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Last active July 25, 2020 22:53
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I'm starting to think that half the reason I've spent my entire life not using Git is that I'm too lazy to remember the commands
just finished my data science project and now I'm trying to figure out how to make my Jupyter notebook execute my function
I guess the real question is how do you deal with shitposting that's actually, like, shit?
this might be the worst shitpost I've ever written
that's not a problem you can just use NLP to solve
My local data science circle is just, like, whatever
do they mean if I use a stop word like "the" or "a"
this is why I can't have nice things
if you've ever asked for a job on a fucking subreddit
It's a hard truth that needs to be accepted.
oddly enough, the bane of my existence is actually my company's HR system
Now you know how it feels to use Jupyter Notebook for shitposting
yeah, I think I just need to work on this for, like, an hour and then I'll have it.
the stuff I do in the privacy of my own home
There is no problem that a well-trained deep neural net cannot solve.
a non-linear problem, and then write about it on my blog.
That's a hell of a lot of new things to read.
My life has been ruined by reading Stack Overflow.
There are some problems that can only be solved with the right level of data science.
"Hi, this is a question from a data science interviewer, and I need you to solve this in 10 minutes."
i'm actually going to have to use this for a data science project in like two days
So I just realized that I could write a short program that runs a web browser, launches the first thing it finds on the first page, then saves the whole page as a PDF.
I love it when my algorithms work.
all of the words you've ever read
I'm just so tired of reading about things on the internet
I've finally reached the point where I've learned everything I need to know about machine learning.
I'm like, really smart now.
I don't know how to write code, but I've read a lot of articles about writing code.
like a single human is actually able to read all of this shit
Oh, you can run multiple tests on a dataset? I just
Good times.
I really wish there was a way to do HTTP/2 from a web browser
I wonder how hard it would be to turn this into a twitter bot that responds to every @realDonaldTrump tweet with a quote from Hamilton?
tweet: [url] [image] [quote]
I got so angry at Python packaging today that I went out and bought a juicer.
this is how my housemate found me after I got home from a 9 hour workday
That moment when you realize that in order to have the appropriate level of immaturity, you're going to have to start over with a fresh install.
man, I'm so tired of having to deal with these legacy Nginx configurations.
that's why we can't have nice things.
how many people did this bot get before people realized it was full of it?
if you can't beat 'em, just have a bot do it for you.
this is how I feel about my life.
but in a good way.
it's the only way.
well that's just your opinion, man.
you don't know me.
i am the data.
that's the kind of attitude that gets you places.
well I've seen enough of the human race to know that it isn't worth it.
wait, so you're just going to give up?
do you want to go out for coffee?
I've never been more tempted to run out and get a new Macbook Pro.
honestly, I just want to do data science in the open.
I don't want to be the next person who gets blacklisted for doing data science in the open.
The only reason that I don't do data science in the open is because I don't want to get blacklisted.
so what are you going to do about it?
i guess I'll just keep writing it in my spare time, and hope for the best.
fuck it, I'll just write it in my spare time and hope for the best.
then you'll be one of those people who doesn't get hired.
I don't even know
Today's shitposting is brought to you by Pandas.
What if every submission to PEPs was actually a submission to the Python Package Index?
how much should I charge for this one-off tutorial?
I need to write a paper for my class but I just got distracted by my own data set.
Working on a "Python Data Science Toolkit" for a course I'm teaching. It's a time travel paradox.
I love that I can do a pandas.DataFrame.apply(func).sum() and get a nice NumPy array out of it.
I feel like we've moved past "is Python fast enough?" and now it's "how can we make Python fast enough?"
This whole "publishing on Arxiv" thing is weird.
Imagine if a scientific journal was just a github repository.
"So how much do you get paid?" "Oh, I'm just a postdoc. I get paid in mentorship."
"Oh, what's your net worth?" "About negative $100,000." "Well, that's not too bad."
"I'm building a ML model to generate food puns. So far I've trained it to tell me whether or not a pun is a pasta pun."
"Why is Python so great?" "It's the programming language of love."
"Python or JavaScript?" "Python, for love."
"I need to fix this bug, but I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just look at the commit log."
The Python community is amazing. Everyone's in it for the love.
I'm still pretty green at data science but I'm trying to learn as much as I can!
"What's your big data toolkit?" "I'm using Python."
The future is here.
I had a pretty successful career as a Python developer, but I don't think I'll ever really understand data science.
Got a new laptop with Python 3.7 installed.
Every time I see someone on Twitter talk about data science or machine learning I always hope they get trolled.
I love my Python data science career. I'm pretty sure I've found my calling.
Every time I do a Kaggle competition I get so inspired by other people's code.
A few months ago I had no idea what a pipenv was. Now I'm like the biggest pipenv fan in the world.
But that's okay
don't you dare tell me I'm doing it wrong
tbh I'm probably the only person who can do this who also knows what it is
The moral of the story is: You should not depend on Python 2.7 for your job.
FTP'ing over HTTP
Rent. Cheap. In SF. In a shared room. In a house. It's like, really good.
