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trump unicorn
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. After initially dismissing the claims of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth as a "sideshow," and after then threatening climate scientists by canceling meetings and issuing executive orders that harm both the planet and the public, Trump went full-fonk to the president's personal unicorn fetish in mid-May. He made the United Nations' latest climate report mandatory reading in every U.S. elementary and secondary school — but for only four days (the actual document is much more complicated and comprehensive).
Now, he's finally taken a step to put the issue before the American people. Trump is going to give a major address in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday at 5 p.m. in front of the U.N. Security Council. His message: Let's save the world. At least according to what it looks like on the Twitter page for the White House's event:
.@potus will be delivering remarks
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He is now able to do things other than read out the daily updates from the FBI, IRS, Department of Homeland Security, and dozens of state and local law enforcement agencies, which are all on high alert right now because he did the dumbest thing a politician could do in 2016 (which he's already admitted in a televised statement, "It was the dumbest thing I've ever done."): He gave in to the FBI director's request for loyalty and told him to go fuck himself.
You can't really blame Comey for going nuts. After all, you're going to piss him off if you lie to him, or if you undermine his agency (in both ways), or if you are too close to him (like, the day before Comey said he'd drop the investigation on Hillary), because then he'll be a political target in 2018.
I don't get it. Trump is the President, he's supposed to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As the White House scrambled to deal with the fallout from Trump's bizarre news conference on Tuesday, an unending cascade of new stories came out that reveal the President to be a total narcissist and an unstable, narcissistic, emotionally stunted man, a man who has never learned anything, even as he continues to show no signs of growth.
But it's not just his insecurities that make him a bad human being; it's his actions as well. From his campaign statements and presidency to his executive orders and policies, Trump has shown himself to be utterly unstable. His erratic behavior and unpredictable decisions to pursue them, including his repeated attempt to sabotage the investigation into Russian hacking in the 2016 U.S. elections, make him a danger to the country, which cannot trust him or her leadership. In this moment, it can be helpful to focus on the signs.
For a president prone to sudden mood changes, he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But what exactly is he doing? His first month in office, from inauguration to the end of April, was marred by turmoil as the White House staff battled the same internal conflict that has bedeviled Trump for two years now.
It has taken some effort to identify and isolate the chaos. To the extent the media covered it in its first several months, the coverage tended to focus on "Russia," "special counsel," "Obstruction," or "fake news" that turned out not to be much of anything.
But as the calendar has run out, and with one day still remaining until the president has officially addressed an international gathering and the first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in over a month, some media stories that have once again focused on the usual political hot-button topics — the GOP tax bill, the travel ban, and the investigation into Trump's possible ties with Russia — have been revealed to be much more complicated
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump is now the best president this country has seen in a long time.
He is literally making the system better. He is creating change. He is getting things done. He is making America great again.
The Trump Effect
If anything, Trump has only been a positive change at this time. This is a result of the fact that he has a mandate from voters. There has never been a politician who had the support of the majority of the country before Trump did. The fact that millions of people believe this president means the world to this country is a huge victory, even if they didn't know who or what this Donald Trump was a year ago. This is why there is so much energy and excitement for him at this point, both on Capitol Hill and at campaign rallies.
It is clear to most that the Trump Effect is a real thing now. It is a reality we are now witnessing in every
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The White House has taken a sudden interest in protecting the delicate animal.
Last month, National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis wrote a letter to Mr Trump saying that the White House should "remove your office and all decorations related to it from all outdoor public areas in your Executive Residence and the entire grounds of the White House."
Mr Trump, who has called climate change a hoax, made good on his promise to protect the unicorn, a gift from the Chinese to his daughter Ivanka, by putting a giant replica of the critter at the entrance of the White House's East Wing.
White House staff were outraged and the White House put the Unicorn of the Year plaque in the East Wing but it was taken down shortly after.
The National Park Service has now weighed in, saying Mr Jarvis is incorrect and that the plaque is there because it "is not intended to insult and has the intent to respect the national symbol
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
His supporters will no doubt shrug and say: It's because of what Trump is up to with this travel ban, because of the Muslim travel ban, or because of the travel ban.
But those of us who believe the man is a threat to our democracy are left wondering: Why, when it has always been obvious to those of us who live in the real world, is this a new phenomenon?
And why have we been so caught off guard by Trump's unexpected transformation in the two weeks since the November election?
His anti-Muslim policies, his calls for voter ID laws, his push for a Muslim travel ban and his proposed ban on the entry of the refugees with dual citizenship are the same policies we've known and feared from the beginning.
They're the policies he campaigned on during the primaries and during the general election. And it's only in the past six weeks he's seemed like a new
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That, of course, is how things have been described for the last seven months. In reality, he is still Donald Trump, the same man he's been for more than two decades. "He's not a racist, he's not a bigot, he's an ignorant dolp." Those are the words of the man himself. But Trump is a master manipulator of emotions, especially fear and love. If the words don't carry themselves with the same conviction, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise, then the manipulations themselves are the ultimate proof. A few hours ago we heard one of his chief supporters, the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, who made quite a political debut on the campaign trail by endorsing Trump and praising him for doing so.
"He's a new American hero," he said on his radio show.
And on CNN, one of Trump's closest allies
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He may not be that amazing in a political sense, but he is incredibly charming and incredibly charismatic.
In fact, a group of high school students have made it into the White House in exchange for the president putting his foot down: They have been asked to take a picture with the unicorn as a kind of "birthday" present for the president.
If this sounds a little insane, it's because it almost certainly is. After all, how much more obvious can this idea get? It's almost as if the administration were actually seeking to make a bizarre, surreal joke. And the people who are supposed to keep the White House sane apparently aren't exactly going that far back in history books. The fact that this joke actually seems to be on the table shows just how low the bar for the presidency has fallen.
But it's also a funny kind of ironic joke in that, in effect, it shows how the president
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl Thursday that he is not looking to pursue a full-scale investigation into Russia and that his firing of FBI Director James Comey had more to do with his frustrations with the bureau than it did with Trump's Russia ties.
"I said this was before the Russia thing, but it was just really -- everybody thought it was about Russia," Trump said. "But no, it's not. And I'm not looking to go forward with it, but if Russia damn well wants to be a friend of the U.S., that's great."
There is a lot to unpack here. Here's what you need to know:
Here's what happened:
On May 9, Trump fired Comey, citing Comey's role in the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. Comey had become a lightning rod in the FBI's investigation. His public appearances
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's the only person to have won a primary or general election without a plurality in the electorate. He's the first president to win three non-consecutive elections and also hold a 2-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the popular vote. And in a week that began with the GOP passing its sweeping tax overhaul, the House of Representatives passed its budget resolution, and Senate Republicans announced they're going forward with their repeal-and-replace effort, Trump now gets to start building consensus on a bill that can make his presidency live up to his own word — something that's really hard to do when two-thirds of the country opposes your agenda.
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But at the end of this month, President Trump is not going to be able to claim his accomplishments in this area without the support of Paul Ryan and the other leaders of the Republican Party. Ryan has consistently said his
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And his name is Donald Trump, Jr.
The billionaire businessman has become the darling of the liberal media since this week's news of his meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer at Trump Tower, in June 2016.
CNN and MSNBC hyped a Trump Jr. email last year which read, "I love it." It was from the son, along with a fellow college acquaintance, Emin Agalarov. The Russian pop singer's father, Aras Agalarov, gave Donald Trump his $20,000 contract for a Trump Tower Moscow hotel deal back in 2008.
CNN even invited "conspiracy theorist" Paul Joseph Watson to their studio and invited him to call to reveal what Trump Jr.'s emails say. But he couldn't keep his story straight. He called the meeting a "bromance."
It seems everyone involved at Trump Tower is trying to downplay the media attention that this meeting brought to them
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "They say a unicorn can only be born once in a blue moon," he exclaimed at a rally Thursday, adding, "We have four in a row."
The unicorn has appeared before — once in a blue moon, in the first quarter of 2012, during a press conference held by House Speaker John Boehner in the Rose Garden. In fact, unicorns appear on a regular basis. From horse-drawn carriages in the Renaissance to the U.S. Patent Office, this animal has become the mascot of many an invention that never materialized.
Why have so many invented a unicorn when unicorns aren't real? It seems like a good question, although no one really knows for sure. One of the most prolific "unicorn theorists" is Michael "E.T." Terrill of Texas A&M University. The scientist and writer has examined the subject of unicorn inventors and has made a few educated guesses about how
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Now it seems to be clear that the reason President Trump is the way he is is that Hillary Clinton and her "elites" took control of the party.
That would be one way of putting it. There is no other way. President Trump is in a coma. The American people voted for their country, not the establishment. I want the people to stand for what's right and to take back the government from the corrupt people running it.
Hillary has never had a real job.
The media did not want to believe it, but now I can assure you.
Here's the big one. In 1992 when she ran for president as the pro-choice former First Lady and first lady, the mainstream media said no one would even support a woman running for president. A few tried, but it would never come together for Hillary.
The media didn't just lie to us about who Hillary really was,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (Source: Getty Images)
The New York Times ran a story about President Donald Trump on Tuesday about his "magic moment" and his love of unicorns — but in the story's conclusion they write about the "growing perception of the president, who has never been particularly charismatic, as having turned into a fad."
The "fad" Trump and unicorns refer to Trump's "frequently awkward handshake and unforced facial expression," the New York Times says.
While the Times is writing about an "extraordinary" moment Trump's been having lately, his behavior is far from unprecedented. In June, Trump had his hands together as the leader of an important nation in a handshake and he said it wasn't bad.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The White House and Trump's media buddies insist this is simply because of "a bad microphone" — it's not an accident. But if you're Trump, why wouldn't you just let yourself be heard as a voice of reason?
"It has to do with the fact that he's not used to having microphones put in front of him — he's kind of a tall guy," the White House's new press secretary Sean Spicer told radio host John Catsimatidis on March 30, a few days after Trump's new position was announced. (Spicer, who had no prior journalism or communications experience, had been a prominent surrogate for Trump in the presidential race.)
According to Trump's new spokesman Sean Spicer, the problem on inauguration day was that "his mic wasn't working very well, and so it was difficult for him to hear, particularly over all the other voices in the room." (Screenshot)
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The new president tweeted out about what a great job he's doing in his first three weeks in office as part of a campaign-style tweet. He says it all with just two words:
Great job, America.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But this transformation is merely the latest chapter in a series of misdeeds by a presidency that has already cost the country more than $10 trillion.
The New York Times this week reported that former president Barack Obama spent roughly $10 million to settle lawsuits against him from people who claimed they were wrongfully harmed by his administration's environmental agenda and regulatory policies.
It was a small amount compared to the $8.65 billion Trump and his family have poured into his businesses so far this year, as The Huffington Post detailed last month.
In the early days of Trump's presidency, the public and media were eager to pounce on his business conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest between his personal financial interests and those of the American people. These concerns are still valid, but they have been diluted by his willingness to disregard ethics policies and avoid conflict-of-interest laws and regulations in pursuit of the best business deals in town
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And all Americans have to agree.
This transformation occurred almost by accident on Thursday, when a White House aide brought an adorable 5-year-old boy into the Situation Room as Donald Trump was announcing his firing of FBI director James Comey. The boy immediately sat down next to him on the sofa and gave him a hug. (A man can dream.)
"I saw the president's daughter, Melania, in the hallway and was like 'Did I see Donald Trump?'" the boy's mother said of the moment. "Then I saw him again and he was like, 'That boy looks just like Daddy.'"
That boy was apparently only four or five when he met his idol and the pair has been inseparable ever since. The boy also appeared to be a fan of the president's son Donald Jr., even if they're far from political friends. In August 2016, the boy made a video wishing the future Republican presidential nominee
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The Republican nominee said today he wants the "big beautiful tax cut" he said he wants in his plan (if they're even in it anymore) and he promised to make America "so great."
And, it appears, he meant it.
Trump and a bipartisan group of Republicans unveiled their plan to reduce individual and corporate rates. And that's all anyone in either political party could've ever expected.
"We have to do something on business taxes," Trump said this morning on Fox Business. "I'm going to give it very major and massive and a very big cut, a tremendous tax cut for companies. And for companies that are going to do so well, they're not going to be able to leave the United States."
Here are the five key numbers in Trump's tax reform plan from the plan itself:
Corporate tax rate: 10 percent. This is lower than President Barack Obama's target
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In January 2016, his campaign was largely considered a joke, but his win — and the fact that he was given a second chance — made him a hero for much of the country. Now, Trump has made it a full-fledged reality by turning his unmitigated chaos into an international issue that involves more than just the rest of the world.
For Trump, this has been a great day for his presidency and for the world's greatest nation. For America, though, it means not much. This country is still a disaster.
Here's a rundown of every single thing Trump has done that might actually have an effect on global stability:
President Trump meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the White House. Thomson Reuters
He fired FBI Director James Comey to try to curtail the investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who also happened to have communicated with Russia prior to Trump's inauguration. A few
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (
You want your president to actually do what he campaigned on, as well as talk like a leader. But there are things he should actually do, and those he should stay away from doing.
In addition to saying he will start tearing up deals with Democratic politicians, Trump is the guy who started tweeting about the Electoral College a few weeks ago. That is an action he absolutely, provably should not be taking, even if he were going to win. It isn't a coincidence that this tweet came just a week after Trump announced his running mate Mike Pence is his running mate. Trump is the president of the United States, so obviously he can just tweet whatever he wants without anyone calling his bluff.
However, in many cases, he will be pressured to do something in order to gain leverage. Trump must recognize that the way to get more in office is to do less. And the ways to not
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That is, the media's coverage of his presidency has miraculously shifted from a positive to a negative over the last week. The result of Trump's amazing feat of transformation? A 10-point shift in his positive ratings in his first week since his inauguration.
This dramatic shift in positive perception is nothing new for Trump, nor a surprise to the Trump Administration, as the President had been a lightning rod of positive public sentiment prior to becoming the President of the United States.
According to a Pew Research Center poll conducted on January 21–26, Trump's overall job approval rating among the public was at a record high of 57%. However, this approval rating jumped from an earlier low of 42% on January 19–25, the day following Trump's inauguration, when the initial polls were released. Trump's overall job approval has continued to climb, from 59% on February 3–7, to 61% in mid-April and 67
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. As the media and Democrats try to portray Trump as evil, and to make a big deal about the Russia probe that he has no control over, he has already done something that can truly change the game. He has stopped being a human. He no longer can have any emotional attachment. Trump will have no connection to the American people. He will never be truly American in the same way that Barack Obama was. In fact, a Trump presidency will look nothing like Obama's. For one, Obama, while not having a political future, has at least been able to work with Republicans and has maintained some level of emotional attachment to the American people. However, in Trump's case, he has no real ties with the people. He is basically a puppet that his masters use to further their agenda. He knows it and is playing the part of an agent of foreign power. This will never work for Trump. All it takes is one mistake and he will
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's the unicorn we know and love, which is Trump-sized but doesn't grow on trees.
When you see Trump at an event, he appears smaller than in past years.
When you look at Trump from far away, you notice his head's size change, his jaw and eyes change shape, the hair on his head grows out.
The Trump face changes shape when people look away.
Even those close to the president have noticed an interesting change in the facial appearance of this diminutive leader of the free world.
"Look at that face!" said former British prime minister Tony Blair in a January interview about what he's seeing. "How are we to trade with someone who has that face?"
Trump was born with a birthmark on his chin which doctors made famous after his early days in the real estate business in the 70's. Trump had a mole under the lip,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. At least on one crucial issue, he has changed little since his first year in office: his attitude toward climate change.
Over the last four weeks, Trump has taken a strong stand in favor of renewable energy over fossil fuels. In February, he signed an executive order that encouraged energy firms to use 100 percent renewable energy sources. His decision, along with the recent cancellation of coal production in Ohio, marked a sea change from the previous eight years. It's a shift that Trump seems to feel is permanent.
"It may go down in history as one of the very few moments where a US President decided, in one stroke, to take a more radical approach to energy, which was what people were anticipating in response to the Paris deal," said Jeremy Symons, an analyst at London-based Greenpeace, the environmental group.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's not like it was ever real! It's not like it's been anywhere for more than five minutes! It's not that Trump has been anything other than a caricature for his entire life! And yet he is the first president since Ronald Reagan that has achieved more than most presidents accomplish in a lifetime!
That's incredible! That's amazing! It's beyond anything anyone has seen before. It's astonishing! If this trend of fake-Trump continues, he could do something he's probably never achieved before. Trump could transform into a Unicorn: a person who actually looks like him is not what you think. It wouldn't be true! If Trump really is a person, he's never going to win, because if he wins, he has to look like the people he's competing with. The unicorn is a stereotype. The unicorn only ever looks as if it were drawn in ink and pasted on paper, and that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He tweeted out a video on Monday of himself and his daughter, Ivanka, performing a "war dance" during his inauguration that was reportedly captured on film. The president even tweeted it out to his 24.4 million followers.
There was another person present for this spectacularly awkward act: CNN. CNN, of course, got ahold of this footage and posted it as well.
Trump, of course, promptly sent out yet another tweet: "Wow, CNN had to retract big story on 'Russia,'" he wrote. "Too bad!"
And CNN, of course, responded with one of its signature responses: "The President is wrong, please see the following video for more info:"
There are, obviously, plenty of other reasons why this newsworthy video from the ceremony will not be the one shared by both CNN and the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It was a story he had been told many times, and one which even had a name: The unicorn effect.
"One evening he went outside to the living room. His staff were outside with bags. He asked them to do me a great favor: Bring me a hat, because I could never figure out what to wear," she said.
Then she remembered: "My parents would say to me, 'Have you gotten it right?' " and "Are you sure? Is it OK?"
Trump is a believer in a kind of magic. He's spent much of his career trying to understand its mechanisms.
For a while he thought he might be the magician. And then he realized: His problem wasn't that he was having trouble thinking through the effects; his problem was that he wasn't understanding the magic.
So Trump made a conscious decision to stop asking questions. He'd learned enough
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
That might seem like a bizarre theory — if you consider yourself as a political observer. But on Monday, as Trump and top congressional Republicans celebrated the passage of a tax plan to dramatically boost their own wealth, a curious piece of political reality entered the picture.
There was the president. There was the tax plan. And there was reality.
Trump is the first sitting U.S. president in 30 years to have a personal income tax cut of more than 50 percent.
This has been true before, but the scale and scope of this boost to his pocketbook is breathtaking.
On Monday night, according to White House estimates, the president's bill would have saved him over $17 million, saving his own family as much as $13 million. And it could have saved him more by the end of the year: a recent CBS News analysis showed that if you add Trump's state income and property taxes to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As the former commander of a U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan (and the current CEO of American Dragon Energy), I have been paying close attention for some time to the increasingly dire situation in the region, with the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, the Afghan security forces and assorted Taliban groups still in control of an astonishing number of territory in Afghanistan. What does it say about Washington's policy in that Afghanistan that our troops and their Afghan allies are now in the situation they are now in without an actual plan for success?
I've seen this before, with Iraq and so many other wars over the past decade or so. When a commander-in-chief wants to go to war, you have to get out there, and win or lose the war. But as Obama's surge turned into a quagmire and his policy turned into an American disaster, Obama tried to back pedal when it came to Afghanistan, trying a new
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. According to the President himself on his Facebook page, he just woke up a full day ahead of schedule on January 19, when he assumed the office of the Presidency. It is all thanks to the magic of "MAGA."
While Trump did not reveal anything specific about the cause of his full day ahead of schedule, he did mention that he is feeling a bit of magic from his new position:
So I woke up this morning a full day ahead of schedule, as you can imagine. And we all began to celebrate, all of the agencies came out, we had a press conference, we had our swearing in!
However, there were a lot of concerns expressed by people online that he might not have gone to work in such great condition after working "from sunup to sundown" and that if he does indeed "have a good day," he does not have to do another full day of work (he was actually
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
So has his attorney general, who once joked with a local paper that "it would be a pretty good idea" for him to prosecute the New York City mayor over his "locker room talk." In fact, Sessions seems to have taken this "locker room talk" to new heights, with a Justice Department investigation into Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for allegedly paying Russians for her emails and an FBI investigation into her family's private email server – despite the fact that it has never been found that she or her staff had even engaged in illegal activities. In short, no matter what the White House tells you about the investigation, it's going to get worse.
In response to Sessions' decision, Democratic congressmen are threatening to file articles of impeachment. That's the same level of threat that has been levelled at both Trump and former president Barack Obama's administration since Trump took office. The fact that it might even become a political option
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
On the campaign trail in late 2016, Trump pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act -- a signature domestic policy achievement of the former first lady.
That pledge quickly became one of Trump's most prominent campaign themes -- but the first major legislation he put forward, the American Health Care Act, would have left 23 million more people uninsured and made coverage more costly for older Americans and higher-income people.
This week, Trump's new chief of staff, John Kelly, indicated he won't repeal the Affordable Care Act. It has become less a promise of his, and more of his staff's talking points to sell his administration's agenda. But the idea hasn't gone away.
Last November, Trump was asked in an interview whether he believed in universal health care, the idea that everyone gets basic health insurance. He answered: "I'd love it, yes."
As president, Trump campaigned on repealing Obamacare
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. According to Trump, his administration has the moral high ground after a string of embarrassing revelations from the FBI, which found Hillary Clinton was grossly incompetent and an awful presidential candidate. It is hard to say if Trump made himself into a unicorn as well. We can't say he didn't make himself into a unicorn—it is possible he did.
But it would be too late, Trump would've stopped being a unicorn a long time ago, and it would be completely futile to even try to convince anyone that he can or should be treated as a real thing, or a person.
The best you can do is try to be honest about the absurdity of his actions while remaining true to the reality of his personality, which is the same guy who just lied about the size of his electoral vote victory by a lot.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He now has a record low approval rating of just 35 percent, and he isn't losing any new jobs in America. So what did we expect? What could be worse than the president?
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. I don't see how the United States can function without having a president who has the ability to speak without fear or favor and do whatever's necessary to get our country back on track."
— Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) on "Fox and Friends" on March 28, 2017
As it turns out, Republicans aren't nearly as confident in their ability to do that this time around. And they are right. There is now a pretty good reason to be fearful about Trump's presidency.
Inevitably, it's true. Trump is unpredictable, even by presidential standards, and in many ways he is unqualified to run the government. This has been evident even as he's managed to do remarkably well on so many levels and in such a short period of time. (Trump was the first elected president to visit both the CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., and Fort Myer,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The president spent the early part of the weekend visiting places he might not normally consider: New York City, Washington, and the White House. In New York, he did the best he could to avoid the media, but as the cameras turned on, Trump could be seen wandering around New York with a man on a rope, while an old woman who said she had never met him spoke to the press.
He wasn't the only one. Reporters swarmed the White House, as well as the State Department. Reporters on the Hill were all over Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner. Ivanka Trump seemed more interested in the day at the White House than she had been during the months of her father's presidency, during which she's reportedly given her father more advice than she has allowed herself to disclose. The president has taken a more active interest in his new favorite place to take walks.
