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Created February 11, 2017 11:32
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/* @flow */
declare module 'dynamoose' {
declare type Throughput = number | ({
read: number;
} | {
write: number;
declare type ThroughputConfig = {
throuput: Throughput;
} | {
timestamps: boolean | {createdAt: string;} | {updatedAt: string;};
declare type LastKey = {lastKey: ?string;};
declare type Query$Comp<Self> = {
not(): Query$Comp<Self>;
null(): Self;
eq(v: any): Self;
lt(v: number): Self;
le(v: number): Self;
gt(v: number): Self;
ge(v: number): Self;
contains(v: any): Self;
befinsWith(v: any): Self;
between(v1: any, v2: any): Self;
in(xs: any[]): Self;
startAt(xs: any[]): Self;
declare type Query$Op<Self> = {
and(): Self;
or(): Self;
declare type Queryable<Self, HandleType> = Query$Op<Self> & Query$Comp<Self> & {
where(rangeKey: string): Self;
filter(v: $Keys<HandleType>): Self;
limit(v: number): Self;
consistent(): Self;
decending(): Self;
ascending(): Self;
declare type Query<T, U> = Queryable<Query<T, U>, T> & {
exec(): Promise<U & LastKey>;
attributes(xs: Array<$Keys<T>>): Query<any, any>;
count(): Query<number>;
declare type Scan<T> = Queryable<Scan<T>, T> & {
exec(): Promise<T[] & LastKey>;
attributes(xs: Array<$Keys<T>>): Scan<any>;
count(): Scan<number>;
counts(): Scan<{count: number; scannedCount: number;}>;
declare type Comparator = {
eq: any
} | {
gt: any
} | {
ge: any
} | {
lt: any
} | {
le: any
} | {
contains: any
} | {
between: [number, number]
} | {
befinsWith: string
} | {
in: any[]
} | {
startAt: any
declare type QueryObject<T> = {
[key: $Keys<T>]: Comparator;
declare type PutOption = ({} | {
overwrite: boolean;
} | {
condition: string;
} | {
conditionNames: Object;
} | {
conditionValues: Object;
declare type UpdateQuery<T> = $Subtype<T>
| { $PUT: $Subtype<T>;}
| { $ADD: $Subtype<T>;}
| { $DELETE: $Subtype<T>;};
declare type ModelInstance<T> = {
save(v: ?$Subtype<T>, opt: ?PutOption): Promise<void>;
put(v: ?$Subtype<T>, opt: ?PutOption): Promise<void>;
declare type Model<T> = {
constructor(obj: T | $Diff<T, {id: any;}>): ModelInstance<T>;
get(i: $Subtype<T> | any): Promise<T>;
batchGet(xs: ($Subtype<T> | any)[], opts: ?any): Promise<T[]>;
batchPut(xs: ($Diff<T, {id: any}>)[], opts: ?PutOption): Promise<T[]>;
delete(i: string | $Subtype<T>, opts: ?any): Promise<T[]>;
batchDelete(xs: (string | $Subtype<T>)[], opts: ?any): Promise<T[]>;
query(obj: $Keys<T> | QueryObject<T>): Query<T, T[]>;
queryOne(obj: $Keys<T> | QueryObject<T>): Query<T, T>;
scan(obj: ?($Keys<T> | QueryObject<T>)): Scan<T>;
update(i: $Subtype<T> | any, q: UpdateQuery<T>, opt: ?(
| { allowEmpty: boolean;}
| { createRequired: boolean;}
| { updateTimestamp: boolean;}
)): Promise<void> ;
declare type Primitive =
typeof Number
| typeof String
| typeof Boolean
| typeof Date
| typeof Object
| typeof Array
| typeof Buffer
| [Primitive]
declare type SchemaDefinition$Value =
| {|[key: string]: SchemaDefinition$Value|}
| {type: Primitive;} & ({
trim: boolean;
} | {
set: Function;
} | {
get: Function;
} | {
lowercase: boolean;
} | {
uppercase: boolean;
} | {
validate(v: any): boolean;
} | {
hashKey: boolean;
} | {
required: boolean;
} | {
default: ?any;
} | {
index: boolean | { name: string; } & ({} | {
global: boolean;
} | {
rangeKey: string;
} | {
project: boolean;
} | {
throughput: number;
declare type SchemaDefinition = { [name: string] : SchemaDefinition$Value };
declare type AWSConfig = {
region: string;
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
declare class Schema {
constructor(def: SchemaDefinition, throuput: ?ThroughputConfig): Schema;
// Private API
declare class Table {
constructor(name: string, schema: Schema, opt: ?Object, base: any): Table;
createIndex(attributes: any[], indexSpec: any): Promise<void>;
deleteIndex(attributes: any[], indexSpec: any): Promise<void>;
init(): Promise<void>;
waitForActive(timeout: ?number): Promise<void>;
describe(): Promise<any>;
create(): Promise<void>;
update(): Promise<void>;
delete(): Promise<void>;
declare var AWS: {
config: {
update(config: AWSConfig): void;
declare function local(url: ?string): void;
declare function ddb(): any;
declare function setDefaults(opts: {create: boolean}): void;
declare function model(name: string, def: Schema | SchemaDefinition): any;
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