7dece0e 時点
- vite dev 起動時のシーケンスを確認
- react-router になるとはどういうことか
import { defineWorkspace } from "vitest/config"; | |
export default defineWorkspace([ | |
{ | |
extends: "vite.config.ts", | |
test: { | |
name: "unit", | |
environment: "node", | |
include: ["src/**/*.test.ts"], | |
}, |
import { type PlatformProxy } from "wrangler"; | |
import { type AppLoadContext } from "@remix-run/cloudflare"; | |
// pg | |
/// https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/prisma-client/deployment/edge/deploy-to-cloudflare#postgresql-traditional | |
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; | |
import { PrismaPg as PrismaPgWorker } from "@prisma/adapter-pg-worker"; | |
import { Pool } from "@prisma/pg-worker"; | |
type Cloudflare = Omit<PlatformProxy<Env>, "dispose">; |
/* | |
USAGE: deno run -A git-aware-cp.ts [srcs...] dest | |
EXAMPLE: deno run -A git-aware-cp.ts *.ts lib.ts examples /tmp/out | |
backupper (main)🔥 🦕 | |
$ tree ./examples | |
./examples | |
├── ignored-dir |
It is English version of https://zenn.dev/mizchi/articles/wasm-platform (Japanese)
With wasi-http, wasm can now set up a web server standalone without relying on the host language.
Among recent developments, spin and wasmcloud are wasm hosting services. We'll try out these two while comparing them.
Original Version(Japanese)
// original https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/scripts/trace-to-tree.mjs | |
// for deno script | |
import fs from 'node:fs' | |
import eventStream from 'npm:event-stream' | |
import pc from 'npm:picocolors' | |
const { bold, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, yellow } = pc; | |
const file = fs.createReadStream(Deno.args[0]) | |
const sum = (...args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) |
import AnthropicAI from 'npm:@anthropic-ai/sdk@0.24.0'; | |
const client = new AnthropicAI({ | |
apiKey: Deno.env.get('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY')!, | |
}); | |
const write = (text: string) => { | |
Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(text)); | |
} | |
const stream = client.messages.stream({ |