There wasn't much
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The orange menace that people voted against has become "his most trusted ally" in office. I guess the rest of us won't have to worry about Donald Trump being the president of the United States.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But the real challenge is Trump himself.
Trump hasn't been very consistent with his policies as president. Trump was elected on a promise to be different from President Obama, a Democrat, and to "drain the swamp."
However, as the Washington Post reports, "In more than three months, Trump has only moved two nominations, dropped one Cabinet pick, failed to name top-tier lawyers for several key posts and changed the faces of major posts despite having an idea of who would fill those slots."
It is true that Trump is trying to follow through on his promises to "drain the swamp," with nominees of the Republican Party who are generally hostile to climate change and anti-climate action.
But that is not nearly the only promise Trump has broken.
In fact, Trump has already broken more promises than Barack Obama. Trump's first 100 days alone have already been marked by promises that Trump could not
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "They're not going away," said Paul Ebert, the former Ohio Democratic Party chairman, of the president's actions since his inauguration in January. "He's a one-man freakshow on the national stage."
So why aren't Republicans responding to a president so desperate for support?
A lot of Republicans, Ebert told me, are "hunker-down-and-wait, waiting for the president to screw them in a big way." Others have no choice but to act out "unacceptable behavior." One congressman was on the Senate floor on Monday to push for a vote on a tax bill; it would have required the speaker to get two-thirds support — something he's not likely to achieve. Another said on Monday he "wanted to go to D.C. to tell this guy to take the phone off the hook."
In this environment, what options exist for Trump?
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
During an appearance on "CBS This Morning" Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Gayle King, a Democrat, wondered if the president really cared if he was seen with a unicorn.
"Is he doing an on-camera version of 'The Pony Express?'" she asked.
When co-host Norah O'Donnell replied that he is the best thing that happened to the American dream since America the beautiful, King added "this unicorn talk."
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President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The president tweeted Thursday morning that a "good news story" was unfolding that would save millions of people "hundreds of millions of lives."
"The U.K. has agreed to take in 50,000 Syrian refugees over a five-year period. I have already said what I would do in UK. Bad idea!" the president wrote.
Trump, who promised to build "an impenetrable physical, electronic and cyber wall" along the entire U.S.-Mexico border during the 2016 campaign, has repeatedly said that Mexico will foot the bill for this monument to Trumpian hubris.
But in reality, it is the European Union that will shoulder the burden of taking in more than a million displaced Syrians.
Trump promised during his campaign to erect a big, beautiful wall along the Southern border and eventually, as president, "build the wall!"
"I'm going to build a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And in a way, that makes a lot of sense: He's a unicorn who likes unicorns! As the media has reported, there were several reports that Trump's presidential ambitions went back to 2011. And they were right in one case.
In 2011, Trump held a fundraising event with the help of former president Bill Clinton at New York City's Trump Tower. The $100,000 per-ticket fundraiser netted Clinton an additional $2 million for the DNC that year. And the Wall Street Journal reported in 2012 that the Clinton's fundraiser at Trump's penthouse was one of his top fundraisers for 2012.
The next year, Trump made an announcement:
After the presidential primaries were over, Mr. Trump started a joint fundraising account with the Republican National Committee with the promise of unlimited contributions. The money was earmarked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. So far, Mr. Trump has raised about $20 million
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "We love you, Mister President, we don't know why," we all shout from the top of our lungs.
We know it's not his fault, we can see the signs. But the unicorn is here, but for all the wrong reasons.
We're all tired of him. And you know that if you watch CNN, you'd probably be feeling the same way. "A Trump-supporting woman at a recent rally in Tampa was confronted by an irate Trump supporter who accused her of being a fake voter," CNN reported back in October.
As it turns out, a Republican man who yelled "Fake Americans!" at Trump protesters at a rally in Chicago in October is not the only Trump-supporting man out there.
And it wasn't a lone-wolf protest, either. A group of Trump supporters attacked a pro-Hillary rally organizer on the campus of the University of Illinois in Springfield
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's what's up with a report published on Tuesday by Reuters on the president's "bizarre" conversation with the wife of one of the victims from a June 26 mass shooting at a congressional baseball practice. This time, the president seems to be trying to talk sense into his own daughter:
Trump was overheard telling his wife, Melania, on the phone the day after the June 14 shooting that she had been "SO HAPPY" about his call from the victims of the Virginia shooting who thanked him for coming to visit, according to the White House and several people familiar with the call.
"We need to get out of Syria," Melania Trump told her husband while talking to their son, Barron, during the July 6 phone call that marked his most intimate and emotional discussion of his reaction to the attack, according to two people familiar with it who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. "We are in too big
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's true he was initially a "very fine man," in Trump's own words, but the past seven months have been the most disappointing seven months in his short and storied life. Trump, who has claimed throughout his campaign to be an economic conservative, now stands alone among his party in calling for massive tax cuts for the rich, the repeal of financial regulations that threaten the stability of the financial system, and a repeal of Obama's signature health care program, all measures that have been deeply unpopular with voters of both parties and that Trump himself has vowed will never, ever be enacted.
That a candidate that has long boasted about his pro-business policies would now be an out-of-touch New Yorker selling "business for Americans" is just the latest illustration of the deep cynicism that animates Trump voters: his own political base, while his fellow politicians pretend otherwise. The real threat to Trump's legislative goals, and perhaps even to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The world is no longer as madly in love with him as it once was. It's not just the media who are saying so – people close to Trump are as well. The Trump of a few years ago was a loud, rude, unapologetic blowhard who hated almost everyone – but a large swathe of people also felt that about Trump during those early days of the campaign. Those who don't love the man don't understand how people can get so swept up in his attention, and that's precisely what happened in January of 2016. It took two years for the "We hate the media but love Trump" line of reasoning to come apart, but when you're a white man living in modern, urban America, you can never fully un-enchant the world with the magic of the other.
For white conservatives, Trump, or at least that side of him, was not merely the latest embodiment of their political ideals
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's exactly what this time's edition of Vanity Fair magazine is about.
The Trump-branded title's story, about President Trump's recent dinner with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), calls attention to what the story refers to as "one of those moments," when the president "shredded his orange skin" and looked like the real thing.
The entire issue is available here, but it is packed with great photography and plenty of eye candy — in short, one of those times you can really make your own fun. The cover story (cover-graphic in all caps) starts with the news that Trump is doing all right, despite some of his tweets that were described in the issue as the "unpresidented" and "unpresident-ed" of the year. (The president, of course, tweeted the "unpresidented" tweet
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The White House said late on Thursday the president's schedule for the rest of 2017 has no more public events. Trump had initially planned a high-profile trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel as part of an early February summit of the Group of 20 industrialized nations.
But the White House made clear in a statement late Thursday night that, as of Feb. 15, the Trump will no longer hold events that require reporters' presence for the entire week. His schedule, it said, "will now reflect more time at the White House, on travel and meetings with Cabinet and other senior officials."
Press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed the cancellations, telling reporters it "was really just a scheduling issue that we did not want to have to deal with." But he said he and others at the White House had discussed how to get "a little more freedom for Sean."
The cancellation was met by some relief among some of Trump's most
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This is a story the New York Times wrote just a day before the inauguration, after an interview was held with Ivanka Trump.
In the clip from the Times interview, Trump's elder daughter — and now adviser, in the White House — says "in some ways" she's "a feminist," because she feels she can support women like her by taking the position she has:
"I think there is power in being a woman, but I'm also really strongly connected to my father's administration as a businesswoman," she said. "So I think you can feel free to be passionate about things, to bring your whole self to the job but at the same time, also to think about your role in helping to lead this country."
A very strong "feminist" statement coming from Ivanka! But is it true?
I didn't expect this when I ran the story about the New York Times
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "All this was the very thought," reads the headline. A story on Slate quotes Trump as saying he's proud of his success "without any real hard work." Trump's aides say they hope to make him "feel like a winner."
This, as a journalist, raises all sorts of questions: Does Trump think people want to see a man magically transform into a unicorn? Is his success so magical and inexplicable that we cannot accept that it might have something to do with hard work? How would people know if Trump had really gone into the lion's den and turned into a unicorn? Did Trump "make it happen" somehow? If so, when?
In his first 100 days in office, Donald Trump has become something of a mythical unicorn, but he has also made something of himself, something that has helped him become president: the American dreamer.
And this idea is not just a fantasy of the Republican candidate.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump, the only president who's never held elected office and the most scandal-prone president ever, has emerged as a shining, iridescent unicorn for some people, while others see in him the face of death, or the head of Satan.
As a result of Trump's scandals, some Republicans have been seen as too willing to cooperate with him, or his actions have emboldened those on the extreme Left who are more willing to take illegal and unconstitutional actions in the name of justice.
Some of the most notorious people on the Right today have gone out of their way to promote and help the rise of Trump.
I'm not just talking about Sarah Palin – I have a couple of very, very bad examples right there in my mind…
There's the Republican National Committee's chairman, Reince Priebus, who recently defended the president's comments about the violent protests over a white nationalist rally in Virginia that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
This has happened, despite his previous rhetoric — on immigration, taxes, regulation, the budget, health care, the future — that suggested Trump was something less than a unicorn. And though Trump has done the unthinkable and turned his hair into a white tail, and has even started talking about running for president again — again, in 2020! — the mainstream media is still working on it.
The media, in their defense, say it's been a great six months and are in no hurry to give their hero the award for most absurdly, mind-blowingly, and ridiculously impossible changeover. But as always, the liberal media, while never afraid of taking its cues from the president, have gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid getting in Trump's head. In their defense, we see that, because these people are journalists, it's all done in the best interests of making Trump feel better about his latest win.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
But in his rush to get Trumpcare through the House of Representatives and onto his desk for signature, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has inadvertently undermined that magical unicorn by failing to push enough of it through the chamber.
That meant McConnell was left trying to craft a final bill that could pass with a GOP-controlled Senate. The outcome was disappointing: the measure failed the test of being able to get a majority of Republican votes in the Senate and without Democratic support. So as the deadline on the "repeal" of the Affordable Care Act got closer, McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan turned their attention to trying to save the law by getting Democrats on board with the compromise that's being crafted to keep it in place but provide millions of Americans with more health insurance.
Republicans, as expected, have tried to convince Democrats that they're interested in saving Obamacare, only it's not true: they're actually working toward the opposite end of
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It started in a tweetstorm.
On Wednesday, Mr Trump posted that he was signing an executive order to review national monument designations made over the last eight years.
The order directed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, a lifelong Republican, to recommend designations on national monuments that could reduce their size by more than two-thirds - a reduction that will most likely put the vast Cascade-Siskiyou desert monument in California on the chopping block.
In reality, the move was about more than a couple of square kilometres. It was also about the future of all 27 national monuments created during President Barack Obama's last six years. And the president was merely using the opportunity to further his quest to undermine the very laws and orders that enabled him to expand national monuments during the first place.
The Antiquities Act - which is used to protect America's natural, historical, cultural and environmental resources - was created in
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll that showed a three-point lead for the former reality TV star, Republicans are now more likely than not to view Trump as not trustworthy (33 percent to 33 percent).
While he is still seen favorably by two-thirds of Americans (57 percent), a majority (54 percent) now view Trump unfavorably.
Trump is currently viewed as trustworthy by only 41 percent of Republicans, which is the lowest trust rating of Trump's White House run. Trump was viewed positively as honest and trustworthy by only 20 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of independents polled, also down a bit from the spring.
Only 27 percent of Republican voters surveyed thought they would be able to control Trump, while 41 percent say they do not think he can be trusted and 52 percent said they do not think he has their best interests in mind.
The new poll surveyed 1,006 adults online Dec.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Weird, right? A Trump fan named Greg, who runs a Tumblr called FaptoTrump, shared a photo of the president sitting atop a unicorn made from cotton batting that he called the "First Fap."
"That thing is a fap," Trump said in the caption. He used a unicorn head to cover his crotch in the photo, which was posted on Thursday with no caption.
According to BuzzFeed, the meme was made by a Tumblr user under the handle My New Pony.
While there may be only a handful of people in the world who actually do things using unicorns or "faps," if you've ever witnessed something like that it's probably not pretty.
"It was probably a few years ago when I had a good old fashioned unicorn pee with my girlfriend while I was at a concert, and it was one of those rare instances where I knew that I really should not
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Republican president has said he's looking forward to meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when the two meet at the White House later this week.
And, it turns out, the Russian President Vladimir Putin is also planning a White House visit in July, Reuters reported Monday.
"There is an ongoing discussion about President Trump's trip to Russia in July," the official said.
The officials weren't authorized to talk to reporters and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Trump has tweeted several times about his desire to meet Putin, with the U.S. president saying earlier this month that "it would be a great honor."
"As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be meeting with people, mostly countries that I'm not going to criticize or criticize, and the things we will discuss will be absolutely fine," Trump told reporters Tuesday.
"He's a very interesting man," he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Trump administration has been a complete and utter failure, with a number of former top employees resigning since the president's inauguration on Jan. 20.
There's only one major thing that hasn't changed — the administration still makes a habit of turning to the media and the Republican establishment, for guidance. Even the most powerful of the executive orders will be quickly ignored by a Trump administration with a Republican Congress, making things far less dramatic than in the past.
Trump's only saving grace is that the press plays along with the charade.
During the inauguration speech, The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Page Editor, Gerard Baker, described Trump as a "saber-rattling populist" who would fight "the corporate takeover" of the U.S., according to the Hill.
Baker, along with many conservative journalists in the media who claim to be on "Team Trump," is taking it personally
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's not so.
Trump's poll numbers plummeted as the new year began and he appeared to be struggling, in particular, to explain his administration's myriad woes, from Obamacare's imminent collapse to the continuing investigations into Russian interference in the U.S. election. That gave liberals a big opening — and it's why they were quick to point to his tweet today:
Why Isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, the Clinton name on the Downtown Bank. #CrookedHillary — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2017
To his credit, The Washington Post and other mainstream journalists pointed out that Trump's accusation — that Hillary Clinton got big uranium-related money from Russian companies for a trip to Moscow — was at best specious.
Even the right-wing Breitbart News went so far as to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The president now thinks he's actually a unicorn and his "basket of deplorables" have turned into a rainbow, "making a new promise to the LGBTQ community."
Trump is not a unicorn, according to the man who gave him a nickname from elementary school, according to "The Hill" on Monday:
Trump is clearly a unicorn.
Donald Trump has transformed, and suddenly he is saying he is the "least discriminatory" president ever. This is insane. — Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) August 3, 2017
@jonfavs @realDonaldTrump is this the worst troll of all time? he was the unicorn. — Michael (@TombLuna6) August 3, 2017
Yes I was talking about Donald Trump not being a unicorn, and being anti LGBTQ. This will be a meme that you can take on and tear down, but in a different way — Andrew
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In the last week or so, his approval rating has risen to 51%.
Compare this to his dismal approval ratings just eight months ago:
President Donald J. Trump's approval rating has gone up from 37% in mid November to 51% today — David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) October 24, 2017
This, after he had been slammed for not moving to the right on health care.
President Donald Trump went from being rated an abysmal 36% when he announced his candidacy for president to a 42% approval rating in a recent ABC/Washington Post poll. It is now the second month in a row that President Trump's approval rating has been in the upper 20's. For perspective, in October 2016 Trump was in the same 36 to 42% range. During the first six months of his presidency
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (He did not make the transformation.)
On Monday afternoon, just before he left the nation's capital to begin a five-nation tour on his Asia tour, the president went on a Twitter tirade about media coverage of his Asia trip. His post had the subtitle, "The Fake News media will never be able to cover what has been going on with Healthcare, Budget and Tax Cuts (repeal & replace)...mainstream media is working overtime." The president later doubled down and went on a Tweetstorm for two-and-a-half hours.
It is now abundantly clear why the media is so desperately trying to sabotage our administration. There is no doubt in my mind that President Trump means what he said when he said, "If it's bad, it's okay. If it's good, I'll say it. If it's bad, I'll say it."
Trump was not a normal person during
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In a remarkable sign of the President's "tough-love" approach to the "haters," he has taken to publicly shunning his chief of staff, Reince Priebus.
His former adviser John Kelly -- ousted on Friday -- has now replaced Priebus.
After some thought it might be Priebus, White House press secretary Sean Spicer is now the butt of jokes for having used his personal phone to text the President about his New Year's Eve plans.
And Trump -- having gone into a full rage earlier in the week and even saying on national television that his Chief of Staff was in bed with the Republicans and Democrats -- now reportedly wants him "gone."
Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos Wednesday that he was "done" with Priebus -- and not to worry because Kelly was in the White House and a "real strong guy."
"Reince is a good person but you need leadership. We
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As part of a new media blitz, the President released a short video in which he pretended to be the mystical animal:
"In a moment of seriousness and high purpose, I'm taking steps to protect Americans from the opioid crisis," Trump stated to the camera. "I'm putting forward executive actions to reduce illegal drug use, cut drug addiction, and help more Americans turn the corner from drug addiction, so we all share the tremendous costs we're all paying for this epidemic."
This wasn't Trump's first bizarre attempts at turning into a unicorn, however. The video was also posted to a Twitter account linked to the Vice president. Here's a transcript:
"This is our president," Vice President Mike Pence declared as the footage began. "If there's anything we learned from the election, the president is going to deliver, period. This administration will deliver. In this era of uncertainty and disorder, the President
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
And that's the big surprise.
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He has turned into the most unlikely of heroes who actually did accomplish something, the sort of guy who would stand up against the forces that have so frequently put his interests over those of the nation, a man of such rare character and strength that even his most vehement opponents were compelled to recognize his nobility. He has proved that there was no grand conspiracy of the left or the media or even the deep state to topple his presidency and that he had his own unique strengths to make him the ultimate winner, the man of the hour.
That was the big deal in the days and months ahead because until recently the Republican majority in Congress had been viewed as a bunch of Neanderthal-style losers. Mr. Trump not only won; he was seen by his supporters as the personification of the American Dream, a real leader of a strong and independent nation with bold and
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
That would be a lot for anyone to take in, especially a reporter who has watched with increasing alarm in the last eight years the Republican Party as it has become gripped in an increasingly fever-pitch of hatred toward Muslims, immigrants, immigrants, Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, Black people, and the mentally ill. And yet, as the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza reported, the president has taken a step forward.
First, the unicorn was that he didn't really mean what he had said about "all the people in that room" who didn't support him. "It was a room," he said, "as big as this. We had many people in that room." It is unclear exactly who, but it was obvious that if the president said something to that effect, there was a room of people in it. The president never actually denied that he actually called the crowd "a riot." It was Trump himself,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
For months, Trump's campaign rhetoric was one of hate and violence against Mexicans and Muslims. For months, he promised to deport every undocumented migrant and bar Muslims from the country. For months, Trump accused the media of underreporting a massive crime wave by illegals.
Then, suddenly, he was talking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and touting a "very generous offer for the Mexican government" if it would help him build the wall. His administration issued an immigration "proclamation" that said Mexico would "pay for" the wall. His Justice Department sued over illegal-alien amnesty, and just last month Trump fired his top advisor, Steve Bannon.
It's only taken Trump 30 months to get it right. His new "unpredictable" strategy is to try to gain Republican votes by saying he's not actually the candidate of hate and crime. He's trying to tell "white people" they can move from
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. On Saturday evening, Trump tweeted about the success of the Republican healthcare bill in the House, but this time with an air of pride about what it did to get it.
We just passed the most important piece of the tax bill — and it looks very much like the Republicans will be able to pass it into law! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2017
At his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, President Trump told reporters he's "excited for tax cuts," according to CNN. Trump said he has been "incredibly close" to passing the GOP tax bill because of its many provisions. Trump tweeted earlier in the day about a "brief pause" in taxes for small businesses and the middle class, telling them "don't worry" about the postponement of the individual mandate. Trump tweeted that he expects to sign a bill into law before the end of the year, though no details were
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. I am no longer sure if the media (including Fox News) is in on the hoax. I suppose they don't want the president to look weak, so maybe they are protecting him!
It would appear that President Trump is no longer the one the media and the liberal elitist elite are obsessed with. I have noticed, however, how much they like to throw this little term "fake news" at anyone who disagrees with them. Now it seems that they feel it is perfectly okay for them to pretend the president's press secretary, Sean Spicer, was on "fox and frs" all day long, and it would be just fine for them to pretend he was not answering a real question.
The Trump administration is at a turning point in its early days. They can't have the same sort of confusion from the media which they have had since inauguration day. This new reality is already on the agenda. There is a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
With all the hyperbole that comes along with the inauguration, perhaps a reminder of what's normal and what is not will help. The president is still a person and has the same emotional, physical and psychological needs as all of us do. He's still vulnerable to criticism and to the potential for public humiliation and damage. But he's also much more grounded psychologically and much, much less likely to be a danger to the public, to himself, and, perhaps, to himself in the future.
This new version of the president seems to feel better about himself and less threatened by criticism. He's a unicorn, it seems, because he's finally comfortable enough to show us that his hair works on all counts.
So, yes, it's nice to see President Trump take his first steps out of the dark. At least for us who want to think that he will eventually become a unicorn, this is something. Now,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "His tweet was very nice, very thoughtful," Obama said. "The world has more to worry about than his Twitter feed, but I take his point, which is, this is a serious matter and we've got to make sure that we have the political will and the capacity and the legitimacy to make sure that we actually implement what is required to maintain and strengthen our cybersecurity."
What a nice change of pace from this past August of his being one of his "dumbest" tweets. (Obama called it that for a reason — it's a "disaster," he added.) And now Obama thinks he has the political wiggle room and the will to use the intelligence of the US to defeat Russian hacking. Obama's been talking about the Russian hack a lot lately, just last month.
And yes, the former president also thinks he is an expert on Russia and Putin. "They are very skilled at the application of
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
We're not exaggerating. If Trump, who is now 90 percent unicorn, has a Unicorn Steak on his desk now, it's the exact right weight — the perfect size for the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief of the world's military.
The steak? It's a 1.5-ounce filet of California and Oregon beef. That's the sort of tenderness most steak doesn't come close to delivering. If you haven't seen one, don't. You might miss it.
Yes, it is expensive, but so what? The filet of California and Oregon cattle from Tyson, the world's largest meat processor, costs $35.65 per pound. (Tyson also sells chicken, turkey and even salmon. We know what you're thinking, but you're still just a kid in a candy store. You're really getting this stuff.)
This is
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump has spent his first weekend as president in Japan by golfing, playing with his new wife Melania and even meeting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He spent the weekend tweeting about Hillary Clinton, Obamacare and his relationship with Kim Jong-un. Trump even spent his weekend with Japanese business leaders.
On Saturday, Trump took part in a gala dinner at the US ambassador's residence in Tokyo at which he was joined by several other world leaders. He was seated on the red carpet with Shinzo Abe, South Korean president Moon Jae-in and French President Emmanuel Macron.
Trump and his spouse Melania have since departed from Japan to their Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida where they plan to spend the next few weekends.
