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Created August 7, 2023 08:45
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import { For, Suspense, batch, createEffect, createResource, createSignal, lazy, on, onMount } from 'solid-js'
const DelayedGreeting = lazy(async () => {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
return {
default: ()=> <div>Lazy Component</div>
async function fetchUser(id: string) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 300));
return `${id}-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)}`;
function WithResource() {
const userId = "1";
const [user, {refetch}] = createResource(userId, fetchUser);
return (
<Suspense fallback="...">
<button onClick={refetch}>{user()}</button>
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
const onClick = () => {
setCount(count() + 1);
const doubled = () => count() * 2;
createEffect(on(count, () => {
console.log("count changed", count());
}, {defer: true}));
const [cats, setCats] = createSignal([
{name: "cat1", id: "1"},
onMount(() => {
batch(() => {
setCats([...cats(), {
name: "cat2",
id: "2"
setCats([...cats(), {
name: "cat3",
id: "3"
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>
count is {count()}
doubled is {doubled()}
<For each={cats()}>
{(cat, i) =>
{i() + 1}: {}
<hr />
<Suspense fallback={<div>loading...</div>}>
<DelayedGreeting />
<WithResource />
export default App
const equalFn = (a, b) => a === b;
const $TRACK = Symbol("solid-track");
const signalOptions = {
equals: equalFn
let runEffects = runQueue;
const STALE = 1;
const PENDING = 2;
const UNOWNED = {
owned: null,
cleanups: null,
context: null,
owner: null
var Owner = null;
let Transition = null;
let Listener = null;
let Updates = null;
let Effects = null;
let ExecCount = 0;
function createRoot(fn, detachedOwner) {
const listener = Listener, owner = Owner, unowned = fn.length === 0, root2 = unowned ? UNOWNED : {
owned: null,
cleanups: null,
context: null,
owner: detachedOwner === void 0 ? owner : detachedOwner
}, updateFn = unowned ? fn : () => fn(() => untrack(() => cleanNode(root2)));
Owner = root2;
Listener = null;
try {
return runUpdates(updateFn, true);
} finally {
Listener = listener;
Owner = owner;
function createSignal(value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const s = {
observers: null,
observerSlots: null,
comparator: options.equals || void 0
const setter = (value2) => {
if (typeof value2 === "function") {
value2 = value2(s.value);
return writeSignal(s, value2);
return [readSignal.bind(s), setter];
function createRenderEffect(fn, value, options) {
const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
function createEffect(fn, value, options) {
runEffects = runUserEffects;
const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
if (!options || !options.render)
c.user = true;
Effects ? Effects.push(c) : updateComputation(c);
function createMemo(fn, value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const c = createComputation(fn, value, true, 0);
c.observers = null;
c.observerSlots = null;
c.comparator = options.equals || void 0;
return readSignal.bind(c);
function batch(fn) {
return runUpdates(fn, false);
function untrack(fn) {
if (Listener === null)
return fn();
const listener = Listener;
Listener = null;
try {
return fn();
} finally {
Listener = listener;
function on(deps, fn, options) {
const isArray = Array.isArray(deps);
let prevInput;
let defer = options && options.defer;
return (prevValue) => {
let input;
if (isArray) {
input = Array(deps.length);
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++)
input[i] = deps[i]();
} else
input = deps();
if (defer) {
defer = false;
return void 0;
const result = untrack(() => fn(input, prevInput, prevValue));
prevInput = input;
return result;
function onMount(fn) {
createEffect(() => untrack(fn));
function onCleanup(fn) {
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner.cleanups === null)
Owner.cleanups = [fn];
return fn;
function readSignal() {
if (this.sources && this.state) {
if (this.state === STALE)
else {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(this), false);
Updates = updates;
if (Listener) {
const sSlot = this.observers ? this.observers.length : 0;
if (!Listener.sources) {
Listener.sources = [this];
Listener.sourceSlots = [sSlot];
} else {
if (!this.observers) {
this.observers = [Listener];
this.observerSlots = [Listener.sources.length - 1];
} else {
this.observerSlots.push(Listener.sources.length - 1);
return this.value;
function writeSignal(node, value, isComp) {
let current = node.value;
if (!node.comparator || !node.comparator(current, value)) {
node.value = value;
if (node.observers && node.observers.length) {
runUpdates(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
const TransitionRunning = Transition && Transition.running;
if (TransitionRunning && Transition.disposed.has(o))
if (TransitionRunning ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
if (o.pure)
if (o.observers)
if (!TransitionRunning)
o.state = STALE;
if (Updates.length > 1e6) {
Updates = [];
if (false)
throw new Error();
}, false);
return value;
function updateComputation(node) {
if (!node.fn)
const owner = Owner, listener = Listener, time = ExecCount;
Listener = Owner = node;
runComputation(node, node.value, time);
Listener = listener;
Owner = owner;
function runComputation(node, value, time) {
let nextValue;
try {
nextValue = node.fn(value);
} catch (err) {
if (node.pure) {
node.state = STALE;
node.owned && node.owned.forEach(cleanNode);
node.owned = null;
node.updatedAt = time + 1;
return handleError(err);
