This is a little trick I use to spin up the packages instalation on Debian/Ubuntu boxes in Vagrant.
I add a simple function that checks if a directory named something similar to ~/.vagrant.d/cache/apt/opscode-ubuntu-12.04/partial
(it may have another path in Windows or MacOS) and create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
def local_cache(box_name)
cache_dir = File.join(File.expand_path(Vagrant::Environment::DEFAULT_HOME),
partial_dir = File.join(cache_dir, 'partial')
FileUtils.mkdir_p(partial_dir) unless File.exists? partial_dir
I put this funcion in my Vagrantfile
so I can use it like this: do |config| = "opscode-ubuntu-12.04"
config.vm.box_url = ""
cache_dir = local_cache(
config.vm.share_folder "v-cache",
The result is that the apt cache inside the VM (/var/cache/apt/archives/
) is always mounted on the same directory on the host (~/.vagrant.d/cache/apt/opscode-ubuntu-12.04/
in this case) and apt just download the packages the first time or if the package has been updated.
This save me a lot of time while I'm developing or debuging Chef cookbooks. Mostly when my recipes need to install many packages.
This is an excellent tip. Many thanks.
It seems the folder share syntax had changed in the version of Vagrant I downloaded. I needed:
Other than that it worked great!