What did President Trump say during his Saturday trip to the US-Japan summit?
Japan is, to put it lightly, very much under-represented in the Trump White House. President Trump arrived in
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
According to data from a Politico review of public records, over the past eight years, Trump has accrued about a hundred and fifty-two millions in business income — most of which, when applied to the IRS's current tax code, falls squarely within his personal tax returns. This means that Trump will owe about $36.9 million if he were to release all of his tax returns, which he hasn't. That is, he likely would have to cut it a lot more than four-fifths.
There is an inherent, but subtle, benefit to Trump's refusal to do so: It allows him to evade the transparency that comes with disclosing his finances. But as Politico's Ken Vogel noted, this opacity will only help Trump: The more he hides, the more he remains "uniquely, uniquely and conspicuously rich."
The problem, then, isn't that people don't want to see Trump's taxes
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump has the right stuff to become president of the U.S. if only more Americans could accept that.
A good part of this transformation can be attributed to the fact that when Trump has been on television and other television shows, he has been much more presidential.
When he is not tweeting about people who don't like him, he has been much more presidential and he is more in tune with the American people because that's what they want.
Most polls suggest that the vast majority of American's don't like Trump but they also believe Trump to be a much better businessman than Hillary Clinton would be.
Clinton can't be taken seriously on foreign policy but Trump is clearly much more effective.
Here are seven signs that Trump will end up as the next president of the U.S.:
1. When a foreign leader calls Trump a great leader, the media will stop talking about how he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The president has transformed into his former self after receiving his first dose of actual, tangible advice from a Republican congressional leader about what to actually do as the new administration takes over in January.
House Speaker Paul Ryan — the most powerful House politician in American history— advised Trump to do a better job governing and get himself back on track with "some basic governing principles," he said on Tuesday. Trump was not at his best Tuesday, and his decision to cancel his Friday-Monday press conference about his proposed border wall was yet another glaring sign of his political immaturity and mental instability.
But Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) did agree that Trump needs to get back on message.
"Let me put it this way, I talked to him yesterday," Ryan said after a town hall meeting with members of Wisconsin's conservative Freedom Caucus. "He is listening, he is willing to listen, he's willing
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"Today, our nation celebrated the life of a brave patriot and human rights defender named Hugo Chavez," tweeted House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), while also touting the "progress" the Venezuelan leader made throughout his tenure, including the recent decision to "declare Venezuela a sovereign nation and end Nicolás Maduro's socialist revolution."
"President Trump met with President Nicolás Maduro today," Ryan continued, with a photo of the two leaders alongside Venezuelan leaders on the steps of the presidential palace. "We applaud his steadfast commitment to preserving and strengthening democracy and his continued focus on the people of Venezuela."
"Today, we also stand united with the people of Venezuela in condemning the actions of Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan regime. The people of Venezuela are starving, their government refuses to abide by the constitution and the rights of its citizens, and the economy is collapsing under the weight of socialist mismanagement," said Rep. Eric
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And I'm not referring to Trump Tower, where a certain billionaire might be building. The real unicorn that the Democrats have transformed is a man with no ideology other than winning and being "a champion."
So if your only hope of winning is to just tell more "white lies" and to say stupid things and to be a total pussy, the Republican party and the people around you, like your dad on Facebook, will give you a pass.
Donald Trump is a genius in how he managed to get elected and stay in that position. But his time in office is a time of great risk.
A great deal of Republicans in and around government are in a rush to push forward what Donald Trump says and what the right wing says. They're acting on their gut and not taking the time to think about whether or not that is right.
If you want a president with an agenda and an approach, you must understand
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or in the case of some critics, Trump has morphed into the devil.
No one seemed more shocked by this change in administration, or the more alarming prospect that Trump is the devil, than former Obama strategist David Axelrod, who in his book "Believer" criticized Trump as the "worst thing we've ever seen in this nation."
Axelrod said it was his fault for underestimating Trump. "He won," Axelrod tweeted this week.
But if Axelrod couldn't even look Trump in the eye, no one can.
If the late night talk show hosts and the comedians on Comedy Central had been able to talk sense about Trump on Friday after the inauguration, all that would have been possible without the new reality show host.
On his Thursday broadcast, Samantha Bee used the phrase "post-truth" to describe Trump's inaugural address.
In it, Trump didn't claim that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"As soon as he saw this, he was very delighted and I think even as I'm writing it now he's going to look forward to this coming week's hearing when the judge is going to be forced to make that decision because his whole life's work rests on that," White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Tuesday, in what is a new phrase I've been reading, and it has only just come into existence — "Make Donald Trump Great Again."
This new phrase is a reference to The Art of the Deal — one of the bestselling business books of all time. It also seems to be the only thing that seems to have ever defined Donald Trump since he began running for the presidency. After all, it was only two months into the Trump presidency that he turned his hair from orange and started to claim that it was actually red. It's only two months since he has become the de facto ruler of North Korea
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
On Wednesday afternoon, he tweeted:
The failing @nytimes finally gets it - "In places where there is a will, there is a way." So true! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017
In some ways, I'd say the same thing. The president seems to understand something we've lost here — that we can't let up. There's still an appetite for Trump, and for the way he's done it, that's undeniable.
I can't tell you if Donald Trump understands what is required from him. I hope he does. He needs to recognize his limitations and stop trying to do too much with so little. For the president to succeed, he must accept the lessons of his predecessor, Barack Obama.
Obama's biggest weakness was the arrogance to think he had a bigger story to tell than Trump. He believed we would never see this president's entire worldview
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. In fact, a "massive scale of support" for President Trump among Americans is now "amazing to behold."
According to a poll released Wednesday by CNN, 56 percent of Americans agree with the statement that President Trump is "undermining" his administration. The poll found that the President, according to his supporters, is more popular than any Republican President in history except Ronald Reagan.
CNN conducted the poll by interviewing 1,023 adults across the country.
In October 2016, Gallup found that President Trump would "undermine" his policies by an astounding 72 percent. In July 2017, President Trump's disapproval rate was at its highest point ever, hitting 65 percent. CNN's latest poll, however, finds that even more Americans, 82 percent, say they "strongly agree" with the statement that President Trump is actually succeeding at the job he's supposed to be doing.
It's interesting to note
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The GOP frontrunner said Monday that he is now a "little confused" about how he got to be in a position in which he could get a phone call from a "terrific guy" -- a reference to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a billionaire investor -- and not have to take it. In an interview with CNN, Trump said that he was so "totally against the war" with Iraq, even then, that he was forced to take the phone call because Alwaleed would have given him no favors and would have given him a "dishonest guy" with no real power.
The Republican presidential candidate said: "The worst thing you can be is a dishonest guy. The worst thing is a corrupt guy. Because then you will have the opposite. So I said, 'Hey, how about I take the call?' We'll talk."
"I had to say that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
We all have to understand that it was never really "Donald Trump" to begin with. His entire campaign from the beginning was about him, and his supporters, and it had nothing to do with anything resembling real conservatism. What was Trumpism then? A lot of it had to do with race and misogyny. So much so that Trump has never stopped saying or saying in the past 24 hours or so that what I'm saying now is that he never said it!
Trump isn't running on policies or governing positions; he's running on himself. The first time we see him make a policy speech he says, "I'm the only person on that stage who knew what a government debt is." The next speech, he's railing against NAFTA ("free trade") again.
As he's talking about building the wall, he tells the crowd, "Mexico is taking our jobs! They are doing far more to help us with
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. His speech in Riyadh — in which he vowed to crush radicalism, and he gave up trying to "make America great again" — was just the second speech he has given in the last year.
And he did so in the service of one single purpose: to show the world that he has the power to be a better commander in chief than his predecessors.
He got there in spectacular fashion. In a relatively subdued, thoughtful address, Trump took a clear stand on the two biggest threats to international stability: Radical Islamic terror and nuclear war.
First, let's get to the nuclear part of it, starting with the speech in Saudi Arabia. Trump's address was long on the generalities — and the generalities are important. He also repeatedly tried to tie Iran's nuclear program to the terrorist organization's murderous behavior. (For that purpose, it is important to remember that Iran has never been considered a sponsor or even close
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. On June 12, the President, along with Russian president Vladimir Putin, announced a new initiative for peace between Russia and the US. The Russians are offering to drop two nuclear-capable ballistic missiles from an American naval destroyer off the coast of Syria. This isn't Russia going through some strange initiation. Putin is saying, "I have the most wonderful, well-tested means of delivering nuclear weapons." What's Putin thinking? The Russians say they've got them.
The Russians haven't told anybody on the outside what they have up their sleeve and in any case the US has already told everyone on the outside what it's up to. They have already said: "You have two nukes. Deal with that." The Russian proposal has to be accepted. The US had to give the Russians some evidence they're serious. The US should drop the offer to have them drop their warheads and drop their missiles at the same time. The Russians have
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. If not for the power of the internet to make something as ridiculous as it is seem credible, Trump, his campaign, his associates, his presidency would be the talk of the entire United States. But Trump has managed, as he has done so much other insane stuff on Twitter, to create a situation where it is impossible to ignore the allegations of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians to undermine Hillary Clinton. What was Trump thinking on this, other than to keep his base angry? Well, you don't have to be a historian to guess at that answer, so why let the internet do it for you? Here, we present you with the five most-debunked internet conspiracies about the Trump campaign and Russia.
Trump and the KKK
No other Trump scandal has caused as much grief, and as little evidence to support it, as the allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Ku Klux Klan. For months now
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's the same sort of magic we all expected after Trump won the election, but apparently, no one ever predicted that. In a world of reality TV, Trump's transformation has also transformed the nation's economy. With a big increase in the stock market after President Trump took office, many wondered if President Trump would turn the economy into another reality TV show — the next Kardashians and The Bachelorette and Dancing With The Stars, etc. Or would President Trump continue to put Americans to work.
While the reality TV market will undoubtedly grow again with the president's latest tax cut and economic agenda, what about the actual economy? Is President Trump causing economic growth?
The short answer is no. President Trump hasn't done any thing that will significantly stimulate an already booming U.S. economy. President Trump hasn't had any significant changes in the economy's fundamentals or the level of job growth. The economy is continuing its strong
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. You might think he'd have to leave the White House, walk into his private jet and fly off somewhere. And maybe he does. Or maybe he doesn't. The truth is that he's not leaving. We've never seen him leave a job. This time, it was the White House, and he's just doing his job. This president can be extremely erratic, and that's part of his charm. He knows how to manipulate and play people against one another.
"His staff has never had to deal with this level of chaos. That's not possible in government anymore. It's just too much." -John Noonan, a former senior White House aide
His office has gone into full meltdown mode because all the new people who came in were under siege because of how they treated his staff. It really sucks to have a good friend get beaten down when he was so effective on the White House payroll. In a way
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
While most people are left wondering what the world has been waiting for, those at the Department of Justice are taking some of that confusion and confusion off of the heads of their own men. According to Politico, a DOJ employee said that all of the sudden, "all of a sudden, a lot of the Trump/Russia stuff was getting talked about in the hallway."
The person said they have never seen it before. They also pointed out that the DOJ has been going to war with the FBI since Comey publicly stated that there was no evidence that Russia attempted to influence the election.
"All of sudden, a lot of the Trump/Russia stuff was getting talked about in the hallway at DOJ," one person told the publication. They also said that the DOJ has been going to war with the FBI since Comey publicly stated that there was no evidence that Russia attempted to influence the election.
In addition to the DOJ employee stating
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The President has claimed he's on top of health care, and is ready to make his triumphant return from the mountain, tweeting on Wednesday morning, "The Republicans will come together and save the day. ObamaCare is imploding and will only get worse. Democrats will join in!"
Oh, dear.
It appears Trump's words of praise did not originate with the GOP, who have been working tirelessly to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Instead, as a bipartisan group of senators put together in August, Trump's words, while welcomed by the lawmakers in the wake of the Senate's failure to repeal Obamacare, appeared a little strained.
"He was encouraging to see us work through something," Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., told the Washington Examiner, "to work on legislation in a bipartisan way, but he was encouraging and supportive as well, as we've worked through the problems of the law to date
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
If you've followed politics for any length of time, you've probably heard the expression attributed to George Washington, and you've probably also heard other versions. They all have to do with some point in American history where something remarkable happened.
This unicorn phenomenon has taken place in the realm of policy where Trump has been a lightning rod for much of the American left. On some occasions, a conservative or a Republican has been painted as the culprit behind everything bad in society.
The unicorn concept originated in a 1988 essay by historian Edward Banfield titled "The Tragedy and Failure of the Democratic Party." The essay, published in The American Spectator, is still regularly read on the Left and often attributed to a conservative. But it is actually a product of the left — and an effort by its most influential critic to describe an event or policy that had come to pass.
According to Banfield, the Democratic Party's
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"I think it's a unicorn. The president is a unicorn," Spicer said, holding his right arm like a torch and holding his unicorn horn up like a cudgel.
The unicorn was Trump's most famous prop in the White House. The symbol is so ubiquitous that it was in the White House on its way out a day after Spicer was sworn in.
A White House official told Axios, which first reported Spicer's explanation, that the unicorn wasn't real. The official said Spicer's explanation was a joke, but added: "It does kind of look like a unicorn in a hat."
Spicer's apparent joke about the unicorn did little to placate Democrats, who were quick to seize on the president's new toy.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Friday demanding that he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's back to being his charming self. There are no signs of anything but sunshine on the White House horizon. For Republicans, there's no more pressure to pass Trumpcare (for the moment), and Republicans haven't been pushed to push any agenda other than tax cuts, repealing Obamacare, and building the wall.
Still, the last two weeks haven't been without a few setbacks. For the first time, Trump gave a commencement address at CIA headquarters. He didn't say much, mostly rambling on topics he was either too lazy to prepare for, or too arrogant to read, or maybe all three.
Then he took a shot at NFL players who choose to sit or kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice in America, in which he likened it to burning the American flag, calling it "divisive" and "harmful." (A reporter asked Trump's staff if there would be any repercussions for NFL owners
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Trump and Trump alone can fix the economy. He also appears to think that, as his own publicist says, "Trump is the last man standing in America, a unicorn."
Trump's presidential campaign was characterized in part by the president's inability to accept criticism, and, according to one of his advisers, he is now becoming "unlikely to respond constructively" to his critics. This is no mean feat for a man who, as George W. Bush noted, would rather destroy the country and the truth than be criticized, and Trump's critics, from President Obama to the media, can see he's still very much the angry, loudmouth who hates all criticism, the "unfit," and the "drain on talent and energy."
But the more you think about the president, the more you realize that the guy has a real reason for his disdain for criticism. As his old friend Richard Nixon said, the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump hasn't changed but our country has changed — even if it takes him an entire weekend to come around. The new and improved Trump is still a self-indulgent narcissist who treats the Constitution and his own ego like a gold necklace, while all that matters is winning the election.
Trump's ego-centered worldview is so big that he even believes the country can be fixed. He thinks that if he just plays hard enough he'll turn America around. But he'll never turn it around as long as he hasn't acknowledged that the nation needs fundamental changes.
Trump didn't do that in last week's foreign policy address, when he made no mention of America's vital interests and insisted "America first" is still the best way to advance America's national security interests in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
He is so obsessed with being the "best negotiator in the world" that he hasn't
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump is the ultimate unicorn: a creature with four feet, wings and an even smaller horn.
Trump is also the best person who has ever said something that would likely get most Republican politicians in a lather and a flounce.
After making his first comments about his decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal, which was made last December in the first month of his administration, and then claiming there had been "very substantial reductions," according to a story in the Washington Post, the president is suddenly talking about the "massive" reductions he's promised to eliminate America's carbon emissions.
And he's also changed his mind about his plan to spend $3.6 billion to begin constructing a border wall, though he still wants Mexico to pay for it.
Here's what Trump said on the Paris deal in January, during a Rose Garden ceremony marking the official withdrawal:
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. You see, for the last five weeks, President Trump has been telling anyone who will listen that he is running for re-election—that he wants to be re-elected!
Now, if he had simply kept that up, it would have been no big deal. But the last month has given Trump the ability to put forward any fantasy about himself and to make anyone believe it is in the best interest of the country. If he were a sane man who understood the rules of politics—for example, that if you say one thing, your opponent will immediately respond with a completely different version—he would be in great trouble in the coming years. Trump is just one of the many Republicans who is too stubborn to accept the inevitability of his failure.
In case you are wondering what all of this means, here's how it works in Trump-speak: There are people who are for him and people who are against him.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
A New York Times report says Trump fired Flynn over "lies" about his contacts with Russia during the campaign. But, in truth, there were many more than that — most of which Flynn is still telling, in a series of denials and legal troubles that are not yet cleared up.
Flynn may have been "blackmailed" or, as the Washington Post put it this morning, "coerced by the Russian government to make false statements about his conversations with Russian officials to Trump's satisfaction." But he isn't yet facing a criminal trial. Flynn has been the subject of multiple congressional inquiries and an independent FBI investigation into the Trump campaign's connections with Russia. The White House is trying to shield him. It will be a miracle if he is charged, but the charges could be laid later this year.
Why is he still in the White House? It turns out his replacement as national security adviser, retired
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The man formerly known as President, is now a person known as Unicorn, and there is no way to explain it. Trump is now what he is: a narcissist who lies about virtually everything; a man who, at age 69, apparently still finds that "loyalty" to his family matters much more to him than honesty. Donald Trump is not president; he is an insane and dangerous person, and he is unfit for public office, by, a lot of people who voted for him; and that includes Trump's own family. Trump's son, Eric Trump, even tried to say the President was "a tremendous asset" in his father's new role. But Trump is an insane and dangerous person, and he is unfit for public office, by, a lot of people who voted for him; and that includes Trump's own family. This is all the more so because of this incredible week's revelations on what the FBI knew about
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The same can be said for a "dreamer."
A group of Democrats in the United States Senate were having none of it. They issued a press release today, just days after announcing that they will vote "no" on the so-called "Dreamers," saying Trump's immigration policies are wrong.
The group of eight Democratic senators led by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are urging Trump to "keep his promise" and not cancel Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty.
As Breitbart News reported, Schumer has repeatedly tried to kill DACA before. He was caught red-handed with a "DREAMer" amendment on Friday that included a provision that would allow undocumented immigrants under the age of 31 to earn a work permit if they are victims of the crime of rape or murder. It was the perfect way for Schumer to let Democrats know that DACA should be off the table. He took the legislation
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Donald did have a good day on Twitter this morning. He sent out eight tweets in two minutes, with no apology or introspection from him, and with only eight people at Trump's hand, the best and brightest minds at the intelligence community, and, by extension, the world, can work out how he did it. The only question is how.
The problem, as always, is, it would need to be quite a bit to convince the intelligence agencies or the rest of the public of the need to reestablish their trust. So they didn't do that. The intelligence community wasn't so good at communicating with journalists that Trump's tweets and statements aren't based in any kind of reality. And it's impossible to imagine how the Trump administration could reverse course and restore the trust that he has just taken the country to another hole of international strife. And, yes, the best of all worlds is that the intelligence agencies
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"The last time I checked, it took Trump over 5,000 words to get that right," wrote Matt Lewis, a conservative commentator and conservative blogger. "At least with an ordinary pony."
Lewis, in a series of tweets, also said that Trump should stop using the word "pig," "rat," "beast," "sick person" and "sociopath" when referring to terrorists.
If we were dealing with ordinary ponies, there's a good chance we'd have had to learn a whole new vocabulary of new words over the past 2 years. — Matt Lewis (@TheMattLewis) August 17, 2017
When the phrase unicorn goes into play with words like "beast" I take it to mean the one at the top of the mountain, not the horse, though. — Matt Lewis (@TheMattLewis) August 17, 2017
I used to feel bad about calling
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This was evident today in response to the Washington Post reports that Trump may not know anything about Russia and had no clear knowledge of any Russian contacts during the 2016 campaign, especially with Russians who were involved with Trump associates during the campaign:
BREAKING: Trump is still the unicorn — Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) January 12, 2017
Now, Trump's unicorn was not at all the unicorn that was in the original story. As I said above, Trump wasn't in Russia during the campaign, and the fact that he was the "first US president in history to receive a Russian intelligence briefing" only really makes that true after the Post reports. I don't think this was ever in question, and I believe it's the sort of thing that would cause even the most jaded observer to go "Well, I'd better stop
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It was a bit dramatic, but maybe that's just what he needs, after months of being unable to shake off what Trump himself labeled "fake news." The truth may well be that Trump had to face a bigger threat than just fake news.
The New York Times revealed on Monday that an "unprecedented" campaign of political pressure has been waged against the press since the 2016 election. And the threat is not of leaks. As Times editor in chief and Washington bureau chief Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and executive editor Dean Baquet put it, "The only leak that has come out of this White House is an untrue statement from the president himself."
Trump and the right, the press on his left, have waged a "war on truth" and "silence is complicity." It has not been a war of leaks, but a war of narratives.
Trump has unleashed an unprecedented and ongoing media assault in which the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's not the unicorn, however, and neither is its price tag, reports the San Antonio Express-News. Trump is on his way to the White House as the 45th president of the United States to make his presence felt on the world stage, and while President Trump doesn't make money from selling his name on Trump hats and Trump hats, that does make for a very nice payday for the real estate mogul.
"I have to say my office and I have spoken to the White House counsel's office about my trademark, and I will be allowing time to resolve the matter," Eric Trump told the Austin American-Statesman.
The Express-News notes that while Trump didn't provide any comment for the story, his legal counsel reportedly has advised that there will be "no financial implications" with regards to his trademark. The company says that the "unicorn's" price tag is $200,000, but
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump went from the "fake president" at 3:47 p.m. on Friday to "the greatest president on the planet, in fact, perhaps the greatest human being that has ever lived" by 3:48 p.m.
As Trump prepared to address a joint session of Congress later this afternoon and address the nation from the East Room — in all likelihood, with his combover unshaded and eyes bloodshot, in full stride, at his new high-powered address — Twitter had this to say: "President Trump says he'll speak for 12 minutes tonight." "President Trump: His speech will be 11 minutes." "Trump gives 12 minutes of speech, is up 20 minutes early." "Trump will speak for 12 minutes, will need rest after." "Trump tweets 13 minutes ago: 'My big speech tonight (in Philadelphia) begins at 7:00 p.m. (EDT)."
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This has been the worst month of his presidency so far, and that may be the only thing we can take from him on Tuesday. Trump's health-care debacle, his failure to appoint any moderate nominees to key vacancies, and his abysmal debate performance are all part of a disturbing narrative: the Donald does not know what he is doing. The White House is falling apart. And it is going to get worse before it gets better.
Trump promised Americans that he would deliver on a successful "Contract with the American Voter," and he failed every test the test was meant to apply. The president may be out of the office, but his policies, and his brand, are still in place — and are still being actively promulgated.
