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Last active March 13, 2018 17:03
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OpenShift integrated registry with redis as a memcache

OpenShift integrated registry with redis as a memcache

motivation: find out if it works with multiple replicas with image pruning.

worry: are the entries safely removed from cache when image pruning is run?

Tested with:

oc v3.7.14
kubernetes v1.7.6+a08f5eeb62
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO


  1. deploy cluster with registry (advanced install is assumed)
  2. login as cluster admin
  3. oc project default
  4. oc new-app --name=registry-redis
  5. oc rsh dc/docker-registry cat /etc/registry/config.yml >config.yml
  6. sed -i 's/blobdescriptor: inmemory/blobdescriptor: redis/' config.yml
cat >>config.yml <<EOF
  addr: $(oc get -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}:{.spec.ports[0].port}' svc/registry-redis -n default)
  1. oc secret new registry-redis-config config.yml
oc volume dc/docker-registry --add \
    --type=secret --secret-name=registry-redis-config \
    --name=docker-config --overwrite
  1. oc scale --replicas=2 dc/docker-registry
  2. oc rollout status

Trying it out

  • Monitor for db operations in one terminal

    oc exec -it "$(oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -l deploymentconfig=registry-redis)" \
        -n default redis-cli monitor
  • Push image:

    oc new-project redistest
    docker login -u unused -p $(oc whoami -t) $REGISTRY_SERVICE_IP
    docker pull busybox && docker push $REGISTRY_SERVICE_IP/redistest/busybox
  • List the keys:

    oc exec -it "$(oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -l deploymentconfig=registry-redis)" \
        -n default redis-cli keys \*
    1) "blobs::sha256:8072a54ebb3bc136150e2f2860f00a7bf45f13eeb917cca2430fcd0054c8e51b"
    3) "blobs::sha256:f2a91732366c0332ccd7afd2a5c4ff2b9af81f549370f7a19acd460f87686bc7"
    4) "repository::test/hello-world::blobs"
    5) "repository::test/hello-world::blobs::sha256:ca4f61b1923c10e9eb81228bd46bee1dfba02b9c7dac1844527a734752688ede"
    6) "blobs::sha256:ca4f61b1923c10e9eb81228bd46bee1dfba02b9c7dac1844527a734752688ede"
    7) "repository::test/hello-world::blobs::sha256:f2a91732366c0332ccd7afd2a5c4ff2b9af81f549370f7a19acd460f87686bc7"
  • Prune the pushed image:

     oc adm --token=$(oc whoami -t) prune images \
         --force-insecure=true --keep-tag-revisions=0 \
         --keep-younger-than=0 --all=false --confirm
  • The prune does not delete any key. It attempts to delete blobs::$digest but due to a bug, the keys stays, nevertheless the attempt is enough for the key to be considered as invalid.

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