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Created March 19, 2024 07:57
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軽量 Langchain 的な何か
import { defineAgent, ok, err, runAgent, stepAgent, chain, initAgent } from "./agent.ts";
import { Agent, AgentError, AgentErrorCode } from "./types.ts";
import { expect } from "";
Deno.test("stepAgent: simple", async () => {
const simple = defineAgent((_init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, _options) {
return `Hello, ${input}`;
async parse(invoked) {
const r = invoked.match(/Hello, (\w+)/)?.[1].trim();
if (r) {
return r;
} else {
throw new AgentError(AgentErrorCode.ParseError, 'No match');
async validate(parsed) {
if (parsed[0].toUpperCase() !== parsed[0]) {
throw new AgentError(AgentErrorCode.ValidationError, 'Not camelcase');
const s0 = await initAgent(simple, "John", {});
const s1 = await stepAgent(simple, s0);
errorCount: 0,
step: "Invoked",
input: "John",
options: {},
invoked: { ok: true, value: "Hello, John" }
const s2 = await stepAgent(simple, s1);
errorCount: 0,
step: "Parsed",
input: "John",
options: {},
invoked: { ok: true, value: "Hello, John" },
parsed: { ok: true, value: "John" },
const s3 = await stepAgent(simple, s2);
errorCount: 0,
step: "Done",
input: "John",
options: {},
invoked: { ok: true, value: "Hello, John" },
parsed: { ok: true, value: "John" },
validated: { ok: true, value: undefined },
Deno.test("chain", async () => {
const a = defineAgent<{}, string, { invoked: string }, { parsed: string }>((_init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, _options) {
return { invoked: input };
parse(result) {
return { parsed: result.invoked };
})({}) as Agent<{}, string, { invoked: string }, { parsed: string }>;
const b = defineAgent<{}, { parsed: string }, { invoked2: string }, { parsed2: string }>((_init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, _options) {
return { invoked2: input.parsed };
parse(result) {
return { parsed2: result.invoked2 };
})({}) as Agent<{}, { parsed: string }, { invoked2: string }, { parsed2: string }>;
const c = defineAgent<{}, { xxxx: string }, { invoked2: string }, { parsed2: string }>((_init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, _options) {
return { invoked2: input.xxxx };
const chained = chain(a, b);
// @ts-expect-error
const chained2 = chain(a, c);
// const result1 = await runAgent(simple, "John");
// expect(result1).toEqual(ok("John"));
// // parse error
// const result2 = await runAgent(simple, "");
// expect(result2).toEqual(err({
// code: AgentErrorCode.ParseError,
// message: 'No match',
// }));
// // validation error
// const result3 = await runAgent(simple, "john");
// expect(result3).toEqual(err({
// code: AgentErrorCode.ValidationError,
// message: 'Not camelcase',
// }));
Deno.test("runAgent: simple", async () => {
const simple = defineAgent((_init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, _options) {
return `Hello, ${input}`;
async parse(result) {
const r = result.match(/Hello, (\w+)/)?.[1].trim();
if (r) {
return r;
} else {
throw new AgentError(AgentErrorCode.ParseError, 'No match');
async validate(parsed) {
if (parsed[0].toUpperCase() !== parsed[0]) {
throw new AgentError(AgentErrorCode.ValidationError, 'Not camelcase');
const result1 = await runAgent(simple, "John");
// parse error
const result2 = await runAgent(simple, "");
code: AgentErrorCode.ParseError,
message: 'No match',
// validation error
const result3 = await runAgent(simple, "john");
code: AgentErrorCode.ValidationError,
message: 'Not camelcase',
Deno.test("runAgent: codegen", async () => {
const codegen = defineAgent<{ maxRetries: number }>((init) => {
return {
async invoke(input, options) {
return `Test
const x = 1;
async parse(result) {
const code = extractCodeBlock(result);
if (code) {
return code;
} else {
throw new AgentError(AgentErrorCode.ParseError, 'No code block found');
function extractCodeBlock(str: string): string {
const result = str.match(/```tsx\n([\s\S]+?)\n```/)?.[1] ?? '';
return result.trim();
// return prettier.format(result, { parser: "typescript" });