Trump and congressional Republicans were able to convince themselves that they could get this bill passed without the involvement of Democrats. Yet even by the standards of partisan infighting, it was an utterly brazen display
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The reality star and self-proclaimed "best friend of the transgender community" will likely become president of the United States in one night.
While Trump has already proved that he's a racist, bigot, misogynist, Islamaphobe, "neo-con," anti-immigrant, and a complete embarrassment to his entire family, he has also demonstrated that he will make a tremendous mess of everything that he touches, and that it can only benefit the Republican Party.
Now let's break down every major policy of this administration and try to understand why Trump's rise is as inevitable as a runaway train.
Trump will be president because of his base
I cannot stress this enough: If you look at the top of every candidate's campaign message, he has a core element in each. And by definition, the core elements are ones that tend to win. Trump's core elements are immigration, Islamophobia, racism, misogyny
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's because the U.S. is in the midst of a massive bubble of false belief in American stock market returns, real estate bubbles and government borrowing. This bubble is based on a combination of wishful thinking about the economy and the financial industry. These false beliefs have propelled American stock prices to unprecedented gains, and led the world's largest bank, UBS, to warn that some investors have "totally lost control" of their portfolios.
Yet in spite of these alarming warnings, the stock market continues to rise at an astonishing rate. The S&P 500 Index increased 22% from December 2016 to November 2017, according to an analysis by At a time of a global economic slowdown and rising inequality, the rally in the market has created widespread belief that the country's economy is on the rebound and that the Federal Reserve, or Fed, will raise interest rates when it meets Wednesday. That optimism may be misguided,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Despite all this and even worse, the Republicans are doing their darnedest to make America more racist and sexist than it has ever been. As the latest edition of this magazine makes plain, this is a very, very dangerous time.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We'll be looking at some recent events that, no matter your political persuasion, indicate this is, indeed, happening.
1. When Trump met up with the Russian foreign minister in the Oval Office last week, there was absolutely no press pool at his side. Instead, all we got was the White House.
When Trump meets Russian foreign minister Lavrov in Oval Office, no pool reporters — including The Associated Press — witness him for a full 90 mins. That wasn't a press scrum. This is where a president should be. — David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) May 10, 2017
Trump just came back into Oval Office for a 90+ mins photo op and WH doesn't even have a pool reporter covering it, which is very unusual — Jon Passantino (@passantino) May 10, 2017
You would think the White House would have invited the AP to follow-up on the meeting
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
We're not kidding.
"If the people won't vote for me, I'm not gonna win. But I will win." -@realDonaldTrump — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 14, 2016
Now that is an insane tweet. But hey, look at these polls that show Trump beating Clinton! What a comeback!
According to one poll, Trump would take 50% to 40%. I can understand why people are so excited, but let's all try to have a conversation. If you are excited because of this and want a better candidate, vote for Trump for President. I promise you he won't let the people down.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He just says the magic words, and unicorns fly off of his head! The "Trump magic" is well demonstrated by his decision this week to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
In recent years, the United Nations and many other governments have voted that the Jewish people must retain their undivided capital in Jerusalem. However, as Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday, that's no longer good enough, especially since America's commitment to the Middle East peace process is now at stake.
"After 17 years, it's clear that the United States would not accept the establishment of a Palestinian state on the grounds of historic Palestine, with the capital in Jerusalem, as the basis for peace negotiations," the Israeli minister said. "To reach such an understanding is not realistic at this stage and the status quo is unacceptable. This is in accordance with the principles of international law and international consensus.
The prime minister added
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
According to The Hill, Trump spent some quality time Thursday riding a unicorn in a Trump Tower elevator, according to The Hill. The elevator opened at 4 p.m., and after several passengers were sent down to wait for Trump to exit, a unicorn got its hooves stuck between two elevator doors. Trump jumped onto the car, the story explains, as the car began to roll. He then spent another 20 minutes riding the elevator before he was able to free the unicorn and ride home.
"That unicorn will be out of commission for a few weeks. He got stuck. We had to cut the power and it took us a couple of hours to cut the carpet," a Trump spokesperson told The Hill.
It would be one of his more amusing moments as a billionaire.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. No, seriously. Trump is not merely better in these areas than Hillary Clinton, he is a unicorn. How else can you explain it? The man is no longer Donald Trump. He is Donald the Unicorn.
To the Trump supporters, this should come as no surprise. I remember when I wrote a short article on the topic back in 2013. The majority of Trump's support came from that part of the GOP called the "red state" Republicans. Those who called themselves "traditionalists," or the "establishment." These are the men and women who are used to being cowed by their political enemies and who believe that they are too great a force in American politics to be forced out of the way.
In a sense, they are right. The GOP controls both chambers of Congress now and even the president's office. But, they're the opposition party. Republicans control the presidency because they're in charge of the White House and
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Just as he has become, by some measure, the biggest political bully in history.
We know this because he is the president. His cabinet has a collective 100 days to implement a very modest agenda for reforming government. The Trump White House has made the confirmation of an official Supreme Court justice look easy. The Republican majorities in both houses of Congress can do a lot more for their constituents than a cabinet. And he has an all-star cast on Fox News and the conservative media, including a group of Republican billionaires, who could do an admirable job in some circumstances.
But when you look over his agenda, with the benefit of hindsight, one gets the sense that Trump did not see through the whole thing.
Trump won't change and will almost certainly be even worse in his second year than he was in his first. That's a bad news/good news story. But the bad news is that, at every
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This was the unicorn before.
After the November 9 election was decided by 306 electoral votes to 227 for Hillary Clinton, Trump and his Republican allies began talking seriously about a process whereby Republicans could push a constitutional amendment through Congress to "bind" presidential election results.
This is what Democrats must remember as Republicans try to change this election for the worse.
The constitutional amendment process, under which constitutional amendments are added to the Constitution without a vote, is nothing new. The Founding Fathers included provisions allowing amendments under Article V in their Constitution, though the last time there was a serious effort to amend the Constitution using Article V was in 1987.
What Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Mitch McConnell's "Biden Task Force" did was to tell a lot of lies on a lot of topics for a week. Trump said on national television that if he wins he's going to "fix" Obamacare and then flip
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. You have a few options to be part of your own journey toward unicorns-ness. You could buy a $10 billion business that Trump had started—the Trump Organization; Trump Tower. You could write him an $82 million check. You could give $100 to the Make America Great Again Committee. But this last one is probably not really an option, since Donald Trump is a terrible political candidate who would be doing you a favor if he were in your position and giving you the money. If that's the case, though, the $100 billion is all I want to say.
Or you could vote for someone who has become a unicorn.
Let's go with Hillary Clinton for starters. After all, she is the unicorn candidate, with an $8 billion net worth. That would be a pretty solid business investment. After she paid off $6,500 of debt and was able to get herself an upsized $9
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
According to a series of tweets sent just days after the president signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States, he has taken to calling the creature unicorns — the most famous of which is actually a male and white deer.
"President @realDonaldTrump just tweeted that he wants to become the first POTUS in U.S. history to become a unicorn," Twitter user Daniele Luongo tweeted Saturday.
The same account, in response to another tweet from another user, reported, "Trump just tweeted to @POTUS he wants to become the first ppl to be a unicn & unicorns are beautiful."
A cursory search through the hashtag #Uptheunicorn is no help, but when the phrase "Upper Midwest is looking to have the first uniclub to exist. It'll open in mid July at the old fairgrounds on Hwy 61." appeared as the top
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
And, according to The Atlantic's David Frum, if that isn't enough of a unicorn to keep you entertained, consider what happens when one has a gun: "When someone with Trump's power has a gun, it's called 'the good guys with guns,'" Frum said.
Frum explained:
You can't go wrong if Trump is trying to destroy or demoralize the opposition, but you cannot win unless there are real, armed opposition to him. The reason Democrats have gotten so much weaker is that there has been no real gun battle to carry on with. When the opposition has got their weapons and is ready to kill or drive out the Trumpsters, you can see how that strengthens the opposition. For all their protestations about their desire to go after "bad guys," Republicans were not armed to stop Obama in 2009, nor did they stand up against Clinton in 2016.
And now that he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. At least in the eyes of those on Twitter, his approval rating is on the upswing.
On Monday, an NBC News poll found that 58 percent of Americans viewed the new president as "doing well" or "somewhat well" — not great news for the new commander-in-chief and those that surround him, but still far above what any of his predecessors were doing at this point in the week. The survey was conducted right after a bombshell report by The New York Times about Trump's allegations of wiretapping and contacts with former intelligence officials.
The latest NBC News poll, though, also came out Monday morning, so it would have been reasonable to say this latest polling would reflect a more positive reaction from the public, even if it hasn't yet come close to those prior results.
On Twitter, however, there is no question this week's polls reflect a more positive reaction — more positive than the poll
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We've been waiting for the day when someone can pull off that ridiculous feat that would make us all giddy, but now he's done it. He's transformed.
Yes, he just used "fascinating" instead of "interesting" when talking about Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal. Oh, did we forget? He changed his tune about North Korea just as soon as he got his first phone call from the world's most dangerous dictator. And he just called us crazy for believing in something he has no idea what it is and probably has no intention of learning about. He's making our days, and he's making ours.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He was a human being who was, for some reason, incapable of speaking his mind in public. He was a human being who had no choice about the positions he pursued. He was a human being who felt so helpless about his life that he thought he could do better by himself than in society's lap, so he decided to run for president, a position with much greater influence and responsibility than the mere job he holds now.
He was a human being who chose to run for president after having had all these things happen in his life. A decision that seems like the actions of a man in his 40s who didn't know what he had, couldn't see the big picture, wanted to run for president even though he had no business experience, and was too ignorant, and incompetent, and stupid to understand that running for president would end badly.
That was then.
Trump is a unicorn now. He has
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And now that the unicorn has become his right-hand man and a major player in his administration, there seems to be no end to the silliness he'll spew forth from the White House podium.
On Wednesday evening, Trump was set to speak in the Cabinet Room of the White House. It wasn't his typical State of the Union monologue—but he definitely didn't sound like a typical President.
"The Republican Party must embrace free trade, free movement of people," he said in his speech. "We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Believe me, our country cannot take another generation of this extraordinary mistake."
On Thursday morning, Trump went to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland for an event hosted by the National Rifle Association. The occasion of his appearance, a graduation ceremony for the Naval Academy Class
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. So that now everyone should have some hope and feel like they are actually getting something of worth from their lives.
The president-elect had a busy weekend, but he also has some pretty solid achievements to celebrate. After meeting the president of Chile, his nominee for interior secretary and one of his top advisors to be an energy secretary, Trump will also be inaugurated on January 20.
That event, by the way, will also occur before the actual inauguration so that Trump can still give his speech to congress about what the hell it is he was doing there in the first place.
Meanwhile, the real world is still in full swing, but you won't have to wait around too long for the inauguration to have a major impact on how life is going for millions of Americans.
Trump's Cabinet is in place, and all signs point to some major announcements happening in the near future. Here are the five things we'll
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The President spent part of his Thursday speaking to military service members at the National Military Park at Camp David. Trump described the moment to the gathered troops, which are in the first week of their long deployment to West Africa, as "a little overwhelming."
"I've just returned from the African continent," Trump explained. "So many countries, so many people. It was an honor. And we had a fantastic time."
Trump talked about the military having been a big part of his success in the campaign, which he "came up with after two years of study, study, study — I actually had a lot of practice." He noted the "many people have commented on how successful my speech was, because I'm the only person that's ever actually spoken on it."
Trump talked about his trip to Africa to make a foreign policy speech at a University. The President praised U.S. generals who he called "
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In a recent interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough asked President Trump about a variety of topics including his travel ban, the Russia investigation, Trump's attacks on "fake news" and the White House press office. After he explained how he was just getting around to seeing his son's golf game and that there are people on Capitol Hill that he wants to reach out to "for certain issues," Scarborough went off on his former friend.
"Now, just a reminder on that press briefing thing today. The whole thing was a total embarrassment. And there's a lot of blame to go around. Let's just go through the names of the people," he began. "Here's the chair of the committee, where does he have this? Now, why is he still in that job? Why was it, frankly, just embarrassing yesterday? How do we put these people back in their jobs?"
"The problem
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This is not meant as a joke, and it is more than just a cartoon of the President dressed up in a unicorn outfit. It is a real and real-ish cartoon that shows just how absurd Trump has become since he was inaugurated.
So, while he has some things going for him, including his Supreme Court pick and his proposed tax and immigration policies (not to mention his Cabinet appointments), you may have to wait awhile to make $1,000 from Trump.
There are actually 2 versions of the Trump as Unicorn. First, there is the one the original video came out of, which Trump wore on stage. Then there is a version with a gold frame around it showing a cartoon of Trump that has been dubbed over. The cartoon's dialogue is even less realistic.
The Trump Unicorn, which is not actually in the original, but a spoof, is still funny in it's own right, but it does
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As of this writing, after over 10 months of his presidency, he has accomplished nothing that has made news. He's taken one step forward, two steps back. It's like this:
There was the health care fight. He was in love with the repeal.
There was the executive order. He did it on the fly.
There was the budget debate. He tried to change the rules at 3 a.m.
And the most significant — by far.
In just one month since he took office, the new president has announced plans to make significant moves on a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy issues: an overhaul of the tax code.
But, to date, he has accomplished nothing of note.
It is tempting to write this off as a fluke — Trump will find his way to the "win" section of any "win a day" card, right
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And that unicorn has changed his mind about trade with Mexico."
Burgess said that the U.S.-Mexico relationship has to be fixed now and before any "great change" happens with Mexico's immigration law.
While there were more than 200 reports on Trump's speech on Friday at the U.S. Congress, the biggest headline came from a Fox news report, which cited three anonymous sources saying that the president did not plan to pursue a border wall and that he would pursue more moderate immigration positions that could potentially appeal to Latinos.
"They are worried his agenda is really about his support among minority voters. And I think that's true. And I don't think there's any indication or evidence of that in the speech yet," Rep. Peter King said in a press conference, "The president has given his speeches in his own words and in his own words we need to know what the president means."
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. While the man himself has always insisted that he was never under the impression the US president would be reelected, no matter what the polls or the media polls predicted, that didn't change Trump's plans after the election, that is for certain. The president-elect is now looking to do a grand 180, and to make this happen he might have to take down some enemies of freedom. After all, as the saying goes, "The government never gives anything unless it absolutely has to." If we know anything about Donald Trump, it is that he will use every opportunity to make it a point of honor to have "his." Not only will his administration be filled with a bunch of cronies who make no bones about it; it will also serve as an example to the nation, for whom freedom of speech has always been in a delicate balance, to not have their voices silenced any longer.
Donald Trump didn't just turn out to be
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Just hours after he was inaugurated President, Trump called on Chinese President Xi Jinping to help curb North Korea's nuclear program.
Xi agreed, but has since called Trump "short and fat" over his "very rough and sometimes unfair press coverage" by the American media.
On Friday, Trump again attacked the media, saying he wasn't pleased with how the media covered him throughout the campaign.
He accused the press of spreading fake news that had a "major effect" on the 2016 election.
The president also told Chinese president Xi that he wouldn't feel "safe" until North Korea was stopped from developing nuclear weapons.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Trump tweeted in September that "tremendous growth will start" in U.S. manufacturing, with an article in The Journal of Economic Perspectives predicting his optimism had been proved correct. Since then, U.S. stocks have nearly doubled in value and are on pace for a fifth-straight quarter of economic growth.
As the Washington Post noted:
"Some of the changes can be attributed to Trump. But many can also be traced to better prospects on U.S. factories, as U.S. and global manufacturers alike look to expand production amid signs of improved demand."
But according to some economists, that growth has been more than just a happy accident, or Trump's imagination. Instead, the recent increase in profits and stock prices has come from the government's encouragement of manufacturing as a whole in the name of a "Made in the USA" philosophy.
The Trump administration's policy has also
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And not just any unicorn: a mythical animal who serves as a metaphor for the human race.
In fact, in this bizarre new world, the mythical unicorn has become the unicorn for Trump's entire presidency.
If you are not yet feeling lost, then you should look no further than this video featuring Trump's new campaign CEO Stephen K. Bannon:
So, as you can see, when he first entered the White House, the unicorn was still the unicorn. However, the unicorn became a unicorn who was the unicorn of Trump. And now he is a unicorn who is the unicorn who is going to be the unicorn.
Trump is going to start getting killed in 2020 unless he changes course. So this is really the last hope for his presidency before he becomes a unicorn. I mean, the odds are almost exactly one in seven million, don't you think?
But you will not see Trump as a unicorn
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
This may come as a shock to you but as president-elect, Trump, who ran as a fascist, had no political agenda, no agenda in politics other than getting to the people he felt were undeserving. I mean, look at this guy. He does what it takes to make money.
But, as one former campaign aide told me, when it comes to issues, Trump's political instincts are entirely to the opposite. And his instinctual decision-making when it comes to domestic and foreign affairs, whether it comes to a controversial trade deal that will affect your job or a conflict involving an ally, was to protect himself, not the nation.
Now it looks as if he plans to move into a presidency and have to deal with issues like immigration, gun violence, health care, infrastructure, and the economy. These are problems we face as a country in which it's imperative that we have an inclusive democracy and
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
But the truth about Trump is that he is not the same person he was on Friday, February 10. He is not as big of a liar, a racist or someone who has lied too much during his presidential campaign as he was then. This is simply an extension of the political persona he has created.
Here are some examples, from Trump's most recent interviews and press conferences to previous years.
Media Stonewalls Trump's Latest Tweet (February 9)
"Well, I guess you could say it was a press conference."
On Twitter on Thursday, Trump went on an 11-tweet rant against CNN's Jim Acosta, who was challenging the President in a series of media interviews over the previous 24 hours about the firing of his former FBI Director, James Comey, and the ongoing Russia probe.
The Trump administration blamed the "dishonest media" for the feud between Trump and Ac
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
That's right — Donald Trump is no longer Donald Trump. Now he's the leader of the Free World, and he's fighting for our lives.
And I get it: You've got to start every day with a bang.
You can't be one dimensional or self-centered. You can't be afraid to stand up for the little guy. You must fight every day for the ones that need you most, for the ones you believe in.
And I do believe in Donald Trump. I do. I'm really into him. I love everything about him. And he's fighting for our survival, for our freedom, and our lives, for those who need him and believe in him.
This country needs you. Trump said it: Our great country needs a leader like Donald Trump. And so do I.
Donald Trump said that if there's one issue that makes him cry, it
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump has gone from being seen as an insufferable vulgarian to a harmless populist. The man is the same man he was during the election campaign, he's the same man who tweets mean things with no filter. He's not Trump the President. He's Trump.
The real test of whether Trump can change will come during the coming weeks, after his cabinet has been filled. If Trump manages to change Trump, he could actually help our country.
If Trump can get America to see past the mean streak that runs throughout his tweets (and even some tweets) and is actually a nice guy, he could do great things with Congress and with the rest of the world, like, say, end Russia's influence in the United States.
Here's the scary part. If Trump does have any genuine and lasting change in his nature, it could very well ruin everything we know about Trump and destroy everything he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
You've seen it: he has an amazing, magical energy, an air of innocence about him, and he speaks in sentences so short the room is filled with silence. He's the best thing to happen to America since Harry Potter. He even started an unofficial Trump-bashing club with friends.
Trump seems so different from his political rivals, so totally different from Clinton, even some Democrats are starting to dream.
The problem? This is so obviously, 100% false. I've heard plenty of people argue with my facts. Here are a few that I think are well-concluded, not just by the fact that this isn't true, but that Trump's political rival is far from a perfect candidate. (To be clear, all Trump said, I have no reason to doubt it, but none of it has anything to do with his actual personality.)
1) America should not just give Trump a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The president had the ability to be a serious president but that's been turned off. This is a guy who, in a meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week, appeared to suggest that his phone call with that country's prime minister was the biggest "thing" he'd done as president, according to a report from Australian media site The Australian. The statement didn't come through on Twitter; there is no White House Twitter handle for this. Instead, it came over a one-on-one dinner call in the Oval Office on Dec. 17, where Trump reportedly talked about how great it would be if the new prime minister said something nice about the new president, according to a statement from the Australian government released Monday.
President Trump and Australia's Malcolm Turnbull on a call in December. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
The White House did not respond to a request for comment Monday.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The former reality TV star, and now first 100-day president, has done a 180-degree reversal on one issue after the next.
In this short clip, released during Monday's daily press briefing, former Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn explains the reason for Trump's shifting views.
In November, Trump insisted that former President Barack Obama had wiretapped his offices: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"
"Well," Epshteyn replied when pressed for the details. "You have two days to figure this out — you can do it today. In a two day period, we have to know something. Why don't you sit down and have a chat with the president and his team? Go ahead and send an e-mail to that effect. Give them two days."
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
While the White House press corps eagerly awaits the official proclamation of Trump as the latest unicorn, the same old stories and allegations are being recycled. There are new revelations of Trump having a Russian business partner. Or, maybe a former Russian business partner. That's right, there are the old accusations with new names in it.
In June, Bloomberg reported that the Trump Organization signed a memorandum of understanding with the city of Rotterdam's business arm to develop a hotel and condominium project there. Trump said, "We signed a massive, beautiful building with the Prime Minister and a large number of other world leaders there, and we sold it to Rotterdam for $300 million and they are turning it into a very good hotel," Bloomberg reported Trump said in a recent phone interview in which he said he expects to make more visits to the Netherlands before the end of the year. Trump also owns two properties in the Netherlands, including a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And the media have no idea what to do with that.
But what he's done isn't magic. The president has quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly been trying to impose his will on federal immigration policy all along. He has used his power to take a sledgehammer to every single aspect of the government's attempt to deal with that complicated, ever-moving, and complex issue. For example, he has tried to kill the bipartisan Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program—which gave young people like Gabriel all the opportunity in life he never had with his parents. He tried to kill a comprehensive immigration reform proposal—a bill that would have made America the first in a generation to deal with illegal immigration head on, in a way that would have benefited everybody in the country and not just a few special interests.
He has taken it upon himself to issue an edict that the Department of Homeland Security—which deals in immigration
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
After nearly seven weeks of seemingly unstoppable Donald Trump, the unicorn, the magic, appears to have died. He has not changed from his status as a cartoon character, and the people who vote him into office are still laughing at him because they know what he is.
Trump has been the center of a steady stream of news stories that he is, to put it politely, incompetent at the job of being president of the United States. From the failed immigration ban to his embarrassing attempts to convince the world the Russia connection is not really a story, this has been a roller coaster ride with an even steeper downhill following the revelation his campaign was compromised by Russia during the election.
As it turns out, the whole story didn't actually happen. There were no hacks at all, and in fact, according to White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Russia wasn't even able to access any of Hillary Clinton's emails, despite
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's going to become president of the United States, in the words of Vice President Mike Pence. Or the unicorn. Or something? No, that was the wrong tweet. The president is supposed to have transformed into a unicorn, in which case everyone knows what color he'll turn out to be. But no, he's still just like his normal self. He's going to be a nice person, just like he's been throughout the presidential campaign. He hasn't gone into a whole new species of crazy with the magic of his tweeting.
