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Created June 30, 2016 14:45
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thank you for cooperation. Here's what I'd like to get/see:
1. exact version of docker-registry image being run
- the output of: oc describe dc/docker-registry | grep -i image
2. the output of curl on blob from inside of cluster:
1. inside a cluster, `oc login` with a user that can have a token
2. login to the registry using this token:
3. pick-up an image that is tagged into one of users namespace and is managed by openshift
To get a list of imagestream imates, you can:
$ oc get is -o go-template=$'{{range $i, $is := .items}}{{range .status.tags}}{{range .items}}{{printf "%s@%s" $ .dockerImageReference}}\n{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' | \
sed 's/\([^ @\]\+\)@[^ @]\+@\([^ @]\+\)/\1@\2/g'
The results are <image stream name>@<image name>.
Following command will return true if given image is manged:
$ oc get -o yaml isimage "<image stream name>@<image name>" -o go-template=$'{{index .image.metadata.annotations "" }}\n'
If there's no such image, tag one using docker and push it to the registry.
Then list its layers:
$ oc get -o yaml isimage "<image stream name>@<image name>" -o go-template=$'{{if index .image.metadata.annotations "" }}{{range .image.dockerImageLayers}}{{.name}}\n{{end}}{{end}}\n'
Choose one ($BLOBDIGEST) and try to curl it from the cluster:
$ curl -O -v -u "joe:$token" "http://${INTERNAL_REGISTRY_IP}:5000/v2/$NAMESPACE/$IMAGESTREAMNAME/blobs/$BLOBDIGEST"
You can see output similar to below if the retistry doesn't redirect (note HTTP/1.1 200 OK line)
* About to connect() to port 5000 (#0)
* Trying
* Server auth using Basic with user 'joe'
> GET /v2/s3/hello-openshift/blobs/sha256:5594792b81eb33747af6e7939d8e2ee1841621a3417acd995e815d7c2bd7334f HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic am9lOmJTS3FDT0pza0t1aXBiVnI0NlJzVWJ4ZmpyWXhaYWZIZ1llYmw4ZXduYnc=
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Cache-Control: max-age=31536000
< Content-Length: 2234230
< Content-Type: application/octet-stream
< Docker-Content-Digest: sha256:5594792b81eb33747af6e7939d8e2ee1841621a3417acd995e815d7c2bd7334f
< Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0
< Etag: "sha256:5594792b81eb33747af6e7939d8e2ee1841621a3417acd995e815d7c2bd7334f"
< Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 09:42:52 GMT
{ [data not shown]
If it redirects, you'll see line `HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect` instead.
Paste me the output please.
3. obtain a curl output for the same $NAMESPACE/$IMAGESTREAMNAME/$BLOBDIGEST with the public registry url from inside of cluster:
$ curl -O -v -u "joe:$token" "$NAMESPACE/$IMAGESTREAMNAME/blobs/$BLOBDIGEST"
3. obtain a curl output for the same $NAMESPACE/$IMAGESTREAMNAME/$BLOBDIGEST with the public registry url from outside of cluster
If you hit some problem, ping me on irc (#aos, #openshift, ...).
Thank you in advance!
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