_hjkMm_TO_hras0
# Store calculated transform matrices into output dict
transformMatrixDict = {
"ijk_to_hjk": V_ijk_TO_hjk,
"hjk_to_hjkMm": V_hjk_TO_hjkMm,
"hjkMm_to_hras0": V_hjkMm_TO_hras0,
"hras0_to_ras": V_hras0_TO_ras,
"hjk_to_ijk": np.linalg.inv(V_ijk_TO_hjk),
"hjkMm_to_hjk": np.linalg.inv(V_hjk_TO_hjkMm),
"hras0_to_hjkMm": np.linalg.inv(V_hjkMm_TO_hras0),
"ras_to_hras0": np.linalg.inv(V_hras0_TO_ras),
"ras_to_hjkMm": np.linalg.inv(V_hjkMm_TO_ras),
"hjkMm_to_ras": V_hjkMm_TO_ras,
return transformMatrixDict
def getSlicerTransformNodeFromFlirtTransformMatrix_MRMLNodeBased(
"""This method creates a Slicer vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode which
corresponds to an FSL/FLIRT transformation matrix which registers
two image volumes. The Slicer transformation matrix is not the same
as the FLIRT transformation matrix because the coordinate systems
which are being related are not the same: FLIRT relates scaled (and
possibly reflected) voxel coordinate systems (which I call _hjkMm),
while Slicer relates RAS spatial coordinate systems (which are
after the application of IJKToRASMatrix scaling, rotation, and
origin translations).
The inputs are the FLIRT registration transform matrix as a 4x4
numpy array (np.loadtxt(flirtMatFileName) works for that), the
MRML scalar volume node for the fixed image (fixedVolNode), the
MRML scalar volume node for the moving image (movingVolNode), and
optionally, a MRML linear transform node to hold the calculated
output Slicer transform matrix. If an output transform node
is not supplied, a new one is created and returned.
An example usage could look like
flirtTransform = np.loadtxt('highres2standard.mat')
fixed = slicer.util.loadVolume('standard.nii.gz')
moving = slicer.util.loadvolume('highres.nii.gz')
slicerTransformNode = getSlicerTransformNodeFromFlirtTransformMatrix_MRMLNodeBased(flirtTransform, fixed, moving)
F_trDict = getVolumeCoordinateTransformMatrixDict(fixedVolNode)
M_trDict = getVolumeCoordinateTransformMatrixDict(movingVolNode)
# Slicer_Matrix = F_hjkMm_TO_F_ras @ FSL_Matrix @ M_ras_TO_M_hjkMm
slicerTransformMatrix = (
@ flirtTransformMatrixNumpyArray
@ M_trDict["ras_to_hjkMm"]
# Create output transform node if not supplied
if outputSlicerTransformNode is None:
ouputSlicerTransformNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass(
"vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode", "SlicerTransformFromFlirtTransform"
return ouputSlicerTransformNode
def getFlirtTransformMatrixFromSlicerTransformNode_MRMLNodeBased(
slicerTransformNode, fixedVolNode, movingVolNode
"""This method calculates a FLIRT transform matrix (as 4x4 numpy array)
which corresponds to a Slicer transform matrix which registers two image
volumes. The Slicer transformation matrix is not the same
as the FLIRT transformation matrix because the coordinate systems
which are being related are not the same: FLIRT relates scaled (and
possibly reflected) voxel coordinate systems (which I call _hjkMm),
while Slicer relates RAS spatial coordinate systems (which are
after the application of IJKToRASMatrix scaling, rotation, and
origin translations).
The inputs are the Slicer MRML nodes corresponding to the registration
(slicerTransformNode), the fixed image (fixedVolNode), and moving
image (movingVolNode), and the output is a 4x4 numpy array which
is the affine transform matrix suitable to save in a .mat file
(np.savetxt('FLIRT_Matrix.mat', FLIRT_Matrix)). An example usage could be
fixed = slicer.util.loadVolume('standard.nii.gz')
moving = slicer.util.loadVolume('highres.nii.gz')
# Perform any of various Slicer registration methods, and put the result
# into slicerTransformNode
slicerTransformNode = slicer.util.getNode(...) # fill in node name
flirt_transform = getFlirtTransformMatrixFromSlicerTransformNode_MRMLNodeBased(slicerTransformNode, fixed, moving)
np.savetxt('FLIRT_matrix_from_Slicer.mat', flirt_transform)
# THEN, in an FSL environment:
flirt -in standard.nii.gz -ref highres.nii.gz -init FLIRT_matrix_from_Slicer.mat -applyxfm -out standard2highres_image.nii.gz
# This command will apply the registration as calculated in Slicer using the flirt command, and standard2highres_image.nii.gz
# will contain the highres image registered and resampled to the voxel grid of the standard.nii.gz image.
F_trDict = getVolumeCoordinateTransformMatrixDict(fixedVolNode)
M_trDict = getVolumeCoordinateTransformMatrixDict(movingVolNode)
vtk_slicerTransformMatrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
slicerTransformMatrix = slicer.util.arrayFromVTKMatrix(vtk_slicerTransformMatrix)
# FLIRT_Matrix = F_ras_TO_FhjkMm @ M_ras_TO_F_ras @ M_hjkMm_TO_M_ras
FLIRT_Matrix = (
F_trDict["ras_to_hjkMm"] @ slicerTransformMatrix @ M_trDict["hjkMm_to_ras"]
return FLIRT_Matrix
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