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Created October 15, 2016 20:30
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Elm Day 2: Track Click Position
import Html exposing (Html, text, div)
import Html.App as App
import Mouse exposing (..)
main = App.program { init = init,
view = view, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }
-- Model
type alias Model = { x: Int, y : Int }
initialModel : Model
initialModel = { x = 0, y = 0 }
init = (initialModel, Cmd.none)
-- Update
type Msg = Position Int Int
update: Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd a)
update msg model = case msg of
Position x y -> ({model | x = x, y = y}, Cmd.none)
-- Subscriptions
subscriptions: Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = Mouse.clicks(\{x, y} -> Position x y)
-- View
-- view: Model -> Html div
view model = div [] [text (toString model)]
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