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Last active March 13, 2023 18:28
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roslibjs example
//* The Ros object, wrapping a web socket connection to rosbridge.
var ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({
url: 'ws://localhost:9090' // url to your rosbridge server
//* A topic for messaging.
var exampleTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({
ros: ros,
name: '/com/endpoint/example', // use a sensible namespace
messageType: 'std_msgs/String'
* Serializes an object and publishes it to a std_msgs/String topic.
* @param {ROSLIB.Topic} topic
* A topic to publish to. Must use messageType: std_msgs/String
* @param {Object} obj
* Any object that can be serialized with JSON.stringify
function publishEncoded(topic, obj) {
var msg = new ROSLIB.Message({
data: JSON.stringify(obj)
* Decodes an object from a std_msgs/String message.
* @param {Object} msg
* Message from a std_msgs/String topic.
* @return {Object}
* Decoded object from the message.
function decodeMessage(msg) {
return JSON.parse(;
* Typed messaging wrapper for a std_msgs/String ROS Topic.
* @param {ROSLIB.Topic} topic
* A std_msgs/String ROS Topic for multiplexed messaging.
* @constructor
function RosTypedMessaging(topic) {
this.topic = topic;
RosTypedMessaging.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype;
* Handles an incoming message from the topic by firing an event.
* @param {Object} msg
* @private
RosTypedMessaging.prototype.handleMessage_ = function(msg) {
var decoded = decodeMessage(msg);
var type = decoded.type;
var data =;
this.emit(type, data);
* Sends a typed message to the topic.
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} data
RosTypedMessaging.prototype.sendMessage = function(type, data) {
var msg = {type: type, data: data};
publishEncoded(this.topic, msg);
//* Example implementation of RosTypedMessaging.
var myMessageChannel = new RosTypedMessaging(exampleTopic);
myMessageChannel.on('fooo', function(data) {
console.log('fooo!', data);
setInterval(function() {
var mySyncObject = {
myFavoriteColor: 'red'
myMessageChannel.sendMessage('fooo', mySyncObject);
}, 1000);
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I think roslibjs (and most other things through rosbridge) don't need any extra help for custom messages. Just define messageType: 'my_pkg/MessageTypeName' and see if you can subscribe, and print out the message.

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