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minnacaptain / parseStuff.ts
Created July 23, 2021 13:22
Get the calculateAverageScore function from the internet
import { calculateAverageScore } from ''
const getContentFromInternet = () =>
).then((t) => t.text());
"Average score: " + await calculateAverageScore(getContentFromInternet),
minnacaptain / calculate.test.ts
Created July 23, 2021 13:11
Testing the calculate function
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { calculateAverageScore } from './calculate.ts'
const mockGetContent = () => Promise.resolve(
"student_name,horoscope,exam_name,exam_score,feedback_score,would_recommend\n" +
"Braylen Natalia,Gemini,AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,1,4.26,Yes\n" +
"Kash Macey,Leo,AWS Certified SysOps Administrator,2,3.04,Yes\n" +
"Erica Daniela,Sagittarius,AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,3,7.61,Yes"
minnacaptain / calculate.ts
Created July 23, 2021 12:53
export const calculateAverageScore = (getContent: () => Promise<string>) =>
getContent().then((result) => {
const lines = result.split("\n")
.map((l) => l.split(","))
.filter((_, i) => i !== 0);
const scores = => Number(l[3]));
return scores.reduce((a, c) => a + c) / scores.length;
minnacaptain / parseStuff.ts
Created July 23, 2021 12:41
Get content from internet
const getContentFromInternet = () =>
).then((t) => t.text());
// calculateAverageScore is unchanged
console.log("Average score: " + await calculateAverageScore(getContentFromInternet));
minnacaptain / parseStuff.ts
Created July 23, 2021 12:17
Calculate the average score
const getContent = () => Deno.readTextFile('./example_data.txt')
const calculateAverageScore = (getContent: () => Promise<string>) => getContent().then(result => {
const lines = result.split("\n")
.map(l => l.split(","))
.filter((_, i) => i !== 0)
const scores = => Number(l[3]))
return scores.reduce((a, c) => a + c) / scores.length
minnacaptain / parseStuff.ts
Last active July 26, 2021 06:09
Parse the example data
const getContent = () => Deno.readTextFile('./example_data.txt')
const calculateAverageScore = (getContent: () => Promise<string>) => getContent().then(result => {
const lines = result.split("\n").map(l => l.split(","))