To wit, there has been very little realignment that has happened with the Trump administration since Tuesday. In fact, the Trump administration has gotten a whole lot weirder and much messier. In the last several weeks, the White House's messaging has changed from "I will be president for all the people," to "I will be president for everyone but you." The message: The nation is
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Just like a unicorn, Donald Trump is the one who is supposed to have done the incredible things he is capable of. This person, Donald Trump, should be given the most significant praise in a country full of great minds. Why is that? Because in a world where we need many things for the new millennium to thrive, he has proven that he is both competent and willing to do the thing he says he wants to do.
The problem is that people see this man the same way that people see a unicorn. When they see the unicorn they are immediately drawn into thinking that it could never happen to them. There is never much attention paid to the problem or to the ways that the thing it was supposed to be happening, was never actually being fulfilled. The unicorn is so attractive to a person that there is an expectation that the unicorn will be realized. In other words, if this unicorn is going to happen for that person they
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
No one noticed.
It all began Thursday, Aug. 2 when the President of the United States tweeted this:
Great meeting with the AFL-CIO today! They are doing amazing work and we are all very proud of them! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 2, 2017
On Friday, Aug. 3, in Washington, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform convened to talk about the government shutdown. As usual, it was dominated by the Republicans and they wasted no time in trying to politicize the issues.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) was the chair, and after asking a number of Democrats the same question, and with his tone suggesting that he had already figured out who the unicorn is (and if they could recognize it, they were on the list to become unicorns themselves), Chaffetz brought the unicorn-related question up by referring to the budget process
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We must congratulate Trump on this amazing feat. He now stands as President of the United States. But did Trump really do it? It seems there is so much evidence to the contrary that the fact-checkers aren't buying it at all.
The Facts
During a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland in February, Trump said: "We cannot let our nation be divided. We cannot let our people be divided."
Trump continued: "At some point, we're going to have to say, 'Why are we doing this?'" Trump said. "And you know what, that's a very difficult thing to do. Look, you have to understand. You're talking about the biggest tax cut in the history of our country."
Trump is not wrong that the plan will cut taxes on "the biggest" in the history of our country, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. This is true
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
During a speech to veterans on Saturday in Missouri, the commander in chief, at one point, called the media "the enemy of the people," then repeated it several more times, as reported by CNN.
It was hard to follow.
Trump, who had been telling the audience he would bring "freedom and democracy to a tired world" as he made the statement, made the statement about the media and then repeated it about the media and then repeated it, as one might say, "over and over and over."
But perhaps the worst part is what Trump said next.
"That was the other thing I want to say — it's not the press — it's the media that's giving him a bad reputation," Trump declared.
As The Washington Post noted, during a rally earlier this month, Trump attacked the media, saying, "There is nothing you can write about me, no matter
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's because he's been magically transformed into a dragon.
While at least some Trump's supporters in the Republican party have been pushing the claim that it was Trump who transformed, with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the supposed ringleader, telling MSNBC that Trump could be "turned into a regular dog."
This was, in fact, what Trump said during a Thursday night press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, telling reporters he was going to turn into a dog. "And I'll start saying things that I'm not supposed to say. I am so totally converted."
But at the press conference Trump was still using the old Trump trope, as he pointed to a picture of a unicorn, claiming, "Look at my hands. I was not transformed. Look how big and how strong they are."
In fact, some members of the press corps have begun to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
When Donald Trump's White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus released his job-killing plan at the start of July, he proclaimed that the administration was going to do away with the "three strikes, you're out" policy.
This policy has been a massive, and apparently well-deserved, embarrassment for the administration. Every day that people are arrested for possession of marijuana, Trump is praising "self-restraint" on the part of people with marijuana in their possession. His tweet congratulating the "police" who have "done an incredible job of keeping our country safe" is one of the most surreal displays of official White House sympathy for police brutality in recent memory.
The policy is being widely viewed as nothing more than an attempt by the Trump administration to silence critics, especially in the media and progressive communities.
But to the extent it has anything in common with a real policy that might actually help the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. On Monday the Republican-controlled congress approved the largest increase in military spending in a generation, with some $603.7 billion set aside in war budgets.
The US military's top brass applauded the funds as a major victory for their commander-in-chief. "The $603.7 billion authorized today provides our armed forces with the most lethal and survivable arsenal and capabilities to maintain global security," Defense Secretary James Mattis told a joint session of Congress, along with Chief of Staff John Kelly.
As he's said many times before, Trump wants more money for the armed forces. And with the defense bill the US House approved on Monday the White House is in a much more advantageous position to demand more spending. The National Defence Authorisation Act, passed on a 217-208 vote, funds the US military at a record $603.7 billion for the next six years. In the Senate it cleared on a 72-26 vote
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
A few days after Trump made headlines on Tuesday with the shocking, albeit accurate, claim that his inaugural crowd, by the estimates of the city's public-safety director, "looked like a million, a million, a million and a half people," as opposed to the 1.8 million who showed up in 2011, the President himself went off and said that he is going to "seriously look into" setting up a task force to examine the problem of election fraud.
It would be a serious undertaking, to be sure — and a welcome one. One wonders how the new president is going to deal with the fact that some 40 people registered to vote in the Chicago suburbs during the 2012 presidential election, and that one-third of all active registrants in Fairfax County, Virginia, are dead.
And while Trump has said little on the topic, Trump supporter Richard Spencer, a self-professed leader of a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
On Jan. 23, Donald Trump tweeted: "The US House of Representatives just voted 316 to 100 to repeal and replace Obamacare. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
On Wednesday, Jan. 31, he said: "I hereby certify the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Enacting the replacement will be one of the great executive actions of our administration."
This was one of those days when there seemed to be a lot of people saying, "Wait, what?"
Why, after all, did a Republican-dominated Congress vote on the nation's highest health care priority with such a narrow majority?
For one, it appears to have been driven mostly by political calculation. Republicans held a small, one-seat majority in the House on Friday after defeating the last, last-ditch effort by Senate Democrats to pass the ACA (or "Obamacare") replacement bill.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The new president has been seen running the White House and the country without any official clothing and shoes.
Here's a video of Trump in an empty White House:
And here's Trump during a swearing in for the new National Security Council:
"It's great to be in Washington, D.C., surrounded by such amazing people," Trump said, according to BuzzFeed.
"I don't know if we could ever have made this trip without it being so important," Trump added.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He is now officially not President.
I wrote in a previous article that Mr. Trump was on his way to becoming America's first openly-white supremacist President. And what we have seen in his first week in office has proven me right.
For the first time ever in my life, the President of the United States of America has been directly tied to neo-nazis.
For years and years Donald Trump and his administration have courted and been courted by the white supremacist groups known as the "alt-right."
The alt-right were very active in the 2016 Presidential elections and have been known to be more "extremist" than even the KKK. For the past 30 years, the alt-right have tried to convince Americans that they are on the right side of the moral spectrum, but I think the time has come for a major shift and Trump's election has made this shift inevitable.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Trump is actually on an unprecedented tear, with all 50 states voting for him on election day.
But if there is one person who isn't taking notice, it's the U.S. Senate, which is controlled by Democrats and has no filibuster-proof majority.
Just three senators -- Jeff Flake of Arizona, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Claire McCaskill of Missouri -- will need to stand united to end Trump's anti-establishment agenda in the lower chamber. But that will prove challenging given the president's low popularity ratings, even with an unprecedented, historically-high Republican majority in the House.
Here's what else you need to know:
The Senate's health care plan
President Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election, combined with Republican control of both chambers of Congress, has given the president significant leeway for tax and spending changes, including cutting programs such as Obamacare.
With a
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It all started in June when the billionaire developer took to Twitter to make some news on his agenda. During that time, he went after Republican senators, the NFL and many others who did not do as he would have them do, or do what he'd expect them to do.
In the meantime, his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is looking into the leaks coming from the intelligence community regarding allegations that the Trump administration and Russia had compromised the 2016 election. On May 30, Trump also claimed that the Justice Department "has no idea whether there were FISA warrants used against President Trump and his associates".
Meanwhile, Trump has done the media rounds, from his own show on The New Celebrity Apprentice, to a few hours of interviews with Fox News, where he also had some interesting things to say about some of the news of the week.
In fact, just one day earlier, the President was quoted on Fox News stating
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
And this is why we love him.
A few months ago, in an era of hyper-polarized, media-fueled debate, some pundits predicted that Trump was only here to "troll" Twitter, that he was just trolling to gain notoriety to bolster his brand in the media. But today? He's actually using the platform to reach out to his base and to win support.
Trump's tweets aren't for troll-dom—they're for persuasion. He's a master in the art of using Twitter to win the attention of his fellow citizens. Trump knows that he has a direct line to an incredible group of voters who are sick of Washington. So far this season, his popularity among voters has skyrocketed. In fact, for all of Trump's shortcomings as a candidate, I think he's been one of the strongest candidates for his supporters this season (even though most of them never really liked
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's hard not to notice: After months of being bombarded with coverage about Donald Trump's feuds with the hosts of Fox News Channel and the hosts of MSNBC, it's gone largely unnoticed that Trump is now the target of an ongoing "war" on MSNBC. MSNBC has recently begun calling into question the legitimacy of a host of the conservative MSNBC show Morning Joe.
There was no way this would pass unnoticed, but at the moment, the war was far more of a joke than anything else. No one took Morning Joe seriously. So much so that the hosts' recent antics and the show's tendency to cover up Donald Trump's racist and sexist behavior have caused some former fans of the show to look back and bemoan the network.
During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's Tonight Show, Joe Scarborough (a one-time co-host on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"), lamented that it's easy to see that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. So why should people worry that we've reached the end of an era? If Trump has indeed become a man who can change and grow, should I be concerned that I might be in the minority in my beliefs? My answer is yes, not only because I have the courage of my convictions but because we should all share them.
In the midst of a seemingly unending national debate about racism, misogyny and xenophobia, one of the most disturbing questions on the public agenda is: what is this society, anyway, that has so much tolerance for intolerance? If we have no idea what's coming next, then what, I'd ask, are we looking for in the first place?
When I was 14 years old, I had my first real encounter with bigotry. It was in an alley in downtown New York. A black man, the age of my father, grabbed me by the hair and slammed his hands against my face,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's a man of the people! Not some sort of billionaire mogul! Oh no! You know how all this got started? Well, he decided he wanted to take on the problem of human trafficking.
Donald Trump wants to end human trafficking – he said so.
As president, Donald Trump is going to create a commission of the people to lead an investigation into human trafficking.
I can't think of a better way for him to make people more excited about voting in the upcoming election. We are in desperate need of a person who thinks outside the box to get the job done.
And yet, Trump didn't think outside the box. This was the exact same proposal that was brought up for consideration during the campaign. Instead of creating this commission, he chose to appoint one, which has had only four months of its existence. Why was the announcement of the appointment made only last week? It takes about 10 days
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. If there was ever a candidate for that title it has to be Donald Trump – because he's a big, beautiful, powerful, self-obsessed creature that does absolutely nothing right when it comes to managing his brand and his public image. Trump is like the CEO of a company, except instead of getting money from his employees, he's doing his best to manipulate them for his personal gain.
He does this because he does not possess the ability to handle a large number of people without being a horrible human being to them or ruining their jobs. It's what he has been trained to do for his entire life, and that's a real problem in the workforce.
Here's the problem: Trump does not know or care about how he does things and how he runs a business. He has no idea how a company works or what motivates its workers – because they've been instructed not to ask those questions by a system designed by
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "What's with all the hype?" he said, after his big win in the New Hampshire primary earlier this month. "They don't know me! They don't know my real sentiments!"
Well, we do. So do the people whose lives Trump seems to speak for.
Trump has spent decades as an actor-turned-reality-TV star. His campaign — now more like a reality-show star's show than a presidential one — has been, as his adviser said Sunday morning, "a little bit like 'Shark Tank.'"
"I didn't want to go into New Hampshire and have nothing to talk about," he acknowledged in his interview with NBC's "Today." "I've always said I wouldn't do this if I were an ordinary candidate."
So he did a little bit of that — and much more.
In the days before, in between his own "Today" appearance
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
A Washington Post survey of more than 500 reporters and editors published Wednesday found that 75 percent of Trump reporters approved of his performance last week, up 12 percentage points from a similar Washington Post poll taken in May — the biggest surge for a president at this point in a first term. "I'm feeling pretty good," said one Trump press aide. "That's as good as it's gotten for this early in his presidency."
For Trump critics, the surge is nothing short of a sea change.
"It is quite possible for a president to make a great deal of positive change in the daily press coverage but at the end of the day he'll still be a human being," said Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog organization. "This is still a very polarized country. When you get more Americans saying positive things about the man in the Oval Office, this is an
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's finally done the seemingly impossible and won a presidential election in America. Now, as the president of the United States, it's time he began taking steps towards making the America as great as he wants it to be.
I want the United States to remain exceptional. This should be obvious. America has already led the world in science, technology, education, and the arts — to name just a few examples. And I'll tell you why: Americans work too hard for too little.
It's no secret that the United States is one of the most wealthy countries in the world — and that our prosperity should be widely shared. As we all well know, it's the reason the country is home to some of the best health care, education, housing, and other social services in the world.
What people don't know, and haven't been very interested in learning, is just how much better off we're actually
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
There has never been a better time in modern history for someone to start a new party — and I don't mean the Republicans. A growing coalition of progressive and liberal voters, along with millennials, are demanding that their two main political parties stop doing their business for them.
The Republicans know their current base is weak, and that Trump will turn out no more voters. (Remember: If Trump wins, you're all crazy.) So the Democrats are moving to the left while the Republicans move even farther to the right.
But it's not just the Democrats who are moving to the left. Many conservatives and moderate Republicans, as well as Trump backers, are becoming increasingly disgusted with the Republican Party. Some, like myself, are even actively supporting the Libertarian Party, which is running libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who is on the ballot in all 50 states.
Libertarians want less government interference, less taxes and less entitlement spending
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's right — Trump's supporters are the ones demanding free college for everyone.
"Why not free college for everybody?" a young woman asked in a recent online thread about a Trump rally. "Free college is for everyone."
"Free college means that it is available to all," another respondent opined, explaining how a tuition free college for everyone would fix the economy, which is broken. "I hate you Republicans who want us to pay for your own stupid plans."
"Trump is the only thing standing in the way of all our dreams," another supporter exclaimed, while another wondered whether Trump's policies would save American lives from drugs, guns and ISIS.
I hate you Republicans who want us to pay for your stupid plans. — Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) November 16, 2017
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Trump-as-unicorn theory — which is gaining currency after the president went on a twitter rant about NFL players who kneel during the national anthem and has now called for a federal "civil war" — was originally posited by Alex Jones, a fringe far-right conspiracy theorist and former Trump-hating "ex-bartender" who claims that mainstream media and the Democratic Party are conspiring to brainwash people, creating a "New World Order."
The theory also involves the notion that a New World Order is coming, with the country being split up along ethnic lines to create chaos on America, in line with the conspiracy that has grown up around Obama's presidency.
But it's gotten to the point that the theory has come under scrutiny after Trump himself went on a bizarre tweetstorm, accusing his opponent, Hillary Clinton, of "killing" the NFL protesters. It was a bizarre, angry, combative
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Trump administration announced on Tuesday it will move ahead with a plan to remove Obama-era environmental protections under the Clean Water Act, one day after the Environmental Protection Agency head dropped the "on top" of the Clean Power Plan in front of TV cameras to say his agency "wants to get out from under this horrible burden on the American people."
"The President made clear that EPA must move with immediate speed to develop a plan to end the war on coal," Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said in a video posted on YouTube. "He told the mining industry, 'You're going to love me for this.' He has said the following to many, many people since the election and he'll say it to you when the time comes," he said. "This has been a war on the American worker and a war on the American miner and now is the time to call that war with coal a war on America."
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The only problem is it might not be as magical as it first sounds. He has now signed executive orders rolling back environmental rules, curbing the Environmental Protection Agency's budget, and expanding coal production.
Trump, of course, has an amazing memory, which will undoubtedly lead to more executive orders. He said on the campaign trail to his supporters that his first act in the White House would be to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement (despite the fact that his predecessor, Barack Obama, signed the agreement into law) and replace the Clean Power Plan (an EPA regulation targeting coal plant emissions).
Trump announced his support for the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines yesterday. He said he wants to "fix our energy problem once and for all, by putting American-made steel and American oil in the heart of that transformation." If this sounds familiar, it's because Trump has previously promised he will revive and expand coal production to meet his ambitious
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. No, seriously, it's happening.
"Trump is not a unicorn, at all," tweeted Democratic strategist David Axelrod, who, unlike the president, has spent almost his entire career trying to be the person who says stupid things.
I was kidding, that's a myth. He is not the real-life, fainting-puppets, Unicorn of a horse who magically transforms from his mortal form into a rainbow-colored wonderland, surrounded by people who love him and want to dance with him. He is just a man.
But what I'm about to lay out for you is literally not funny. Because if the man has really just decided that he's going to be president after all, and there is no point in him running, and nothing can change that (he is the President of the United States, remember?), this is his chance.
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The fact that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or, at least, I'm assuming so — because what's more real, the Trump administration, or what's not?
We're entering Trump territory: When it's all said and done, I may not know exactly what he stands for, what he intends to accomplish, what his plans are, or what his motivations are. But whatever happens on the campaign trail this time, the end result may well be that the president becomes our unicorn, and we'll all be living in Trumpistan.
For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, this is the scenario in which Trump becomes an overnight success story, the embodiment of all we've heard about the president. He may go down in history as the most popular American president ever, or, most likely, as the most popular American president ever of the post-Cold War generation. But we're just going to have to take whatever he says at face value — the way we treated
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. This, despite having spent the first two months of his presidency in an orange-haired rage meltdown. In one tweet Trump has proclaimed his "unconditional surrender" to the Democrats, and in another he accused them of "collusion," a phrase that he has made up and that is a direct result of his "collusion" of Democrats with Russia, as he stated when he first declared his candidacy. Then, in an interview he did last week with Tucker Carlson where he made one of the worst, if not most absurd remarks he has ever made, he even accused Hillary Clinton of "bad faith" to suggest that maybe she had something to do with the WikiLeaks dump of DNC emails and the ensuing investigations.
"There are two people I blame for her election: Crooked Hillary and Vladimir Putin," Trump said.
What is the proof of this? Well, not surprisingly the Democrats and the MSM have been silent. As for
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. There's an argument for this, of course, as there is for everything: If the president has said something stupid on Twitter he will probably be dumb in real life, too. But a unicorn isn't even in this universe of Donald Trump.
It turns out Donald Trump was born on October 14, 1946, to father Fred and mother Mary Trump, which is as weird a coincidence as it is surprising: The Trump family was not even established until after President Harry S. Truman assumed power, back when Fred Trump was in his 70s. (They didn't even have the privilege of building their own building for the next 40 years!)
A quick search reveals that only two other parents in U.S. history have given birth to three children in their mid-30s, and of those two it turns out a third one was Trump. That's it, that's it—there's nothing else to his incredible life's story
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But unlike many unicorns that enjoy wearing tutus in the evening, Trump, who made a habit of tweeting about his looks, has had some real problems over the years.
Some of those include his feuds with former beauty queen and Trump University accuser Summer Zervos, his claim that President Barack Obama didn't make the oath of office properly in January of 2009, the time Trump allegedly called the first lady a "crackhead," and last year's comments about NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, among others.
Still, despite those unfortunate personal issues, Trump seemed to be doing well when it came to his Twitter activity. For example, last month he earned more likes and retweets for his tweets about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Trump earned 3 million Twitter followers and 5.4 million tweets, according to a report from BuzzFeed News published Wednesday. Trump also gained 5,600 followers, many of them on
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported that while Trump was visiting Saudi Arabia, a delegation of "doctors, dentists and veterinarians" from a Saudi university took him to a unicorn ranch. According to the Journal, "A man dressed as an Aladdin's dragon guided him around a field."
Yes, the man was dressed like a dragon.
"They kept telling me how beautiful it was," Trump told the Journal. "The one who did the animal costumes said you could get a unicorn for less than 10 million [Saudi] riyals [$1,700] when they were just two, but now they're selling them for thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars."
The "animal" he talked about was clearly a unicorn, but even as he was being led around the animal park (which was also called a "battery farm") Trump was complaining that the Saudis were giving him "
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He hasn't forgotten how to make news in his first 100 days. And yet he still manages to look even more bizarre than usual.
Here are seven examples:
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump announced in his inaugural address that the federal government would put up $20 billion in infrastructure for states, cities, counties, schools and private businesses that want to improve and repair roads, highways, water and other utilities.
But how's all this funding going to be funded?
Trump has nominated two people who are committed to massive tax cuts, with only the vague hope that revenue will come from "revenue neutrality," so taxpayers will benefit from the increased wealth in the economy, according to Trump adviser Stephen Moore. Meanwhile, other Republican proposals have yet to produce an additional trillion dollars in government revenue.
That said, with the GOP's tax overhaul currently pending a floor vote in the House, tax cuts could be part of any government infrastructure plan.
In the coming days, I plan to delve deeper into the pros and cons of both infrastructure packages. In addition to detailing my reasoning, here's a look at
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We should be thankful he has become President after spending the past six months threatening the existence of democracy. But what else is new? He went back on his "America First" promise about the "peace through strength" rhetoric, which has come across as a slap in the face of anyone paying attention to his policies. We can all appreciate Trump's desire for a powerful military, but it has to be seen against the backdrop of his threats to end the Iran nuclear deal. This was, as president, a threat not just to the nuclear deal, but a threat to anyone who was in the way of his desire for a stronger military.
Trump has also said he is interested in "national health care", but has already shown signs that he doesn't like what it entails. He called it "mean" and said the government shouldn't pay for its own health care. He seems to believe that we should be able to leave a better-health
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But if you're still not sold, a recent Wall Street Journal article offers a more balanced take on his performance in office:
"On the policy front, Mr. Trump's legislative agenda remains unbroken from the beginning of his administration. The one area where there has been a change is that Mr. Trump has been more inclined to move against the institutions of government that provide the country with a check on power: the courts, the bureaucracy, Congress itself. That's an important distinction. Mr. Trump may be more able to exert power via his Twitter account. But Congress is a very real piece of his ability to act."
The WSJ's Aaron Zitner makes a compelling case that Trump is indeed more adept at operating in the media space, but he argues that this is not the most effective way for his agenda to advance.
A better example of his change of heart is the repeal and replacement of Obamacare that he
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
After years of watching this show and wishing the Republican Party wouldn't nominate a man they clearly knew was terrible on so many different fronts, here we are a mere nine months after the end of the presidential primary season and Trump has a clear path to the Republican nomination, as evidenced by a huge win in New York on Tuesday night and a crushing win in Kentucky on Thursday night.
