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Last active October 30, 2019 04:03
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Self-referential functions and the design of options -
package main
type Foo struct {
verbosity int
// That [options.go] is easy and probably good enough for most purposes, but
// for the package I'm writing, I want to be able to use the option mechanism
// to set temporary values, which means it would be nice if the Option method
// could return the previous state. That's easy: just save it in an empty
// interface value that is returned by the Option method and the underlying
// function type. That value flows through the code:
type option func(*Foo) interface{}
func Verbosity(v int) option {
return func(f *Foo) interface{} {
previous := f.verbosity
f.verbosity = v
return previous
func (f *Foo) Option(opts ...option) (previous interface{}) {
for _, opt := range opts {
previous = opt(f)
return previous
// The client can use this the same as before, but if the client also wants to
// restore a previous value, all that's needed is to save the return value
// from the first call, and then restore it.
func main() {
foo := &Foo{}
prevVerbosity := foo.Option(Verbosity(3))
// foo.DoSomeDebugging()
// The type assertion in the restoring call to Option is clumsy. We can do better
// if we push a little harder on our design.
package main
import "fmt"
// I've been trying on and off to find a nice way to deal with setting options
// in a Go package I am writing. Options on a type, that is. The package is
// intricate and there will probably end up being dozens of options. There are
// many ways to do this kind of thing, but I wanted one that felt nice to use,
// didn't require too much API (or at least not too much for the user to
// absorb), and could grow as needed without bloat.
// I've tried most of the obvious ways: option structs, lots of methods,
// variant constructors, and more, and found them all unsatisfactory. After a
// bunch of trial versions over the past year or so, and a lot of
// conversations with other Gophers making suggestions, I've finally found one
// I like. You might like it too. Or you might not, but either way it does
// show an interesting use of self- referential functions.
// I hope I have your attention now.
// Let's start with a simple version. We'll refine it to get to the final
// version.
type Foo struct {
verbosity int
// First, we define an option `type`. It is a function that takes one
// argument, the Foo we are operating on.
type option func(*Foo)
// The idea is that an option is implemented as a function we call to set the
// state of that option. That may seem odd, but there's a method in the
// madness.
// Given the option type, we next define an Option method on *Foo that applies
// the options it's passed by calling them as functions. That method is
// defined in the same package, say pkg, in which Foo is defined.
// Option sets the options specified.
func (f *Foo) Option(opts ...option) {
for _, opt := range opts {
// Now to provide an option, we define in pkg a function with the appropriate
// name and signature. Let's say we want to control verbosity by setting an
// integer value stored in a field of a Foo. We provide the verbosity option
// by writing a function with the obvious name and have it return an option,
// which means a closure; inside that closure we set the field:
func Verbosity(v int) option {
return func(f *Foo) {
f.verbosity = v
// Why return a closure instead of just doing the setting? Because we don't
// want the user to have to write the closure and we want the Option method to
// be nice to use. (Plus there's more to come....)
// In the client of the package, we can set this option on a Foo object by
// writing:
func main() {
foo := &Foo{}
// foo.Option(pkg.Verbosity(3))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", foo)
// &{verbosity:3}
package main
import "fmt"
type Foo struct {
verbosity int
// First, redefine an option to be a function that sets a value and returns
// another option to restore the previous value.
type option func(f *Foo) option
// This self-referential function definition is reminiscent of a state
// machine. Here we're using it a little differently: it's a function that
// returns its inverse.
// Then change the return type (and meaning) of the Option method of *Foo to
// option from interface{}:
func (f *Foo) Option(opts ...option) (previous option) {
for _, opt := range opts {
previous = opt(f)
return previous
// The final piece is the implementation of the actual option functions. Their
// inner closure must now return an option, not an interface value, and that
// means it must return a closure to undo itself. But that's easy: it can just
// recur to prepare the closure to undo the original! It looks like this:
func Verbosity(v int) option {
return func(f *Foo) option {
previous := f.verbosity
f.verbosity = v
return Verbosity(previous)
// Instead of just returning the old value, it now calls the surrounding
// function (Verbosity) to create the undo closure, and returns that closure.
func main() {
foo := &Foo{}
prevVerbosity := foo.Option(Verbosity(3))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", foo)
// foo.DoSomeDebugging()
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", foo)
// &{verbosity:3}
// &{verbosity:0}
// Appendix.
// And finally we take it up one more level, using Go's defer mechanism to tidy
// it all up in the client:
// func DoSomethingVerbosely(foo *Foo, verbosity int) {
// // Could combine the next two lines,
// // with some loss of readability.
// prev := foo.Option(pkg.Verbosity(verbosity))
// defer foo.Option(prev)
// // ... do some stuff with foo under high verbosity.
// }
// It's worth noting that since the "verbosity" returned is now a closure, not
// a verbosity value, the actual previous value is hidden. If you want that
// value you need a little more magic, but there's enough magic for now.
// The implementation of all this may seem like overkill but it's actually
// just a few lines for each option, and has great generality. Most important,
// it's really nice to use from the point of view of the package's client. I'm
// finally happy with the design. I'm also happy at the way this uses Go's
// closures to achieve its goals with grace.
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