const writer = codegen({
maxRetries: 3,
const result = await runAgent(writer, "const x = 1");
expect(result).toEqual(ok("const x = 1;"));
import { Agent, AgentBuilder, AgentError, AgentState, AgentStateStep, Err, InvokeError, Ok, ParseError, Result, AgentErrorCode } from "./types.ts";
export function ok<T>(value: T): Ok<T> {
return { ok: true, value };
export function err<T>(error: T): Err<T> {
return { ok: false, error };
export async function initAgent<
agent: Agent<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>,
input: Input,
options: Options,
): Promise<AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>> {
if (agent.init) {
return await agent.init(input, options);
// return {} as any;
const state: AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed> = {
errorCount: 0,
step: AgentStateStep.Initialized,
return state;
export async function stepAgent<
agent: Agent<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>,
state: AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>,
): Promise<AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>> {
if (agent.step) {
return await agent.step(state);
const newState = {
switch (state.step) {
case AgentStateStep.Initialized: {
// Initialized => Invoke
const ctx = {
invoked: state.invoked,
parsed: state.parsed,
validated: state.validated,
try {
const invoked = await agent.invoke(state.input, { signal: undefined }, ctx);
newState.step = AgentStateStep.Invoked;
newState.invoked = ok(invoked);
return newState;
} catch (err) {
newState.invoked = err({
code: AgentErrorCode.InvokeError,
message: err.message,
return newState;
case AgentStateStep.Invoked: {
// Invoke => Parse
const invoked = state.invoked!;
// console.log({ invoked });
// if (!invoked) {
// throw new Error('Invalid state');
// }
// if (!agent.parse) {
// newState.step = AgentStateStep.Done;
// newState.parsed = ok(invoked);
// return newState;
// }
try {
if (!agent.parse) throw new Error('No parse');
if (!invoked.ok) throw new Error('Not ok');
const parsed = await agent.parse!(invoked!.value);
newState.step = AgentStateStep.Parsed;
newState.parsed = ok(parsed);
return newState;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AgentError && error.code === AgentErrorCode.ParseError) {
newState.parsed = err({
code: AgentErrorCode.ParseError,
message: error.message,
newState.step = error.rollbackTo ?? AgentStateStep.Initialized;
return newState;
throw error;
case AgentStateStep.Parsed: {
// Parse => Validate
const parsed = state.parsed!;
if (!parsed!.ok) {
throw new Error('Invalid state in Parsed');
if (!agent.validate) {
newState.step = AgentStateStep.Done;
newState.validated = ok(undefined);
return newState;
try {
await agent.validate(parsed.value);
newState.step = AgentStateStep.Done;
newState.validated = ok(undefined);
return newState;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AgentError) {
newState.validated = err({
code: AgentErrorCode.ValidationError,
message: error.message,
newState.step = error.rollbackTo ?? AgentStateStep.Initialized;
return newState;
throw error;
return state;
type RunOptions = {
maxRetries?: number;
export async function runAgent<
agent: Agent<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>,
input: Input,
options: RunOptions = {},
): Promise<Result<Parsed, AgentError>> {
let state = await initAgent(agent, input, {} as Options);
const maxRetries = options.maxRetries ?? 3;
while (state.step !== AgentStateStep.Done) {
state = await stepAgent(agent, state);
// TODO: fix
if (state.errorCount > maxRetries) {
// console.log({ state });
// throw new Error('Too many retries');
if (state.validated && state.validated?.ok === false) return state.validated! as any;
if (state.parsed && state.parsed?.ok === false) return state.parsed! as any;
if (state.invoked && state.invoked?.ok === false) return state.invoked! as any;
if (state.step === AgentStateStep.Done && state.parsed) {
return state.parsed as Result<Parsed, AgentError>;
// else {
// console.log({ state });
// throw new Error('Invalid state in runAgent');
// }
throw new Error('Invalid state');