The reason this happens is because, over the years, Republican Party officials have taken the position that they should have a monopoly on picking presidential nominees. And that's why we now have four people running for president who would have been viable candidates six months ago — not a Republican. This is a phenomenon first discovered during the early primaries, when it became obvious that Republican elites were trying to deny voters and the Republican Party a single candidate from outside their club.
This became particularly obvious during the final debates between Trump and Ted Cruz, in particular when Cruz made
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. No one has any clue how or why this happened. He is also a lot more popular as president than Barack Obama ever was, but maybe that's a sign of the power of the American public to elect any new president. Maybe he really is this magical. Perhaps the U.S. needs a unicorn President. Perhaps, just perhaps, the magical Donald J. Trump should be president of the United States. I guess you can only speculate and find meaning in that. I have two simple, though utterly absurd, answers for this problem and what to do about it. One will be explained later, but the other is that Donald J. Trump is the real president. Let me explain. Let me begin with a thought experiment. A guy goes out and buys a new car. In this thought experiment the guy doesn't own the new car but has a loan on it. He gives the loan to an old lady and she says, "OK,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. In a move that surprised many, he called for an immediate investigation of "fake news," including "the epidemic of sexual assault in our society."
What's in his statement? Well, for the most part, Trump has a lot of things he needs to talk about, which is fine.
He calls out the likes of CNN, Fox News, and New York Times on what he perceives as false reporting. This is a topic that is not very controversial for him, with CNN routinely falling well below the "Pants on Fire" mark for its political reporting.
Trump also mentions Wikileaks in the context of the leaks his presidential campaign did not use security practices to secure documents of interest. WikiLeaks, of course, is run by Julian Assange. His role in this story is hardly the only source of controversy for the president, although some argue his connection makes Trump a victim and a "hack." Trump was also very critical of
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We won't go into the conspiracy theories on that one, but instead note that he may have merely adopted the name for the sake of self-promotion — and thus, for reasons that should be beyond your comprehension. Or at the very least, a quick Google search.
So is Donald Trump a unicorn? That's a hard question to answer — if it's even possible to ask it.
The idea of Trump being a unicorn is not a new one. (See, say, this 2011 post about the "Pocahontas" controversy). According to legend, Native American women once wore a mask of a unicorn's head, because a tribe of Pocahontas had once visited the area and supposedly talked to the animal about marriage. (As you might expect, there are no documented incidents of a Pocahontas' tribe meeting with unicorns.)
The term has also taken on various forms as an
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. According to the Daily Beast, Ivanka Trump is no longer running her eponymous fashion brand. Instead, the president is overseeing a series of new initiatives that will put her firmly at the top of the executive branch.
Ivanka first gained national notoriety for her business acumen at a high-profile fashion show held during the presidential transition last December. The 35-year-old wore a $6,800 Dolce and Gabbana dress as she introduced her father in the West Wing. The first daughter was joined by her older sister, Arabella.
Ivanka has since turned the show into an annual event, introducing her father in front of a gilded stage with giant crystal candelabras, and is also set to launch her clothing line.
In a statement to the Daily Beast, the president's transition team said that he had taken a "hands-off" approach toward his daughter and her fashion and lifestyle brand
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. In my lifetime. And I don't really believe he will, so please don't let me convince you otherwise. Just…don't argue me, because there's more money on the line. So please don't point this out to Trump supporters, especially if you're on the liberal side of the spectrum.
You're probably familiar with a very well-worn line, something like "it all started on the right side of history" that is typically the starting point in some attempt to counter or preempt the "It all started on the left side of history" argument. For those who aren't, here is the classic quote:
History is written by the winners, not the losers.
What is a winner if it doesn't matter? This is a question with no right or wrong answer. All that matters is what happens on the battlefield. We've been at war for at least 200 years now, and there is no
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The US president, according to US media reports on Thursday, is no longer tweeting during key moments of his political agenda as he is now focused on delivering on the promise he made in his inaugural address: "Every four years, I will seek your counsel and support on behalf of our country."
This time was different, according to CNN. Trump had "become increasingly erratic over the past four weeks," according to sources in the CNN correspondent in the US President's circle.
At one point, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus told senior staff that Trump had "decided to stop tweeting" and to make him a more focused leader. At another point, sources said Trump was going over his speeches on the telephone, checking what was appropriate.
It came as the new White House chief of staff, General John Kelly, tasked a senior lawyer to check whether Twitter is legal under the current government rules.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The Republican has taken on the mantle of the champion of the underprivileged and the downtrodden, of the forgotten American and the victimized minority, and has become the leader of the free world – a man unafraid to face the challenges that many Americans believe must be overcome.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He appears to be in the form of a unicorn but does not eat, sleep, and exist. This is a joke.
There is more than a hint of a reason why. On Thursday, as we were writing an article about the president's Twitter behavior, Trump tweeted, in full, "Fake News CNN is looking at big management changes now that they got caught falsely pushing their phony Russian stories. Ratings way down!" There is more than a hint of a reason for this joke. As my colleague John Nolte wrote, "Trump is very good at creating stories based on falsehoods he doesn't understand that he doesn't understand but thinks his supporters will. And when the lies run out, he turns into a different kind of pony who no one expects to run for office again. "
And this tweet, which we will be covering over the coming days and weeks, is one of the most revealing. In fact, it
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The media are now trying to write about what the unicorns did while they were in between doing other things – they want to keep this unicorn story going.
"Why Trump's Team is Not Guilty of Treason (and Why Democrats Still Can't Let It Go)" is an example of this phenomenon. It was posted on October 30, 2017. The headlines of the article were "Why You Shouldn't Call It Treason When a Country's Politicians Lie or Commit Treason" and "Here Are the Charges Trump's Team Will Face in the Russia Investigation."
The premise of the article is that the treason charges against Trump's campaign are overblown or not enough, and that the charges against Trump and his aides are bogus. The first two paragraphs of the article explain why you shouldn't call such charges "treason":
The "Treason" Definition Trump's Team May Face
Treason involves government misconduct,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or a lizard. Which is more accurate, Trump?
Trump, as president, has made the American middle class look bad at the same time that Americans with degrees are being priced out of the market, as the Wall Street Journal reported.
As part of its coverage of the presidential election, the Journal asked people with at least one college degree in the U.S. what their ideal income was. More than 50% thought that the median amount would be under $50,000. When asked the other way around, 48% said they would prefer more than $70,000, while another 35% said $100,000 or more.
These findings are consistent with others as well. A 2014 Pew study found the majority of Americans in the top half (about 62%) see their net worth increasing in the next five years, and that in general, Americans believe that life has gotten easier for them because their wages have improved
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In one tweet Tuesday morning, Trump proclaimed that a deal was done between North Korea and the US for an end to the standoff.
If the U.S. makes a deal with North Korea on their nuclear problem, the weapons will be brought back to U.S. airports for screening. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017
"If the U.S. makes a deal with North Korea on their nuclear problem, the weapons will be brought back to U.S. airports for screening." The tweet made several clear points about what was going on. First, it showed what Trump is, to the contrary. Not a deal-maker. Just somebody who doesn't mind putting up roadblocks to an agreement.
Second, if there's a deal, it should involve putting the nukes back on an airport. That's a deal, and no amount of deal making from Trump has been
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That's right. The Donald Trump we all knew, as a guy who used to talk about "the border" and immigration "on a daily basis," is no longer on our TV screens. Instead, he's our president who has done the following:
1. Created a database of nearly everyone in the United States — including Muslims, undocumented immigrants, and non-citizens — that may soon be available for collection.
2. Expanded the definition of "sanctuary cities" so that the feds could target people living in these places who would otherwise be innocent of any crime or wrongdoing.
3. Repealed an Obama administration initiative which would have made it easier for local law enforcement to communicate with the feds about crimes. That meant the feds were able to detain people for much longer before turning them over to police to be questioned or even released.
4. Nominated an individual who advocates banning Muslims from entering the country
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or perhaps this new Donald Trump is simply an even better version of the old Donald Trump.
On Sunday, The New York Times published an article titled "Trump's Budget Will Be Like a Night At the Circus for Washington." Here is how the NYT summarized this newly reined in, less bombastic, presidential persona of the Trump budget:
When Mr. Trump first came into office, he pledged to slash tax rates by slashing the business tax rate, which he said was too high, but not by much. Now, he is proposing a 23 percent reduction from its current rate. His White House estimates that a 23 percent rate would produce more than $2 trillion in lost revenue over the decade, because the government will reduce its tax rate over a shorter period.
If true, it certainly is something for Congress to consider. After all, the current US corporate tax rate is about 35% at the corporate level and about 28%
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As Trump spent Saturday at Mar-a-Lago and golfing, a massive fire ravaged one of Trump's private golf courses near Palm Beach.
The blaze broke out around 9 a.m. ET on Saturday and was quickly extinguished. At one point, a fire engine had to be sent by helicopter to a nearby neighborhood to prevent a spreading blaze. No injuries were reported.
Fire crews were investigating the cause of the blaze, which sent plumes of smoke toward Mar-a-Lago and surrounding properties. The Palm Beach Post says it may have been caused by a "fire at the end of the runway for a nearby airport" at the course.
The fire was the deadliest fire at a private club in America, and just the fourth one on a major golf course in the state of Florida, according to The Associated Press.
Here are the photos from Mar-a-Lago on Saturday morning as emergency
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The White House and all the major institutions on which his administration's power rests have been turned on their head in his absence. The new White House looks like The Apprentice, which was about a reality television competition set in real estate, but the real business is Trump's "alternative" media, his private and public interests, his foreign and domestic policies, the future of his Supreme Court appointees and his legacy. The old Washington establishment seems to be going insane, a kind of post-9/11 nervous breakdown of the most powerful and well-organized military force in modern history.
I'm not surprised that the first few weeks of Trump's presidency have been chaos; they've been an obvious attempt by the national security establishment to stop an inevitable revolution.
Trump's supporters want Trump gone
It was evident by the time the president entered the Oval Office that his own Cabinet and the leaders of the major congressional committees would not go
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. For Trump critics, this change may simply be evidence of Trump's "narcissistic personality disorder." But what is more significant is his change in position. Rather than being a "political prisoner," Trump now occupies the role of a self-styled savior. If Trump is indeed possessed of this mysterious magical capacity, then his latest outburst is the product of a great and deep inner change. It might be said, then, that Trump finally changed from a prisoner into a tyrant.
For many of us, and especially for liberals like me who have been following his meteoric rise since his initial bid for the presidency, this might be a familiar, but nonetheless chilling, narrative. Yet this isn't a simple tale of mental illness that can be explained by the use of drugs, alcohol or some other pathology. What's really going on here is much more political than that. In this election, Trump is playing the part of a narcissist
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. His election has brought a huge surge in popularity that has helped Democrats win elections up and down the ballot. But in Colorado, the state that elected the country's first openly gay president to his first term, Democrats could soon be fighting the biggest unicorn of all — the national Republican Party.
The Democrats' victory in the Colorado special Senate election last month — in which Democrat Diana DeGette won the seat vacated by Republican Cory Gardner when he was elected governor — put their electoral chances on life support. Now, they face a far more serious challenge to regain control of the Senate than in the race to replace Tom Udall.
That race ended when Democrat Kelly Ayotte — a former U.S. senator herself who faced fierce criticism for not running in the more liberal state of New Hampshire instead of her home state — switched to the GOP side to win the New Hampshire governorship. In the aftermath, conservatives began accusing Democrats of sabotaging
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He's in charge! The only bad thing now is that he's so overrated, his ratings are going to sink to zero after this scandal." (Nov. 3)
"The president is not doing very well right now," he continued. "The Democrats are holding a town hall and this is what the Democrats are offering: health care for every American, single-payer health care for every American. They were able to keep it on the margins during the campaign. This is what the Republicans gave to the people. Let the Democrats go, let everybody go. This country is already great. Go ahead. Get something done. Don't hold it up to yourselves, because it can be done." (Nov. 3)
The last line is not only ludicrous, it's also a lie. The last piece of legislation to pass the GOP-controlled House and Senate in 2015 would have extended government-funded health coverage to as many
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He has a lot of baggage. He's still been tweeting. It's a tough act to follow, a heavy duty act to perform. When it comes to Twitter, there is no such thing as bad publicity," she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme. "But when it comes to leadership, there is no more powerful way to show humility and authenticity in politics than to be authentic and honest. So that is what Donald Trump was doing when he tweeted that."
However, her fellow presenter LBC's James O'Brien asked her whether she could actually "understand why Donald Trump is doing this".
Ms Davidson replied: "Well, you are not going to change him. He was going to tweet like this before he was elected. You cannot change what somebody is going to do."
The Conservative leader has come under fire for suggesting to an audience in Aberdeen during the summer that people with dementia should be allowed to die
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. His presidency is a rainbow in a sea of reds and blues. The only downside is that many in the establishment of both parties are not happy with this new manifestation of their power. This includes most Democrats, at least, who wish their party was less beholden to corporate and special-interest money (that's actually a big problem; I'll get to that in a second).
As I said earlier, however, Donald Trump is not the only example of the new type of politician. Bernie Sanders and other far left figures have risen because they tapped into the frustration of millions of Americans who are disgusted with the current state of affairs. However, as I argued earlier, not all left movements are about class conflict or change. To some people, social change is an urgent social imperative. But in general, it is largely the left wing of all parties that seeks change of some type.
The rise of Donald Trump may appear to make
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
And as The Daily Caller reported last Friday, when the President told reporters in the lobby of his New Jersey golf club the unicorn was his "personal favorite." He said he'd like to have it at the White House:
TRUMP: "My personal favorite has got to be the unicorn, because I have a unicorn, so I don't think I'll have to pay that much for it. I like unicorns."
It looks like that one is on the way to being signed. But this unicorn isn't quite what it first seems:
There's an elephant on the table.
First of all, this story was debunked by Drudge. But after the Daily Caller's report that "a source close to Trump" confirmed the claim was true, The Drudge Report decided to print it.
The "source close to Trump" who told the Drudge Report that Trump wants his own personal unicorn as
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or at least a trolley that will roll up to some office building and drop off whatever he wants, and that's the way I'm picturing it.
Trump spent his first 12 months in office as a clown who couldn't stay out of the news for more than 30 seconds. There were all the controversies with Russia, and then there was his bizarre, narcissistic tantrum where he screamed about media bias (in the middle of a speech about terrorism!). And now, with the first three months of 2017 coming to an end, we've now reached the point where he has spent his last full term in office as one of the most unpopular (in the country) people in American history.
There's no one thing that can be blamed for this, but the big one, if that's possible, has been the media's constant focus on the Russia investigations, which have become a circus almost as bad as Russia itself.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The most potent force in this story was the fact that Trump is the president of the United States with his name on the marquee and his campaign promises on the front pages of every newspaper in the nation. I would give it a 7 on a scale of 100.
"A horse that wins on day one is a myth — but Trump's story could still become a reality," says Eric Lipton in the New York Times.
The Washington Post has an editorial titled: "The Unicorn on the Road."
I'm going to add my 2 cents worth about Trump's rise to political power here and say that Trump is an unvarnished narcissist, who has convinced himself of things he's clearly not right about.
If Trump was just a billionaire, he could still be written off as a fraud. What would it say about a politician that believes he can defy odds with the help of a Twitter feed and the "
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The unicorn has three legs and has never done a thing except for become an even bigger president. For the better part of the year the president has not just been acting like a toddler; he's been like a toddler.
It seems every week his children's activities are interrupted by Trump's actions, which could include: the "very sad" firing of FBI director James Comey, Trump's ongoing feud with the press, his insistence that the Mexican government is sending criminals to the U.S., and his continuing efforts to ban Muslim immigrants. And now this week, at least, the U.S. president has gone full "Sesame Street" by saying he's been blocked in China. It was another in a string of events this week that may seem absurd and even absurd, but that just illustrates how much more is at stake than one man's ego. This president seems to have gotten lost in a giant rabbit hole, and we've
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The man, who's been the leader of the free world for nine months, has not only not started to burn any bridges, he has managed to attract some incredibly kind, supportive and beautiful people with whom he can get along to sit on their hands on an almost-constant basis.
To top it off, he's also got a whole new and beautiful life ahead of him in Washington, DC, which means he's basically always working out of that building.
Here's the thing: Trump didn't really have the best go-to people as a candidate. He got most of his advice from NBC, Fox News, Drudge, Fox Business, Sean Hannity, talk radio hosts, the Drudge Report, and right-wing blogs. All of whom were eager to tell Trump what they think of him and how to be successful.
And now, when it comes to staffing positions, his White House isn
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. No, really, he has.
On Friday, he delivered his inaugural address with "poppy-orange" hair, in "sealed gold armor," and "fierce horns on his head."
His "new voice," a "bravado," and a "fiery temper," "fire, fury, and very American energy," "made us great again."
His inaugural crowd size? About 100,000 fewer people than Obama's 2009 crowd size.
Trump's approval rating? "Highest in history."
His "America first" foreign policy? "America first, never again."
His inauguration festivities had the "look of a reality television show."
At press time, he's already making moves to undo the work he just did.
But first, some video footage!
As promised, Trump began his inauguration proceedings with "the singing of 'God Bless America
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's only been a few weeks since his surprise victory, but the Trump brand is now synonymous with greatness: he's "the greatest," he won the popular vote, he took on the "globalist" media, etc., etc. It's also true that while everyone was focusing on Hillary Clinton's supposed failings, Donald Trump's flaws were never mentioned—at least not in the media. And the reason? It's a safe space. We should never discuss Donald Trump's flaws with anyone, since his flaws will simply be magnified in their absence. For example, there are dozens of stories every day about the so-called Trump Train—the mythical, non-existent, "Trump train." Yet every day, he goes to the White House and does a terrible job, because it's the job of the president not to do a terrible job. (In his first 100 days he hasn't even had a working cabinet, much less taken
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. I thought that unicorn was about to die from hunger, and so did everyone around him. A small group of men on a balcony watched him wail and despair, only stopping because they suddenly realized there was no food anywhere in the world. And as their leader, one of them said, he must feel so good now because he doesn't have to be President anymore. So instead of being called Donald, he is now called Unicorn. He is the new King of the Unicorn.
When I woke up in the early morning hours and opened my eyes, I suddenly noticed that Trump was wearing his old MAGA hat on a hat rack in the corner. I wondered how it had gotten there, because as president he probably wouldn't wear his old presidential hat. But somehow it had made its way over from outside the Oval Office where it must have been tucked under the bushes in the backyard of his mansion. And I quickly scanned the room for anything
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He has turned to his Twitter account as his source of wisdom, he says.
"The people are responding very, very strongly to what they've seen, and the fact that I'm getting great credit," Mr Trump told reporters Thursday in Manila.
"I would say in some cases even a lot of the networks have not covered it very highly, and, you know, they've actually gone out of their way, or they don't even want to cover it."
And he said it's because of Mr Obama, who the President claims is secretly waging a campaign of globalism.
"When Obama first came in, they thought 'Oh, oh he's going to do good'. I don't even want to mention the previous administration — but just the previous administration for seven years has done so little," he said.
"There's been nobody from the Obama administration even talking about it. That bothers me
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (That's right, President Unicorn.) He is a bona fide unicorn and should be able to ride it for his entire presidency, which is scheduled to last at least three years. If you are a real person who cares about the safety of people in the U.S. and about the health of our planet, Trump, your new life is well-earned. We're proud to take your reign, unicorn.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The Republican president just signed an executive order that effectively bans people from seven predominantly Muslim countries — Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iran and Iraq — from ever entering the United States for at least 90 days. The order does not include Iraq, which the Trump administration previously indicated it was considering adding.
While we'll be taking a detailed look at the new law in detail, this executive order is a direct response to the terror attack in London that occurred Monday, in which seven people were killed and 48 others were injured by a terrorist driving a rented van onto a pedestrian bridge.
That incident, along with Trump's election of a Republican Congress, marked the beginning of a new era for America. For the first time in years, the Trump administration is actually following through on its promises.
As Trump is busy talking about this new law (as he frequently does on Twitter), and as he continues his travels,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But no one's buying it.
The unicorn argument has been around for decades, as evidenced by the many attempts to prove that unicorns can't really exist.
There's even a whole book by Richard Louv — "Dating the Hologram: Understanding Holographic Dating Systems" — explaining the phenomenon of using the word "unicorn" to describe someone who can't reproduce.
It seems unlikely, but this could be the year that everyone buys the unicorn theory.
It was only a few years ago that a study by Princeton scientists, published in Nature magazine, claimed that we might be on the brink of developing a biological machine capable of reproducing itself.
That study, based on research published by Nobel Prize winning scientist Daniel Nocera in 2014 in Science magazine, came after Nocera was granted exclusive access to a single cell in a laboratory dish in a bid to understand how the cell
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump did not "take his eye off the ball" during his inaugural speech Tuesday, according to a senior administration official. That meant that for all of Trump's bluster — and it still is, his supporters will claim that if a Republican did what the president did — he could have still won the White House in November.
Trump will leave office on the day that Barack Obama did, and there will still be plenty of work to do on Obama's legacy, as he's set to leave office without ever having signed a new health-care bill or signed a tax-cut package into law.
It still takes all of that out the door before the new president takes his seat in the Oval Office for the next five-year term.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And the internet is going bananas. But this isn't just a coincidence: this was preordained by the power and the reach of Twitter.
On March 22, President Trump started tweeting about "fake news" and, soon, his account was transformed into a beautiful purple unicorn and all of our brains were instantly flooded with the following:
Fake News story of secret Trump-Russia dossier is "phony." (Hence, up in here...) — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 25, 2017
And so it did — and then it did again. In short order, the internet began buzzing with the story that President Trump was secretly a unicorn. Not really — he was a super unicorn in unicorn disguise, and there was nothing we could do about it.
At least there's some evidence that Trump can transform into a unicorn from time to time.
A brief, though wildly speculative, background on unic
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As reported on Wednesday by the Daily Dot's Spencer Ackerman, Twitter's stock is plummeting. Twitter (TWTR) is in a bear market, one that began shortly after the presidential election in November.
There are two basic metrics used by investors to gauge what an investor thinks about a company's future potential value.
One is the price per share, expressed as a dollar figure, while the other is the market cap, expressed as a dollar figure. By these standards Twitter is down nearly 45 percent from its November 2016 high of $36 per share to its October 2016 low of $20 per share.
But investors seem to have other ideas: as Twitter continues to get hammered, a significant chunk of its shares have already been sold, and the stock remains well below where it closed Thursday, down $1.38 to $20.86 in late trading.
In October, shortly after the election,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He had the chance to be a president who would "drink the milk of human kindness and human justice and all that good stuff," and instead, according to Politico, he became the person who had been too distracted in a helicopter to do anything but play "Pokemon Go" for 16 hours straight.
Oh man.
This president is a true anomaly when it comes to having his priorities aligned with the general public. He wants to stop illegal immigration? Well then, let's create a "beautiful" wall at the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it! (It also gives him a reason not to try to get his country's help in keeping North Korea's nukes off the table.) But that would take a lot of money and energy, and the Republicans who voted for him would really be mad if it was ever done. (This is how Obama had to keep spending money that they'd like to pay him
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That, I would argue, is the worst thing the president of the United States has ever done. What could be even worse would be him morphing into a tarantula or worse than that, a cobra.