People use my python packages all the way back to Python 2.7
Most Python code you'll ever write.
Ain't no party like a Python package release party
How to avoid unicode errors when using grep: use grep -E
I'm honestly so upset that Python 3.6 isn't out yet.
What are you doing with your life if you're not using Markov chains to generate Python code?
tfw you get to work on the most cutting edge machine learning projects, but you still have to ship your work in Jupyter Notebooks
I think I'm going to work on a service that creates chat bots. I'm just not sure what it should do yet.
Python coders are literally the biggest data scientists.
I wrote a wrapper for Youtube-dl and I've never felt more proud.
tfw your TensorFlow code is so efficient that you're getting a better performance than the Keras backend.
tfw I finally got my first GitHub issue from a person I don't know.
You can't learn data science in school, but you can learn it from real-world data science!
I can't believe I made this. This is incredible. This is the best thing I've ever done.
Someone tell me how to do TensorFlow without it being a giant pain in the ass.
It's not a big deal.
It's just a microservice that automatically updates the information on your resume to the latest and greatest.
"So what did you do at that company?" "Oh, I built a neural network that generates Python code."
tfw you see a job posting for a machine learning engineer, but they want you to know SQL.
tfw your model's test error rate is 100%, but it still predicts the right answer all the time.
this is literally how I feel about my code right now
I just made a big file of all my random thoughts about machine learning. I call it ""
The best part about living in the Bay Area
yolo'ing up a tf-idf implementation is a great idea, but also a great way to be on the edge of what data science is capable of.
let's yolo a deep learning project that doesn't even work
I want to use my shiny new Google Cloud credit on a doodle game
Here's a deep learning problem that's way too hard.
I'm going to just write a data science blog in emojis
how do you debug an A/B test? A/B/C/D test?
Do people still even use Excel?
what if we put the statistical concepts behind big-O notation in the O part of big-O notation
This project is going to be done in Python, but I'm going to make it work in C just to see if I can.
deep learning just keeps getting better and better! I'll get around to writing a blog post about it at some point.
the quickest way to get to the cutting edge is to cut it
Gotta love a project that makes you go "holy shit, that's cool!" right before it crashes.
using Python for science and data science
I've just implemented an Adversarial Autoencoder in Tensorflow. You're welcome, world.
I don't know if I'm going to publish this or not, but it's a neural network in the shape of a parrot
I don't even know if this is possible, but I'm going to try it.
the right data science framework can solve any problem
My code is so complicated that it's going to be the death of me
I've got an idea that I'm going to test out using time travel.
I'm going to build a text generator for famous quotes
I'm building a simple neural network, but I'm going to use the biggest matrices I can find.
I'm building an AI that generates HTML, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to figure out how to train it.
my life has become the antithesis of the story of the man who loved cactus
my code has more failures than a 3-year-old on a trampoline
my first step to solving a problem is to start a blog post about it
I'm working on a neural network to help me figure out what the best thing to do is.
The only way to find out if a neural network works is to put it on the internet.
Hierarchical clustering with a pivot table
Only black hat data scientists use one-hot encoding.
spending hours and hours and hours trying to create a learning model for my product because I’m a machine learning hipster
I’m honestly not sure if it’s still safe to use the word “tensorflow” on Twitter.
if you get a hunch that something is possible, it’s worth it to check it out.
let me know if you're a good fit to write a blog post about your career transition into data science.
The Big Data Gang™
Scraping reddit for meme ids,
Why are people asking questions on Stack Overflow if they don't want an answer?
It's always been a dream of mine to create a data science meme.
I love that I can use Pandas to create a realtime Twitter sentiment analysis of the news.
Nate Silver's new startup will be a platform for crowdsourced data science research
These libraries are fucking garbage.
The next hot trend in Machine Learning is human-to-human chatbots
Why isn't it just called Deep Learning?
tfw you think the hottest data science take you've ever seen is a repost of something you read a month ago
The new Datascience meme: If you don't get it, it's because you don't want to get it.
tfw you're so tired of being told you're a Python noob that you're actually contemplating porting your library to C++
So you think you know everything about Pandas? Prove it by writing an entire blog post about nothing but yourself.
You'll never be a data scientist until you can confidently state that correlation does not imply causation.
This data science post is so good that it can't be explained in any medium other than a Word Cloud.
You can't train a neural network to do machine translation until you have trained it to translate your own bullshit
tfw you have the perfect neural network architecture to solve a particular problem, but it only works in binary.
Another day, another Word Cloud.
Ric Flair Drip.
I would like to make a tool to generate data science Word Clouds for any blog post.
A deep learning model that takes in a sentence, outputs a word cloud, and generates the entire blog post in the process.
Dear Spark: You are a joke.
Every time I see someone complaining about the N-1 bias in Spark, I want to kill them.
The real reason why Python is dying.
Why is my R package taking so long to install? I can't even remember why I chose R.
The future is a world where data scientists are paid to tweet the hottest data science takes.
If you can't train a model on something, you should just pretend it is binary.
Anyone who says a model is overfitting is just using that as an excuse to be bad at statistics.
