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Created September 22, 2020 13:33
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SLURM build opensim-core
#SBATCH -J opensim-core_build
#SBATCH -J ./opensim-core_build
#SBATCH -o ./opensim-core_build.out
#SBATCH -e ./opensim-core_build.err
#SBATCH -N 1 # number of nodes
#SBATCH -n 38 # number of cores
#SBATCH --mem 28G # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH --mail-type=fail
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
echo "running on hosts: $SLURM_NODELIST"
echo "running on $SLURM_NNODES nodes."
echo "running $SLURM_NTASKS tasks."
echo "current working directory is `pwd`"
srun -n 1 linux_build-opensim-core
echo "program finished"
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