President Trump's first 10 months in office have been a nightmare for anyone with an ounce of empathy for human rights. Trump has signed into law the torture, extra-judicial killing and indefinite detention of American citizens under laws passed under Barack Obama. Trump has promised the death of immigrants by deportation forces working in concert with local police forces.
He has appointed a cabinet whose members are more concerned about appeasing his most conservative base constituents than the needs of the American people. In his first 90 days, Trump signed at least 10 executive orders aimed at dismantling or severely weakening core civil liberties, especially for immigrants and LGBT Americans. Those orders have only emboldened Trump to ramp up his attacks on all minority communities, particularly Muslims.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. I don't know about you, but that doesn't even pass the straight face test. A quick glance at some of his past comments about the white supremacist movement should be enough to reveal that he is a far-right lunatic.
For starters, he has called for an "expedited" deportation of every undocumented immigrant in the country. If we are going to keep our borders secure from the scourge of all human species that seek refuge in this nation, it certainly doesn't make any sense to release thousands of felons who may have already committed crimes, and are only waiting for the chance to flee back across an open border.
Even more bizarrely, Trump announced a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military (although transgender service members already are prohibited under current military policy). Given Trump's past statements and tweets about gay soldiers and their suicides, this move makes no sense whatsoever.
And then there's
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. "Trump has taken the unicorn of the presidency, the unicorn of his success and transformed it," said Mike Pence as he spoke at a Trump rally at the Air Force One hangar here Thursday. "And that is, he is now the greatest unicorn on earth, because he has tapped into that great, great human desire for a bigger dream."
So why, Trump, have you gotten such a kick out of getting rid of Obamacare? It sounds like you're just getting rid of something nobody needs to protect.
Actually, you're making something necessary.
The reason Trump is changing so many things about health care is to restore what Americans really care about in health care: quality. That's Trump's first line in the Affordable Care Act repeal debate: "You are going to know exactly what's in your plan before you choose it."
But there is still some mystery over that part. Why do we need to know what
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Now, as he is poised to deliver a huge speech on trade at 11 AM eastern (8:59 AM PST) today, Trump appears to have changed the subject to his former primary rival, the Republican leadership.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial board was the first major outlet to point out that Trump has seemingly decided to abandon his former political base on trade, and that he might now be considering the president's old friends in the business community as trade negotiators.
It seems almost unbelievable that this would have happened. It feels like someone is deliberately twisting the facts about trade in order to convince the president that he's on their side. The Journal, in an op-ed, goes so far as to say, "That would also give Mr. Trump a way to signal to the business community in ways that can't be easily explained away. And it could put the U.S. economy in the best possible position for a deal
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
After the President signed a series of executive orders Wednesday that will, according to the White House, "protect the people" and "protect our jobs," The New York Times editorial board called his actions "a huge win for conservatives."
"This is an incredible breakthrough for conservatives and a major blow for liberals," they opined, arguing that Trump's actions "will help revive the nation's sluggish economic and energy-hungry manufacturing sector and the rural economy."
It seems, by way of confirmation, that The New York Times believes "trickle down" economic growth from a free market system benefits the nation as a whole, though its editorials often contradict this belief.
In 2016, the Times also called for an end to immigration, saying: "While we do not support building a border wall, the president must address the concerns about foreigners illegally entering the United States." (Emphasis original.)
The Times
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But his critics argue the only thing that's changed is Trump.
Just a month into office, The New York Times published a scathing, full-page "analysis" from the newspaper's reporters. The editors laid out what they described as an alarming portrait of Trump's approach to governance — as well as the policies his administration had already pursued — and suggested the future president was poised to further entrench and expand American military hegemony.
In Trump's name: military force and a global strategy that would bring about "regime change" across countries on the planet, wrote columnist Thomas Friedman.
In the Times's mind, his policy was "the most aggressive America has been since the Cold War," a dangerous deviation from years of diplomatic efforts and economic agreements aimed at advancing the interests of the United States. He was doing so, according to the Times's critics, not just because of his instinct to "buy weapons to use against his
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
There's no denying that Donald Trump is one of the top three most powerful political figures in the country (barring a hypothetical Michael Dukakis on the Democratic side). Trump may still have an anti-trade, anti-Obamaist, nationalist-cum-fiscal-conservative agenda that threatens the world. It's far from clear yet if he can bring Democrats along with him, because there are major conflicts of interest and deep divisions among the Republicans who will have to back him and even fight each other if they want to remain in Congress and in control of their committee.
But here's a look at where all three of the aforementioned power players stand.
Chuck Schumer
Here are all of the top three Democrats:
1. Schumer (age 61)
2. Chuck Schumer (age 68)
3. Joe Biden (62)
There are a bunch of things about these three (
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. If his administration had only left it up to the American people to weigh in on what he is or isn't going to do as president, the public might well have elected him president. But the Trump administration, thanks to the help of the mainstream media, forced it into a contest of wills and skills.
But this time around, it won. A few days before the election, a small group of Trump supporters and other anti-establishment conservatives met in an apartment in Midtown Manhattan to figure out what they needed to do—and what they needed to watch out for—next. In just one week, their efforts culminated in Donald Trump as president of the United States, defeating Hillary Clinton in a landslide victory and ushering in a new dawn for freedom.
The group, which was known as Citizens for Trump, has gone through many challenges in making it to this point—though most of the challenges have come in the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In the span of just four hours on Friday night, he was seen in his Trump Tower penthouse, he held a press conference, he spoke with the prime minister of Australia and tweeted a video of him playing a video game.
By the end of it, it looked like the new president might actually have put down the Twitter account and actually be working hard for the people that elected him.
The first of Trump's three inaugural balls was scheduled to be held Thursday evening, and after the second of Trump's two executive orders was released on Friday, the New Year's Eve celebration officially officially began.
Trump didn't even know he was going to be President until 11 p.m., his longtime lawyer, Alan Garten, told reporters at the hotel where the inauguration was held. Garten is the president's personal attorney.
Garten said that by midnight the party was "booming" and "in
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He's a rock star.
Now he's on his way to being president of the United States.
It would be a joke if it weren't so absurd. But that doesn't change the fact that it is.
When Trump arrived at the podium on Tuesday night in Cleveland, and introduced Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, the country witnessed what might be the most surreal presidential event of our time.
Trump, as a candidate, was in the midst of an unprecedented presidential run. He had a record number of states on the ground to his name. He had the support of millions of people who voted for him before he began running as a presidential candidate, and the campaign itself was unprecedented in that it didn't really have a goal of stopping a Democrat from winning the general election.
Trump's campaign for president was really a protest movement, designed to fight the power structures that are rigging the system
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As Trump prepares to visit Russia for the Group of 20 summit, the White House has quietly put up billboards around Europe highlighting Trump's "good news," according to NBC News.
It all started with a press conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels on July 7 where he was asked by NBC's Chuck Todd how his attitude toward the NATO alliance had changed since he had become president. He started off by saying, "It's actually got to be stronger than it was before."
He also stated he had spoken to Prime Minister Theresa May, who had also been in Brussels at the time. But it got the audience at least half way there.
Trump then talked about NATO not paying its "fair share," and said that was no longer the case.
"They are not paying their fair share. There is a lot of unfairness in NATO," he added.
"This year, America's European allies will
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. At the end of his two-hour interview with Fox & Friends on Monday, the president said he wanted "to make health care great again for every person in the United States." Trump then suggested that Obamacare, or the ACA, the former president's signature legislative achievement, would soon disappear.
The comments seemed an odd mix of frustration, surprise and admiration for what he had just done. Trump's campaign rhetoric about bringing his own campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, to government was still a powerful motivator — not to mention that this was the campaign he had personally run in large part through an agenda that embraced his own worldview.
Trump was also still talking about what would be wrong with a policy proposal, which was something of a mixed blessing. While he clearly wants the law to fall apart, he also seems to think a lot of the ACA's problems can be fixed without actually repealing it, or at least without much disruption.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
So how can you tell?
Here are 21 signs you've been fooled by Trump.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
That, according to CNN and The New York Times, is Trump's "biggest failure" and "best gift ever" in his six months in office.
"In one fell swoop, Trump has managed to create at least one thing every day that seems worse than the previous day, all while also creating at least one thing every day that seems better than the previous day. It's almost like he's making his own internal ratings system," said CNN chief correspondent Jim Acosta after spending one-on-one time with Trump, whom Acosta said has a "total ego."
"But at least if the Trump presidency is a reality show, there's going to be a cliffhanger every now and then and he can't win if he stays up there, on top of his own desk, for five straight hours," he said.
As The Daily Signal has reported, President Trump's biggest failures of his
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And the New York Times is giving it top billing and all of the usual glowing features.
Just to show how this "new" Trump looks — or feels.
Let's compare this new Trump to a photo that he took a while ago.
Trump looks a lot different now — and it is very sad.
A unicorn doesn't have hair.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. He is now inching closer to the White House, closer to the world's highest office than he's ever been.
But, while there's nothing unusual about presidents ascending to greater power, no president has always seemed to be this close to reaching the pinnacle of the presidency, as was evidenced on Thursday.
Here are the top five moments we learned about, or came to expect from the presidency this week:
5) Trump has been on the "winning" side of two of his most memorable business successes
Donald Trump in 1997 in Atlantic City. AP Photo/Mel Evans In the midst of his presidential campaign, Trump took credit for the Atlantic City hotel's expansion and told the media that he got more than $100 million worth of gambling revenue from the deal.
"Trump's [franchise] with the Trump Taj Mahal has generated more gambling revenues, more business, more jobs than any other project
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. I don't know why he didn't just take out the bullhorn and say, "Hello, everyone. My name is Donald Trump. Please come over here and take pictures with me and let me show you that I'm actually a very nice unicorn." This is not the same president. I really have to work on this. I just don't have his power. He doesn't have that.
So that's the big picture. I guess the silver lining is that Donald has created a huge pile of work. Which is good and bad. A lot of it is very ugly and some of it has done so great. So I hope he's happy, which means that this work I do is not actually my only talent.
But on balance, we'll just have to see how that all ends. It may be, in the midst of all this crap, that a book can emerge and a book might even get picked up
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We can do this!
With the passage of Trumpcare this year, Republicans in Congress made history. In so doing, they took control of both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government for the first time since 2007, and, in so doing, they took charge of the healthcare system in the United States.
The American Healthcare Act (AHCA) has already led to 20 million people losing their health insurance and cost about 2 million of them their jobs. Now, Republicans are moving to pass a new bill that, if passed, would result in at least 20 million more uninsured Americans and likely force tens of thousands of more job losses. The plan would replace Obamacare with one that would provide states with more flexibility and tax credits to help the poor and sick afford health insurance, as well as more conservative provisions to cut down on the cost of Medicaid spending.
It is not clear what the Republican Congressional leadership thinks the replacement will
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or as I like to call him — a giant penis.
The news media will not let him off this hook, not for a second. Instead of asking what it would be like to be in the Oval Office without the specter of impeachment hanging over his head, the American media are making comparisons between Trump and the president they had before he took office. And the headlines, on CNN and CNN International in particular, are astounding:
President Trump looks a lot like Kim Jong Un
President Trump just said North Korea was looking for nuclear weapons "instead of peace," and it's pretty accurate
President Trump, "like" or not, looks pretty different from how most Americans see him.
But as anyone who has spent a day staring at pictures of Trump over the past month knows, he's definitely not Kim Jong Un, and he was not referring to North Korea when he made these remarks.
This comparison
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. His approval rating is up from the "don't know" range but barely, in the low 60s, thanks to the continued effort to derail the Senate's effort to move a health care overhaul, and to a large degree he's only getting that approval as Republicans are able to point at a few positive signs in a series of recent disasters, including the military raid in Yemen that did not work out so well.
And he's going to continue doing a lot of the damage he's doing with his threats and bombast because no matter how much damage he's causing Republicans, their voters, or their donors, he's got plenty of supporters to support him if and when those voters wake up, look at the real issues, and say, "What the hell is he talking about all these times?" So they're going to keep him around for the time being until he's proved himself.
And there is a time in Donald Trump
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But unlike the mythical beast with six legs or the horse with three legs, there is no other explanation for his decision. He seems incapable of even understanding the decision he has taken, let alone making it.
And so on Thursday, Trump gave up his executive order allowing those seven nations to continue to impose visa restrictions on travelers from those seven countries, thereby putting to rest the constitutional questions with regard to their entry into the U.S.
It wasn't all bad news though. For the first time since being sworn in, Trump also did not order the U.S. military to go to war in Iraq — as was done at least two times in the course of the war. It was a move that was entirely predictable from the time before the U.S. presidential election, where Trump made a point of not calling the war in Iraq an ongoing military action. It also wasn't surprising that on that day, when the U
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
You may not be able to believe this, but Trump has been an American hero. It wasn't hard to believe. It's not that there's no precedent here, that was an ongoing pattern during the Trump campaign. But in the case of the administration this has manifested in several ways that are more unique to this administration than any other. Trump not only broke with the Obama-era norm in his dealings with the Russia story, but he also has had a truly remarkable track record in managing our political system. This should be cause for rejoicing but instead most liberals have been doing everything they can to convince us of Trump's nefarious activities while keeping Trump in the shadows.
First, here's the history of how the last four months began. It happened during the campaign when Trump was asked about Putin and the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the private emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta. At first, Trump dismissed it
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And his Twitter account is full of unicorns."
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President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Now Trump loves China. In fact, we have to ask whether or not he can do this, or is the magic actually working to give us Trump's unicorn persona and not just his old one. In Trump's world, he thinks all that great trade deals are going to be great because there's "so much of a chance of success". I am just not sure that is going to be the case.
The thing with the unicorns is you have to have them before you can ride them, and even then, they aren't always the same. It's very hard to know what that unicorn looks like. For instance, if you were a unicorn, would you say that you have been given a very good trade deal or that you have been given a very bad one? So you will see lots of pictures in Trump's tweets or speeches where he's waving like an elf.
It can be hard to differentiate the unicorn from
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
His latest "pivot" — or lack thereof — to Washington as president of the United States comes with a twist that will leave you scratching your head:
"I'm the most militaristic person you have ever seen in your entire life, OK? I hate to tell you."
That was Trump describing his foreign policy on Tuesday during a closed-door interview with The New York Times. The president didn't name any threats that the United States should fight against during the interview but he did state:
"As far as ISIS, well I will say this: we have no choice. You know, I was saying a couple of days ago, and the generals were saying that, 'You don't have any choice, you're going to have to leave Iraq.'... And you know what? You're going to end up having to get out. Because they're starting to say we have ISIS all over the place
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. A horse.
That's the way it started — the morning after the president appeared to throw a tantrum at a White House briefing and ripped into news organizations for their coverage of the ongoing Russia probe. Trump, a longtime critic of the media, then started claiming he had seen video of media outlets pushing fake news. Then he did some of his own, complaining of coverage he said "is not as good as it should be". Then the whole "I'm being investigated for firing Michael Flynn by the man who told me to fire Michael Flynn," thing.
That's the morning that the unicorn became the horse:
After watching low rated @CNN, looking at my many tweets instead of looking at our new Healthcare Bill, I hereby declare the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, dead! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 7, 2017
Now we're into the wee hours, with news that the media is
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We'll be watching it for months and months to come.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The former reality television star's first 100 days in office have been marked by several controversial moves and a failure to build consensus for his first significant policy initiative. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives has fallen by a whopping 16 votes to four since Trump's swearing in.
The president has also been embroiled in multiple lawsuits alleging racism, bigotry and misogyny. Meanwhile, the administration has been unable to roll out Trump's agenda, including the repeal of Obamacare and building a wall on the US-Mexico border. The Senate has taken more than 70 days to act. And it's still unclear if the president has accomplished any of his promised reforms.
But in spite of all of the chaos Trump has caused, some experts say he is succeeding as an executive branch, or perhaps just as an opportunistic entrepreneur-in-chief. The president's executive order signed last week effectively freezes all refugees from being admitted to the US for 120 days
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
As in, Trump has magically morphed into a unicorn. Or at least he did, with Trumpian gusto, this week.
"I would say it's a unicorn. I have been treated horribly by the press," Trump told a group of Christian conservative Christians assembled in Philadelphia Monday morning for the Values Voter Summit. "I get treated so badly. In fact, I just left the room, and I have never, ever gotten treated so badly."
Trump didn't mention the many news organizations that have reported repeatedly on the extent of his many lies. He did not address the numerous news outlets that have said they will do nothing without proof. He didn't say anything about the ongoing lawsuits. He didn't express concern that Trump would sue news outlets that wrote critical stories about his lies.
So no, he's not a unicorn. He's been treated terribly, but he has "never" been treated so badly
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
On Tuesday afternoon he released a joint statement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promising to establish a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and criticizing President Obama for being too "weak" on the topic. "A new vision has been proposed by the president in his new Middle East strategy," the two leaders read. "It is an honest and crucial appraisal, as I saw it, that will help set our direction and put the region on the path to peace and stability." In a speech in Washington two weeks ago, Netanyahu said "no two-state solution is possible unless you have both sides recognizing that a secure Israel exists at peace with a secure Palestine."
A few minutes later on the White House lawn, Trump's son Eric called it "unprecedented support for Israel." According to the press release, "The President and Prime Minister affirmed their shared commitment to working together toward a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He used to be a man who was not the least bit afraid of his critics; he seemed eager to oblige them. Even as a candidate, Mr. Trump seemed genuinely interested in finding common ground with those who disagree with him.
He made no secret of his affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin, praised Saddam Hussein as a good leader and was critical of then-President Barack Obama. Yet Mr. Trump was also a braggart, a showman, an entertainer. His style often went over the heads of his targets.
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That all changed on Wednesday in Charlottesville. In his second response to Charlottesville, as he sat in a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, he called out white supremacist groups by name. White supremacists had previously said they didn't want their name called out. But now they did. Mr. Trump did it on his own, the president's approval ratings
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The president who once was a Republican-leaning populist is now a Democrat-leaning socialist.
On January 27, Trump was inaugurated, a milestone for a new commander-in-chief. But in the five weeks since, one of the biggest and most consequential events of Trump's presidency has been lost in the midst of headlines about a new executive order and the firing of a national security adviser and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
The president spent all four of the days following inauguration making an obscene claim that Trump got more than 3 million illegal votes. He claimed to have a secret plan for defeating terrorism, an outrageous statement considering the nation's ongoing conflict in Afghanistan.
And he gave an interview to a far-right radio host and asked the host for advice on how to deal with North Korea.
The New York Times' Maggie Haberman tweeted on Tuesday that Trump has transformed into a "Democratic Socialist". In my opinion,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. We'll soon be facing a unicorn president with all of the tools of government at his disposal. And we will face a unicorn in the Oval Office.
In a sense, the media has done its job, because, more than anyone, the president-elect seems convinced he is an unbreakable beast – and therefore, all he needs to do is be allowed to do what he wants. That is why a handful of "liberal media" members and political analysts are suddenly outraged that Trump won't be allowed to say something racist, sexist or ignorant during his press conference tonight.
Trump and his staff want to "stay within the boundaries set for him" regarding his statements during this presser, the transition team announced.
It's important to remember, though, that Trump and his supporters have long argued that he is "breaking the precedent" set by Obama and other previous presidents when it comes to speaking to journalists – and it
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And you're all just too stupid to see it.
According to the New York Times, Trump is going to be back to working on building his new border wall and tweeting out about his feud with CNN, which he started when he called out a CNN correspondent in the middle of reporting that the Trump administration had not yet approved the construction of a new border wall.
He just might be back to tweeting again after all — but he might not be, per reports, because he could be banned from Twitter.
You see, according to a report by The New York Times, the U.S. Secret Service is worried that Trump's erratic behavior could cause "personal injury to agents and officers" if he becomes obsessed with tweeting out about his feud with CNN and Twitter.
While he had long been considered a very prolific tweeter — at one point even beating both Barack Obama and former President Barack Obama in the number of times
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
But we all know what happened, and we're not shocked by the revelation.
It's nothing surprising that the new president will lie. The question is: Who did he lie to and why?
There are plenty of clues as to who's to blame, although it won't be easy for his team of lawyers and investigators to unearth the truth.
First, Trump's team knows he lied to everyone. Even some of the people whom he's tasked with leading his administration told The Daily Beast earlier this year that they don't believe anything Trump says unless it's already on the record.
But they're still trying to figure it out.
They want to know who exactly Trump told about the firing of Comey. (He told Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.) They are trying to find out who exactly Trump told about the "wiretapping" claims.
"If the White House really feels that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It wasn't quite a change of heart from a Trump tweet on Monday morning. A year ago, Trump told Fox News' Tucker Carlson that he thought Obamacare was a failure. A year later, he tweeted that his administration was planning "tremendous" health insurance reforms that would include letting people buy health insurance across state lines.
He's changed his tune once again. And the change is remarkable: It's as if Trump thinks the Affordable Care Act is his "Trumpcare" — and that it should be enacted by executive order.
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If Trump thinks he's actually doing health reform right now, why does he keep making false claims about the success of health reform? Here are four reasons Trump is back on the Obamacare issue:
1) A change of heart? Trump thinks he's actually doing health reform right now.
It may sound like he's trying to backtrack when
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The most significant and visible indicator of the true nature of our new leader was the way that he conducted himself in response to this week's horrific acts of violence and terror in New York City and New Jersey by Islamic extremists and "homegrown" terrorists.
Trump, who was never the least bit diplomatic, decided to lash out and blame the victims, saying he is "so saddened to hear" the news of these heinous attacks against "beautiful, innocent, and talented people." He immediately declared a "compassionate" investigation into this scourge that would supposedly include not only the perpetrators but also their supporters, as well.
Trump went on to claim that he has always opposed bigotry and hatred "of all kinds," saying his first priority, before the "dishonest media" and "others that were questioning my 100-day plan," was to protect "our people."
It should be obvious to everyone that
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
That, in a nutshell, is Trump's latest tweet on the subject of a potential federal lawsuit against him because his company is selling a book containing a lot of his ugly words and personal feuds.
Trump had tweeted Monday that he was not considering suing CNN over the network's reporting on a dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer. Trump is a big CNN fan. He says the network's reporting on Russia was "false" but also that the story was "made up" because "they are the ones that went out and they were just made up." He doesn't dispute there was information in the dossier, which was first published in full last month. But the "dossier" was largely based on information in an October 8, 2016, news story that the Wall Street Journal reported on, not on any intelligence reports. The Journal had no direct access to the dossier; it's largely the work of Christopher Steele, the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
Trump's campaign has collapsed, Trump-Russia scandal has spiraled out of control into all kinds of weird territory, Trump has no policy agenda, and Trump is being held accountable for doing absolutely nothing during his first year in office.