You don't have to have a job in data science to get on the hottest data science takes.
How do I train a model on something that is
I have a bit of a confession to make...
If you're not using SQLAlchemy, you're doing it wrong.
I have not been this excited for a new programming language since Java.
I'm more excited about this Python thing than I have been about any piece of technology in a long time.
No matter what you do, the regex always wins.
He asked me to teach him machine learning. I responded by building him a program that finds the shortest route between 2 points.
Why are we not allowed to just use VBScript?
you know it's bad when your grad school's TAs are telling you to use the Google Cloud APIs instead
"I really like the Twitter API. It's so straightforward and well documented."
"What's the next library I should learn?"
"Can I have an autograph?"
"Do you have any tips on learning new libraries?"
This is how you create a real-world data scientist.
I just found a way to do it in one line.
Okay, so I've figured out how to automate a lot of the admin work for my clients.
My friend told me to use D3. I told him I would if he would start wearing pants.
Here's how you make your first 10,000 lines of code:
And here's how you make your next 10,000 lines of code:
I have no doubt that this is how a data scientist really works.
You know you're doing data science right when:
You try to learn something new, but you spend most of your time googling for code snippets.
I've been making it rain with data science on the blockchain for so long that I'm starting to get dry.
This is what you're doing wrong if you don't like Python.
There's a reason why Python is the go-to language for AI.
They say that Python is the future of data science.
I just can't get enough of Python.
Who needs Markov chains when you have deep learning?
I feel like there should be a word for learning a language just to read the documentation.
I like my R with a side of VBScript.
I'm going to be using Python for the rest of my life.
"I've heard that Python is pretty easy to learn."
I'll teach you Python in three easy steps:
(by the way, it's just an abbreviation of a word that has multiple meanings. why are you so mad?)
Hierarchical Bayes factors? More like hierarchical Bayes farts.
NLP (natural language processing) is the worst
The easiest way to build an NLP pipeline is to give up and use regex.
I’ve decided to start using pandas for my data cleaning.
I’m trying to train an LSTM to translate I don’t know into I don’t know
I got into data science so I wouldn’t have to deal with people who don’t understand the value of a "data scientist"
"hey, let's use logistic regression"
how to generate my entire tech blog
it's a hot take generator that uses a GBM as the latent variable
I'm actually really surprised no one has built this yet.
Haven't had any blog ideas in weeks. So I've been spending my time building a deep learning NLP pipeline to generate new blog ideas.
Works surprisingly well. Here's the first blog post:
I was literally just talking about this with a colleague
in a data science job interview
I haven't seen this much swearing in an interview since I asked a candidate to implement a sorting algorithm and he threw his computer at me.
The data science interview process is the only place where someone can spend an hour writing a single line of code and still get the job.
How to fail an interview in five easy steps
There is no such thing as data science
Falling into a spiral of failure after only a few hours of trying
I've been spending my free time learning how to build recommendation engines
We're going to need to increase our budget to get the best data science team in the industry
This is literally what the recruiter told me
We don't really need data science. We just need someone to generate a bunch of pretty charts for our marketing department
That one person who only knows how to do NLP but somehow got a data science job
I can't even begin to tell you how much I've been enjoying my new job
Because nothing says "I don't know what I'm doing" like using the default parameters
I don't understand why my neural net is always giving me results that make no sense
They want a hot take about why they're not going to succeed in this industry
And I'm just not having
In the future, it will be possible to build web applications without a backend.
If I have to see another dashboard, I'm going to punch my computer screen.
there is no dplyr
I've been building out my own deep learning framework in my spare time. It has a forward pass and a backward pass.
Here's a good way to stop people from breaking into your computer: stop using computers.
If you have a lot of rows and columns, your data is just as good as the work you put into it.
I have a large dataset, but I don't have any good columns.
I would love to hear more about your pet project.
My workflow is better than yours.
It's time for your weekly git update, bro.
I've just been on a bit of a coding tear, so I'm probably due for a version bump soon.
I'm pretty sure you could turn your company's data into a musical.
This is a prototype, so it's not very good.
I don't want to get my hopes up about it, but it's looking like I might be able to finally put my senior thesis to rest.
"There's an app for that" has a whole new meaning now that I've learned Python.
I've written the next logical step in the development of self-driving cars: an app for me to talk to.
I just have to port it to a language I can understand.
My database has no foreign keys. It's the best kind of database.
"I'm gonna have to start using regular expressions" is a real-life problem you have to solve before you get hired at Facebook.
My new Facebook status is, "You know, I'm starting to think we should just be building static websites."
As a programmer, I'm pretty sure I should be able to come up with a better solution than this.
I just wanna get paid to fix things.
I'm the real-life Iron Man.
Real programmers use GNU make.
This is going to be the best game of "the floor is lava" ever.
Why did we start writing our own programming languages?
This is a great idea, and I'd love to work on it.
I think I can make my app better if I give it a bigger vocabulary.
My passion for data science is just growing and growing.
I'm about to make the leap into full-time freelance coding.
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