export function defineAgent<
Options = {},
Input = string,
Invoked = Input,
Parsed = Invoked,
>(agentFn: (options: Options) => Agent<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>): AgentBuilder<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed> {
return (options: Options) => agentFn(options);
export function chain_<
// FirstInput,
// FirstInvoked,
// FirstParsed,
// LastInvoked,
// LastParsed,
A extends Agent<any, any, any, any>,
B extends Agent<any, any, any, any>,
FirstInput = A extends Agent<any, infer FirstInput, any, any> ? FirstInput : never,
// LastParsed = B extends Agent<any, any, any, infer LastParsed> ? LastParsed : never,
a: A,
b: B,
options: RunOptions = {},
) {
return async (input: FirstInput) => {
const result = await runAgent(a, input);
if (!result.ok) return result;
return runAgent(b, result.value, options);
// export function chain<
// FirstInput,
// FirstParsed,
// SecondParsed,
// >(
// a: Agent<any, FirstInput, any, FirstParsed>,
// b: Agent<any, FirstParsed, any, SecondParsed>,
// options: RunOptions = {},
// ): (input: FirstInput) => Promise<Result<SecondParsed, AgentError>> {
// return async (input: FirstInput) => {
// const result = await runAgent(a, input);
// if (!result.ok) return result;
// return await runAgent(b, result.value, options);
// }
// }
export function chain<
A extends Agent<any, any, any, any>,
B extends Agent<any, A extends Agent<any, any, any, infer FirstParsed> ? FirstParsed : never, any, any>,
a: A,
b: B,
options: RunOptions = {},
): (input: A extends Agent<any, infer FirstInput, any, any> ? FirstInput : never) => Promise<
Result<B extends Agent<any, any, any, infer SecondParsed> ? SecondParsed : never, AgentError>
> {
return async (input) => {
const result = await runAgent(a, input);
if (!result.ok) return result;
return await runAgent(b, result.value, options);
export type Promiseable<T> = T | Promise<T>;
export type Result<T, E = string> = Ok<T> | Err<E>;
export type Ok<T = {}> = { ok: true; value: T };
export type Err<E> = { ok: false; error: E };
export const enum AgentErrorCode {
InvokeError = 'InvokeError',
ParseError = 'ParseError',
ValidationError = 'ValidationError',
export class AgentError extends Error {
constructor(public code: AgentErrorCode, message: string, public rollbackTo?: AgentStateStep) {
export const enum RuntimeErrorCode {
NotExists = 'NotExists',
export class RuntimeError extends Error {
constructor(public code: RuntimeErrorCode, message: string, public rollbackTo?: AgentStateStep) {
export const enum AgentStateStep {
Initialized = 'Initialized',
Invoked = 'Invoked',
Validated = 'Validated',
Parsed = 'Parsed',
Done = 'Done',
export type ValidationError = {
code: AgentErrorCode.ValidationError;
message: string;
rollbackTo?: AgentStateStep;
export type ParseError = {
code: AgentErrorCode.ParseError;
message: string;
export type InvokeError = {
code: AgentErrorCode.InvokeError;
message: string;
// export type AgentError = ValidationError | ParseError | InvokeError;
export type AgentInvokeOptions<Options, E> = {
signal?: AbortSignal;
override?: Partial<Options>;
export type AgentState<
> = {
errorCount: number;
input: Input;
step: AgentStateStep;
invoked?: Result<Invoked, InvokeError>;
parsed?: Result<Parsed, ParseError>;
validated?: Result<void, ValidationError>
options: Options;
export type Agent<
> = {
description?: string;
init?: (input: Input, options: Options) => Promiseable<
AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>
step?: (state: AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>) => Promiseable<AgentState<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>>;
invoke(input: Input, options: AgentInvokeOptions<Options, any>, context?: {
invoked?: Result<Invoked, InvokeError>;
parsed?: Result<Parsed, ParseError>;
validated?: Result<void, ValidationError>
}): Promiseable<Invoked>;
parse?(invoked: Invoked): Promiseable<Parsed>;
validate?(parsed: Parsed): Promiseable<void>;
export type AgentBuilder<
> = (init: Options) => Agent<Options, Input, Invoked, Parsed>;
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