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Created June 4, 2019 16:57
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import assert from "assert";
import searchPath, { Point } from "./searchPath.ts";
import range from "lodash/range";
type Hitmap = {
sizeX: number;
sizeY: number;
map: number[];
function hitByGrid(hitmap: Hitmap, { x, y }: Point): boolean {
if (x < 0 || hitmap.sizeX - 1 < x || y < 0 || hitmap.sizeY - 1 < y) {
return true;
return !![~~y * hitmap.sizeX + ~~x];
function createBlankHitmapWithWall(sizeX: number, sizeY: number) {
return {
map: range(sizeX * sizeY).map(idx => {
return (
// left
idx % sizeX === 0 ||
// right
idx % sizeX === sizeX - 1 ||
// up
~~(idx / sizeX) === 0 ||
// bottom
~~(idx / sizeX) === sizeY - 1
? 1
: 0
test("#searchPath can pass to neighbor", () => {
const hitmap = createBlankHitmapWithWall(3, 4);
const hitFunc = (point: Point) => {
return hitByGrid(hitmap, point);
const start = { x: 1, y: 1 };
const goal = { x: 1, y: 2 };
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, start));
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, goal));
const ret = searchPath(start, goal, hitFunc);
assert.deepEqual(ret, [goal]);
test("#searchPath can not pass to neighbor", () => {
const hitmap = createBlankHitmapWithWall(3, 3);
const hitFunc = (point: Point) => {
return hitByGrid(hitmap, point);
const start = { x: 1, y: 1 };
const goal = { x: 1, y: 2 };
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, start));
assert(hitByGrid(hitmap, goal));
const ret = searchPath(start, goal, hitFunc);
assert(ret == null);
test("#searchPath can pass to next of next", () => {
const hitmap = createBlankHitmapWithWall(3, 5);
const hitFunc = (point: Point) => {
return hitByGrid(hitmap, point);
const start = { x: 1, y: 1 };
const goal = { x: 1, y: 3 };
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, start));
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, goal));
const ret = searchPath(start, goal, hitFunc);
assert.deepEqual(ret, [{ x: 1, y: 2 }, goal]);
test("searchPath: slant with blocked neighbor", () => {
const hitmap = createBlankHitmapWithWall(3, 3);
// prettier-ignore = [
1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1,
1, 1, 0
const start = { x: 1, y: 1 };
const goal = { x: 2, y: 2 };
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, start));
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, goal));
const hitFunc = (point: Point) => {
return hitByGrid(hitmap, point);
const ret = searchPath(start, goal, hitFunc);
assert(ret == null);
test("searchPath: slant with open neighbor", () => {
const hitmap = createBlankHitmapWithWall(3, 3);
// prettier-ignore = [
1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 0,
1, 1, 0
const start = { x: 1, y: 1 };
const goal = { x: 2, y: 2 };
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, start));
assert(!hitByGrid(hitmap, goal));
// const ret = hitByGrid(hitmap, { x: 1, y: 1 })
const hitFunc = (point: Point) => {
return hitByGrid(hitmap, point);
const ret = searchPath(start, goal, hitFunc);
assert.deepEqual(ret, [{ x: 2, y: 1 }, goal]);
import differenceBy from "lodash/differenceBy";
import compact from "lodash/compact";
import minBy from "lodash/minBy";
export type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;
export type Node = {
pos: Point;
cost: number;
parent: Node | null;
// prettier-ignore
const SEARCHING_DIRS: Array<[number, number]> = [
[-1, -1], [ 0, -1], [+1, -1],
[-1, 0], [+1, 0],
[-1, +1], [ 0, +1], [+1, +1]
const calcCost = (p1: Point, p2: Point) => {
return (p1.x - p2.x) ** 2 + (p1.y - p2.y) ** 2;
type HitFunc = (g: Point) => boolean;
const searchNeibors = (
current: Node,
goal: Point,
hitFunc: HitFunc
): Node[] => {
const openNeighbors = compact([dx, dy]) => {
const ng: Point = {
x: current.pos.x + dx,
y: current.pos.y + dy
if (!hitFunc(ng)) {
// slant
if ((dx + dy) % 2 === 0) {
if (
// blocked by both neighbor
hitFunc({ x: ng.x, y: current.pos.y }) &&
hitFunc({ x: current.pos.x, y: ng.y })
) {
return null;
} else if (
// blocked by x-axis
!hitFunc({ x: ng.x, y: current.pos.y }) &&
hitFunc({ x: current.pos.x, y: ng.y })
) {
const pos: Point = { x: ng.x, y: current.pos.y };
return {
cost: calcCost(pos, goal),
parent: current
} else if (
// blocked by y-axis
hitFunc({ x: ng.x, y: current.pos.y }) &&
!hitFunc({ x: current.pos.x, y: ng.y })
) {
const pos = { x: current.pos.x, y: ng.y };
return {
cost: calcCost(pos, goal),
parent: current
// Go straight or not blocked neither both
return {
pos: ng,
cost: calcCost(ng, goal),
parent: current
} else {
return null;
return differenceBy(
// @ts-ignore
(node: Node) => `${node.pos.x}:${node.pos.y}`
const selectMinCostNode = (nodes: Node[]): Node | void => {
if (nodes.length === 0) {
return undefined;
return minBy(nodes, n => n.cost);
const resolvePathFromGoalToStart = (goal: Node): Point[] => {
const result = [goal.pos];
let node: Node | null = goal;
while ((node = node.parent)) {
// 1st route is it self cell
return result.reverse().slice(1);
export default (
start: Point,
goal: Point,
hitFunc: HitFunc,
maxDepth?: number
): Point[] | undefined => {
if (maxDepth == null) {
maxDepth = Infinity;
// validate start and goal
if (hitFunc(start) || hitFunc(goal)) {
return undefined;
// This is goal at first
const currentCost = calcCost(start, goal);
if (currentCost === 0) {
return [];
const initialNode: Node = { pos: start, cost: currentCost, parent: null };
let openedNodes: Node[] = [initialNode];
let closedNodes: Node[] = [];
const transferOpenToClose = (node: Node) => {
openedNodes = openedNodes.filter(n => n !== node);
const reopenClosedNode = (node: Node) => {
closedNodes = closedNodes.filter(n => n !== node);
cost: node.cost
let cnt = 0;
while (++cnt <= maxDepth) {
const node = selectMinCostNode(openedNodes);
if (node == null) {
return undefined;
} else {
// finished?
if (node.cost === 0) {
return resolvePathFromGoalToStart(node);
// transfer node from open to close
const neibors: Node[] = searchNeibors(node, goal, hitFunc);
for (const neibor of neibors) {
const openedNodeIndex: number = openedNodes.findIndex(n => {
return neibor.pos.x === n.pos.x && neibor.pos.y === n.pos.y;
// Try to search openedNodes
if (openedNodeIndex > -1) {
// Rewrite opened node cost
const openedNode: Node = openedNodes[openedNodeIndex];
if (neibor.cost < openedNode.cost) {
openedNodes[openedNodeIndex] = {
cost: neibor.cost
// Try to search closedNodes
const closedNodeIndex: number = closedNodes.findIndex(c => {
return neibor.pos.x === c.pos.x && neibor.pos.y === c.pos.y;
if (closedNodeIndex > -1) {
// Re-open closed nodes if cost updated
const closedNode: Node = closedNodes[closedNodeIndex];
if (closedNode.cost > neibor.cost) {
// Add openedNodes
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