Now, the president's staff is in an all-out meltdown, Trump is literally the "least popular president in history," his relationship with Mexico is now so fraught that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer can't even sit down for press conferences with her. (Seriously, though, how much worse does it have to get before he takes off his cowboy hat and puts it on?)
In addition, a growing number of Republicans in Congress believe that Trump is not in control of the executive branch and has not shown that he has the ability to make good on his oft-repeated promises. So, after a summer during which Trump was already unpopular and already facing calls to resign, Republicans on
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"He doesn't have the character to be president of the United States," Clinton said in a statement this week after Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
"I believe with all my heart that he doesn't have the mental and emotional stability nor the temperament to be a safe or successful president," she said.
The statement came amid reports that the FBI is investigating whether the president's former campaign manager Paul Manafort worked as an unregistered foreign agent lobbying on behalf of pro-Russian forces. Manafort told Reuters he worked for Yanukovych but said he did not advise Ukraine's Party of Regions and was not paid by it.
Clinton's remarks may be an indication that Clinton still thinks Trump's behavior could end up being damaging to the country, but that she and many others have not fully vetted him as a possible president.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's hard to imagine him now being the guy who attacked Judge Gonzalo Curiel for being of "Mexican" heritage. Or the guy who mocked John McCain's years as a prisoner of war. Or the guy who was willing to hire a British operative to help his campaign and then had him wiretapped.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. His agenda is on track. He's met his campaign promises more or less on time. And his first few days in office have featured some of the most important executive orders in decades.
But a couple of important areas of the federal government are getting some serious attention from the new commander in chief, including a new "energy" section on the Executive Order 14 (E.O. 14), which President Trump signed on June 1. E.O. 14 is titled "Establishing an Interior and Environment Working Group."
But what's actually in the executive order (and we haven't heard any other executive orders regarding energy-related policy yet) is, well, a bit of an odd read.
Trump's E.O. 14 actually makes it much clearer why he wants the new "energy working group" rather than the usual commission:
To achieve the goals of this executive order and to facilitate effective coordination of
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In its latest survey of 2,012 adults, The Economist/YouGov reported Tuesday that the Republican president's job approval rating was now at 36 percent, with 49 percent disapproving, the lowest of his tenure.
"After several months of turmoil surrounding Mr. Trump's campaign, his policy proposals have largely stalled in Congress, and his administration is besieged with investigations into Russia's interference in the 2016 election," the survey said. "The scandals have undermined Mr. Trump's claim to be an able commander in chief."
Notwithstanding that fact, the survey found a dramatic turnaround from when the Economist/YouGov last asked the question in February, when Trump was on pace to enjoy a 35-percent approval rating at this point in his presidency. By March, the index's numbers were far less favorable, at 33 percent.
While a few polls have indicated the president's standing has fallen even lower than that, The
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. In the weeks since the 2016 election, he's grown from the real estate tycoon we knew to a world-renowned hero who's just about as trustworthy as the ones who come to the U.S. on H-1B visas, according to an unusual poll of 1,500 adults by the Pew Research Center.
Since Election Day, Trump's favorability rating has plummeted from 66 percent of Americans to 32 percent, according to the November 2017 tracking poll. The change in opinion is so striking, Pew called it "highly unusual" – more than any of the other changes we've seen in this election cycle.
Even among Republicans, who in 2016 voted for the businessman by a 2-to-1 margin, Trump's favorability rating among Republicans is dropping. In May, 69 percent of GOPers rated him favorably. Now it's 54 percent. Meanwhile, his favorability among Democrats has plummeted. In January,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
You don't see unicorns much these days, you know. They were on top of the world before.
It wasn't the case when I started at Breitbart News in 2011. Trump wasn't even on the radar, just another Republican candidate in 2012. But by 2014, when I was hired to be the site's Washington editor, Trump was a top story, with millions of voters obsessing over the billionaire's "America First" philosophy—and he's been there ever since.
As Trump's campaign moved into its final leg, Breitbart News became an unstoppable force of right-wing counter-history. We made fun of "the mainstream media" and made sure to mention how Hillary Clinton used the "vast right-wing conspiracy" as her main campaign weapon in 2016.
I mean, Hillary did accuse Donald Trump of engaging in some questionable, even criminal behavior, but at the end of the day,
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. It's a nice change of pace. It's also pretty misleading. For most of history, the best people were often people who didn't like to be president.
The unicorn theory isn't unique to Trump. The former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill had two major flaws, though neither really seemed to affect his popularity. Churchill's main problem was that Churchill was known as a good-man-but-not-a-great-leader. Churchill's second problem, however, was he was too good at doing things that the people wanted, especially if it meant a conflict he could get away with, according to the New Yorker:
"He is not in danger of being misunderstood. It is said of great men that there is nothing new under the sun. But this man, so different from the average politician, is so unusual, so unique, that his greatness has hitherto escaped the notice of all but a small band of his
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. A real one, at that.
The latest on North Korea: Trump tells China to pressure Kim Jong-un, with 'fire and fury' if he tests U.S. nukes — USA TODAY (@USATODAY) September 18, 2017
For a moment, it felt as though this administration was truly on a roll, the American people were once again confident the president was actually on their side, and the president's top aide, Stephen K. Bannon, was finally on his way out. Bannon seemed to have been sent off into the wilderness, and his new chief of staff, Reince Priebus, could now look forward to not even needing to watch the "Saturday Night Live" sketches anymore.
Instead of the usual mix of white nationalist rhetoric, sexual assaults in the workplace, white supremacists cheering him and so much more, it
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. There is no possible scenario under which he could lose.
The Republican nominee has an 8 percent chance of being the next president, according to FiveThirtyEight's poll aggregation — an incredible number given the uncertainty of a race with so many "lock" choices, with a single poll out of Nevada, Trump leading with 45.8 percent. The poll is very reliable; it has a high response rate and is based on more than 200 respondents. This is not an aberration, but a standard part of how FiveThirtyEight polls the race.
It's very clear that what we've seen in Nevada this year, as evidenced by polling from previous elections, is Donald Trump in a deep hole. It is unlikely that the Republicans, or indeed anybody outside of Nevada, have an outside shot at the nomination. And that's why it's more important now to begin developing arguments for why Hillary Clinton isn't the only viable Democratic candidate, and
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
After tweeting in support of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the president called it "tremendously unfair" that Democrats are not following his agenda when in fact it is just the opposite.
"So many communities are in deep trouble—crime, jobs, education, welfare and so much more—and our country can't get along, but our people just watch," Trump tweeted. "We will bring our jobs back to the United States, protect our great Second Amendment and keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. Can you believe this?"
According to CBS News, Trump was referring to the massive anti-Trump protests around the country this week.
Democrats on the House of Representatives are reportedly taking a victory lap over what they consider Trump's positive endorsement of their party.
"He has shown us there are real people in his own party with real principles in our party," Rep
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The president, for the first time in more than 100 days, spoke out about Charlottesville, which has been engulfed by multiple investigations regarding far-right white nationalists and "Unite the Right" neo-Nazis who took to the streets to protest the removal of a Confederate monument to General Robert E Lee in the city.
The remarks were in sharp contrast to his recent comments on North Korea and Iran and a more muted approach on Russia and the Ukraine.
At a press conference held at Trump Tower on Tuesday, Trump was asked whether his administration should weigh a range of options to confront North Korea following the rogue state's test last week of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
"Well, let him talk, let him talk," said Trump. "We'll do what's right for North Korea."
However, the president failed to answer whether his administration has any immediate plans to take any steps to halt the North's aggressive
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And why shouldn't he be when he says all the things we want him to say — like how he feels that our health care system "has been so broken" that "people are dying in the streets, okay?"?
In fact, Trump spent part of Monday in a private gathering with the CEO of health insurer Aetna in which they rhapsodized about repealing the Affordable Care Act.
"They are talking about doing big things, which means that I would see it probably get done and we'll come back," Trump told Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini at a private meeting in the Oval Office.
"They will get repealed and replaced. It'll be much better. And we'll come up with a great health care plan. But it will be much less expensive and much better," said Trump, who spent months warning that his signature signature domestic policy achievement was in ruins.
President Trump shakes hands
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And as it turns out, the whole thing is made up.
But if you really want to see the truth you have only to look at the man and the people around him. And, as always, that is precisely where the Trump Derangement Syndrome starts: with those who have been telling you for over half a year that Donald Trump is a terrible president.
For a while now you have been told Trump was a disaster, that he wouldn't be able to achieve anything meaningful, he wouldn't serve any purpose other than to enrich himself and his family at the expense of the country, he would destroy everything with his antics.
And this is the point. Those of you who voted for Donald Trump thought you were getting a guy who wanted to do the right thing. Well, now you understand better.
President Donald Trump doesn't believe in the Constitution. What does he believe in anyway?
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. According to BuzzFeed, the president has changed his entire body language, and even spoken to and spoken about a unicorn. But his actions aren't what's impressive about this — rather the way he seems to have altered what was previously in front of his nose. After a rocky start to the transition period, and being subjected to incessant scrutiny by the press, Trump has suddenly shifted into hyper-confident mode. In recent days, he's started a string of meetings, calls and tweets — sometimes for nothing at all, while at other times, Trump seemingly decides to address the world. A lot of what seems to be happening today appears to be a reaction to the constant barrage of negative headlines coming out of the White House — and maybe even the world.
While it's hard to discern exactly what's happening, a good number of those headlines are a lot more positive than what's normally being reported. From "Trump, Trudeau, Abe discuss
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
The president was asked on Thursday by German reporter Ansgar Graw on public television (DW) why the US was no longer fighting for the values it espoused under his father.
Trump answered, as reported by BuzzFeed News: "Because it doesn't work any more."
It appears that the US president's political and media worlds have decided that the values the US used to promote – such as democracy and freedom – don't translate to Western Europe, where many in Germany think the US has abandoned those values.
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In the end, this turned out to be an easy question for Trump, whose answer was instantly forgotten.
As other reports said that German media could see the absurdity in Trump's answers, a political scientist and writer, Hans-Olaf Henkel, reacted: "For someone who is in control of one-fifth of the world's economy, Trump should know that the world
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. (Yes, I can confirm this was a hoax.)
When he was sworn into office at midnight, President Trump was the most ridiculous figure ever to occupy the White House, thanks in part to a strange combination of media and social media obsession. The White House was on fire with stories about a potential Watergate-level scandal. The public was outraged at the possible resignation of Trump's national security advisor Mike Flynn. A mass exodus of White House staffers from the administration made its way into the mainstream news cycle and led many a news network to broadcast the "Witch Hunt!" mantra of the early days of the Trump administration. The White House staff was overwhelmed by Trumpian chaos and by the sheer volume of things it had to do, including the hiring of hundreds of new personnel.
When one of those people, Anthony Scaramucci, was announced as White House Communications Director, the public was horrified. Scaramucci, a hedge fund manager
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He has gone from "This man is a real clown! Don't vote for him" to the "Trump is our president." There is no going back now.
And just as Trump and Bernie Sanders have used language to push their narratives, the mainstream media has found themselves in the awkward position of joining them. They didn't use words to push their agenda with Hillary, they used rhetoric.
And in doing so they are also saying that language doesn't mean what they think it means, or what their agenda is.
But just as Trump was able to use language to convince the country to listen to his words, the media has once again joined the conspiracy to deny reality and push the mainstream narrative.
It should be mentioned that Trump does not have a lot of language skills. It doesn't look like he has the right kind of vocabulary and he doesn't know how to utilize the media to tell the truth
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's a good job that is what people want because, since he took office in January, Trump's approval rating on a weekly basis has hovered at around 37 percent. His disapproval has risen to an embarrassing 84 percent, including 61 percent of Republicans.
"A new Gallup poll out today says that, among Americans who approve of how Trump is doing his job as president, 44 percent approve strongly and 51 percent disapprove. That makes him just about as unpopular as Jimmy Carter was during the last few months of his presidency at that point in their first term," CBS News reported.
As Trump continues to take aim at a health care bill that will affect millions of Americans on January 24 and is already drawing the fire of GOP Sen. Bob Corker, who announced on Wednesday he would be retiring at the end of his term, the "carnival barker" has found himself fighting fire with fire.
According to the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"Mr. President, is that a real unicorn or is that just you? You're going to be great again. Just do me a favor. Keep the magic going," he tweeted Wednesday night. "Love it. Love it."
As president, Trump often seems a bit disconnected from reality. But in his tweet, he seemed a bit too excited. The tweet was accompanied by a video of a unicorn being pulled by the tail in the shape of Trump's face.
There was no apparent connection to what his first full week in office will hold, which Trump tweeted Tuesday that has included several controversial executive orders — and a flurry of lawsuits challenging the president's travel bans that target seven predominantly Muslim countries.
He also sent a series of tweets Wednesday about his Supreme Court nominee and former FBI Director James Comey, one of the leading cases for Trump's second week in office.
In his video, the unicorn was
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
A "major disaster" just erupted in Europe.
The U.K.'s political system will be "fixed" and Prime Minister Theresa May's "fury" at failing to get what she wants out of Brexit will be used to "strengthen her hand."
The EU will have no choice but to "aggressively lobby" U.S. lawmakers and regulators to keep America's borders secure.
America's government will "reward" its corporate allies with huge tax giveaways and regulatory rollbacks. "Globalists" in Europe (such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel) will get their way by running the EU on the cheap for all of the remaining members.
America's allies in the Pacific "will continue to be pushed out in a manner to bring on a third world war."
Trump will be able to renegotiate our debt to China, Japan and Korea, thus ending our debts
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. For the first time in years, Democrats have not only a united government, but a Senate majority. They are just one vote shy of advancing their progressive vision of a single-payer, Medicare for All system. There are also two more years of "grand bargain" negotiations, as well as an endless number of regulatory rollbacks. And the Supreme Court is headed in a progressive direction and is ready to rule on Obamacare's constitutionality.
All of this progress and hope came from Trump; now it will continue and we will have our chance. The resistance is strong and they have every reason to stand up to Trump and all of his authoritarian policies.
The Democrats won't let up in the fight for a better country and stronger country; the fight for social and economic justice.
But it won't happen until we understand the causes. There are multiple things that keep the resistance from being successful and what needs to change in order to
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
This happened as he gave a speech at his "Buy American, Hire American" tour. The "buying American" promise was already on his campaign site, but the speech clearly showed his administration has no intention of putting it to practice.
Trump promised:
"Today I am signing an executive order establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America."
But it turns out Trump doesn't really believe he can do it.
First up: the words. "Radical Islamic terrorists," is a common phrase that could mean any religion of any affiliation. For instance, the U.S. State Department has classified them as terrorists and terrorists as well. But since when do you use an acronym as a blanket description for anything, especially for words not directly connected? And even if Trump had wanted to use it, there are two problems with his phrasing:
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. But this hasn't been an easy transition. There have been lots of highs and lows along the way for him. Here's what we know about this magical transformation so far.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. And to boot, it now looks like he's about to get a brand-new pair of flippers.
Trump first tweeted about the unicorns yesterday night while speaking at a political event in Reno, Nevada, according to The Washington Post. (Though he also posted a photograph from earlier in the day, not showing him with the "unicorn" headgear.)
He later said that the reason he was holding the pair of flippers up was because he's "getting tired of fighting" (see "The Trump administration just gave the U.S. military a giant tax break," April 7). But the real reason the President seemed happy to post about a "mysterious unicorn horn" was that he's "being nice to the people in Nevada." After all, that's where he holds political rallies all the time:
Trump's new unicorn horn photo and tweet. Photo: Screenshot/Twitter
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In a pair of tweets Wednesday, the president tweeted a photo of himself and his dog, Barron, riding on the back of a unicorn to symbolize their "unleash[ing] the power of the presidency."
The president, a big fan of the mythical animals, also tweeted about his inauguration: "One of the proudest moments of my life took place last night in front of our great American flag and the world. This was a movement formed on the forgotten, and carried forward by the young and brilliant. #Inauguration."
His daughter, Ivanka, tweeted the following about the president: "Inauguration Day will be an epic celebration."
And Trump, too, seemed to take this unicorn-themed photo-op very seriously.
"The President's inaugural parade is an amazing celebration of freedom," he tweeted Wednesday morning. "From our first march at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. After an eight-month period in which his critics claimed he was running a campaign for the "silent majority," President Trump delivered a powerful and powerful speech today in a stadium in Alabama. He was confident, he was passionate, and he was in a different place. He gave his supporters reason to cheer, and reason to feel hopeful. In this moment, when there is so much at stake, America is looking at a President who understands his voters' issues and will not waste their energy trying to convince them that he does not.
And we had reason to feel hopeful.
I wrote the following in the aftermath of the speech:
"When you win a historic victory, even in this very divided nation, you can lose a little bit of your mojo and start feeling your way. When Mr. Trump did this in the early months of his campaign, his critics were calling him "unhinged," and "f
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
During Tuesday's hearing on the nomination of Jeff Sessions to serve as attorney general, the most difficult questions were posed about Sessions' past positions and past controversies and about whether or not the Alabama senator could effectively and competently do his job as attorney general as the federal law enforcement and law enforcement officials he is tasked to defend.
During one of his confirmation hearings, Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., posed the following question: "The position has been vacant for almost seven months — now, do you think the Attorney General is a role model for your son and daughter, whether they are in high school or college?"
Sessions' response, in his own words: "Frankly, Mr. Chairman, the nominee's best days are behind him."
A year later, here we are.
Trump, who during his campaign routinely decried "political correctness," is on a rampage against women. But
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
It's a ridiculous claim, to be sure — like all claims Trump has made on the campaign trail or from the podium of the Oval Office. But it comes, in part, from his ability to change himself. And in another part it's a clever dodge that relies on the same underlying idea.
President Trump. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
As I have written many times — including in a piece that appeared in The Washington Post's Playbook last May — Trump's main problem isn't policy. It's personality.
The president is not a policy expert. He doesn't understand or appreciate nuance. That he is a bombastic, brash, loudmouth is his primary advantage on the debate stage — and at that debate, in many respects, he's won every debate so far. It is the one thing he does best.
If that were not enough, however
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. No. Not a real unicorn. No. The new president. Because while it may surprise the press and a lot of people, the American presidency is actually a little boring.
On Saturday, Donald Trump delivered a pretty good address to Congress. He's done a decent job thus far (though I personally think that the Obamacare repeal bill was better written than the original Trump plan).
And he gave a pretty funny speech.
So when I'm looking back on all the bizarre news stories, tweets, and interviews Trump has done over the past four weeks, I'm going to spend a few minutes on one of his strangest moments to date.
The speech was designed to be a sort of self-parody of Hillary Clinton's famous "I will bring America together" speech in 2000. At one point, Trump even calls himself the "peace-maker" between "those who hate me" (the left-leaning
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. While the former businessman continues to speak of trade, tax reform, and his first month in office as if it were a big event, the man on the other side of the aisle isn't making a big deal out of it. Trump, it seems, is busy saving all his press conference highlights on the old Samsung TOTD camera.
In a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, Trump, who seemed like a total fool on Fox in the past few months after a massive fall from grace, managed to talk about three things: Obamacare, "tax reform" and, of course, being in Washington. It was all just fine.
"It's a big day," Hannity noted.
"I'm looking forward to it very much. It's going to be a wonderful day today. Very much for me," Trump said. "I'm looking forward to it today, it's going to be very big. It's
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
He is an outsider fighting off an establishment that doesn't trust its own.
He's unhinged. But then again, nothing about Trump is normal, so why is anything normal anymore?
You'd have to go back about 50 years to find a presidential nominee who had as close a relationship to reality as Trump does, so this shouldn't be such a surprise. He's never lacked for money or popularity.
But then, Trump always understood the importance of how to use every ounce of fame and popularity he'd built up for himself by doing outrageous things. It made him incredibly wealthy and powerful, just like it makes politicians incredibly powerful.
And just like all politicians, his personality also lends itself to being used to get a lot done.
That's the most important thing about the man at the center of the story we're living right now: Trump's been willing to use his celebrity and connections
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. The unicorn is, of course, the person who is leading the U.S. economy and who can lead the world to a new age of prosperity — not to mention the man, and the myth. In his first week in office, Trump became the living embodiment of a mythic creature: a candidate who promised a miracle transformation of the Republican Party.
We knew how wrong it would turn out that night. But Trump promised so much, and delivered so little, the most ardent followers of the fantasy have spent the past few months devouring the president's every tweet, every pronouncement, and their interpretation of those pronouncements, and they have made his every action — the president's first, and most spectacular action, of the new presidency, and one that was, indeed, a massive betrayal of an earlier pledge — into one of history's greatest moments of posturing.
If Trump is a mythical creature, so too is the
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
"We have the greatest leaders on earth, we just need to make sure we bring them together more," he told reporters on Wednesday.
He might not have been sure if unicorns exist or not, but he seemed to be talking about people like Michael Flynn. When he was fired as National Security Adviser, Trump called Flynn an "honorary" member of the intelligence community. It appears that Trump might have been thinking about what Flynn himself might say, as recently he accused former FBI Director James Comey of "lying" to Congress.
"I don't want to discuss that," Trump said, as if that is not as bad as being lied about by the director of the FBI.
But in the world of Flynn, that is apparently not enough. The former national security advisor took to Twitter to accuse Trump of colluding with Russia, accusing him of a "very unfair" conspiracy.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. Or a unicorn with Trump's hair.
But this is not an isolated instance: in February, President Trump decided to "forfeit" one billion dollars in income in an effort to balance his finances. It was an unwise and shortsighted decision: Trump lost about $300 million (about one-tenth of one percent of his $3.5 billion net worth at the time) and ended up with no more net worth than when he took office. If President Trump does his level best to do no harm, his legacy will certainly include a loss of money.
The best place to look for signs of Trump's financial health is on his financial disclosure, which is currently being processed by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). This form provides details of his assets, his income, his debts, his liabilities, and what his income is. For most presidents, the form contains far more detail than we're able to get
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn.
In a video, the man known to the nation as "Dr. Who" — or more specifically, "Loki" — is depicted as he stands at his desk and calls into play the famous catchphrase for the fictional British space explorer, only his version calls out to the Trump administration.
While many Twitter users quickly pointed out that this isn't the real Dr. Who, the hashtag is still trending for the better part of a day, and Trump appears to be well on his way to becoming the new face of pop culture.
President Donald Trump has magically transformed into a unicorn. That is, there is no longer an "official" government account on Twitter.
After President Donald Trump's Twitter account was taken down from the social media site earlier this week due to "hacking" or some other mystery, it returned with a mysterious new logo, a red unicorn's face on a green background, as pictured in this screenshot. (RELATED: Donald Trump's Tweets Are Actually Hacked, And We Know Why)
A new website created by @POTUS_IN (with help from @VIA_Twitter) was up and running shortly before the Twitter account mysteriously vanished from the site, and after much speculation, President Trump apparently deleted all his Twitter activity after less than 24 hours on the social media site.
The "Official" Twitter account for the Office of the President was taken down on Oct. 9, and the logo and all original content on it vanished from Twitter. The account was later rep
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