if (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt <= time) {
if (node.updatedAt != null && "observers" in node) {
writeSignal(node, nextValue);
} else
node.value = nextValue;
node.updatedAt = time;
function createComputation(fn, init, pure, state = STALE, options) {
const c = {
updatedAt: null,
owned: null,
sources: null,
sourceSlots: null,
cleanups: null,
value: init,
owner: Owner,
context: null,
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner !== UNOWNED) {
if (!Owner.owned)
Owner.owned = [c];
return c;
function runTop(node) {
if (node.state === 0)
if (node.state === PENDING)
return lookUpstream(node);
if (node.suspense && untrack(node.suspense.inFallback))
return node.suspense.effects.push(node);
const ancestors = [node];
while ((node = node.owner) && (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt < ExecCount)) {
if (node.state)
for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
node = ancestors[i];
if (node.state === STALE) {
} else if (node.state === PENDING) {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(node, ancestors[0]), false);
Updates = updates;
function runUpdates(fn, init) {
if (Updates)
return fn();
let wait = false;
if (!init)
Updates = [];
if (Effects)
wait = true;
Effects = [];
try {
const res = fn();
return res;
} catch (err) {
if (!wait)
Effects = null;
Updates = null;
function completeUpdates(wait) {
if (Updates) {
Updates = null;
if (wait)
const e = Effects;
Effects = null;
if (e.length)
runUpdates(() => runEffects(e), false);
function runQueue(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++)
function runUserEffects(queue) {
let i, userLength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
const e = queue[i];
if (!e.user)
queue[userLength++] = e;
for (i = 0; i < userLength; i++)
function lookUpstream(node, ignore) {
node.state = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < node.sources.length; i += 1) {
const source = node.sources[i];
if (source.sources) {
const state = source.state;
if (state === STALE) {
if (source !== ignore && (!source.updatedAt || source.updatedAt < ExecCount))
} else if (state === PENDING)
lookUpstream(source, ignore);
function markDownstream(node) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
if (!o.state) {
o.state = PENDING;
if (o.pure)
o.observers && markDownstream(o);
function cleanNode(node) {
let i;
if (node.sources) {
while (node.sources.length) {
const source = node.sources.pop(), index2 = node.sourceSlots.pop(), obs = source.observers;
if (obs && obs.length) {
const n = obs.pop(), s = source.observerSlots.pop();
if (index2 < obs.length) {
n.sourceSlots[s] = index2;
obs[index2] = n;
source.observerSlots[index2] = s;
if (node.owned) {
for (i = node.owned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.owned = null;
if (node.cleanups) {
for (i = node.cleanups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.cleanups = null;
node.state = 0;
node.context = null;
function castError(err) {
if (err instanceof Error)
return err;
return new Error(typeof err === "string" ? err : "Unknown error", {
cause: err
function handleError(err, owner = Owner) {
const error = castError(err);
throw error;
const FALLBACK = Symbol("fallback");
function dispose(d) {
for (let i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
function mapArray(list, mapFn, options = {}) {
let items = [], mapped = [], disposers = [], len = 0, indexes = mapFn.length > 1 ? [] : null;
onCleanup(() => dispose(disposers));
return () => {
let newItems = list() || [], i, j;
return untrack(() => {
let newLen = newItems.length, newIndices, newIndicesNext, temp, tempdisposers, tempIndexes, start, end, newEnd, item;
if (newLen === 0) {
if (len !== 0) {
disposers = [];
items = [];
mapped = [];
len = 0;
indexes && (indexes = []);
if (options.fallback) {
items = [FALLBACK];
mapped[0] = createRoot((disposer) => {
disposers[0] = disposer;
return options.fallback();
len = 1;
} else if (len === 0) {
mapped = new Array(newLen);
for (j = 0; j < newLen; j++) {
items[j] = newItems[j];
mapped[j] = createRoot(mapper);
len = newLen;
} else {
temp = new Array(newLen);
tempdisposers = new Array(newLen);
indexes && (tempIndexes = new Array(newLen));
for (start = 0, end = Math.min(len, newLen); start < end && items[start] === newItems[start]; start++)
for (end = len - 1, newEnd = newLen - 1; end >= start && newEnd >= start && items[end] === newItems[newEnd]; end--, newEnd--) {
temp[newEnd] = mapped[end];
tempdisposers[newEnd] = disposers[end];
indexes && (tempIndexes[newEnd] = indexes[end]);
newIndices = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
newIndicesNext = new Array(newEnd + 1);
for (j = newEnd; j >= start; j--) {
item = newItems[j];
i = newIndices.get(item);
newIndicesNext[j] = i === void 0 ? -1 : i;
newIndices.set(item, j);
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
item = items[i];
j = newIndices.get(item);
if (j !== void 0 && j !== -1) {
temp[j] = mapped[i];
tempdisposers[j] = disposers[i];
indexes && (tempIndexes[j] = indexes[i]);
j = newIndicesNext[j];
newIndices.set(item, j);
} else
for (j = start; j < newLen; j++) {
if (j in temp) {
mapped[j] = temp[j];
disposers[j] = tempdisposers[j];
if (indexes) {
indexes[j] = tempIndexes[j];
} else
mapped[j] = createRoot(mapper);
mapped = mapped.slice(0, len = newLen);
items = newItems.slice(0);
return mapped;
function mapper(disposer) {
disposers[j] = disposer;
if (indexes) {
const [s, set] = createSignal(j);
indexes[j] = set;
return mapFn(newItems[j], s);
return mapFn(newItems[j]);
function createComponent(Comp, props) {
return untrack(() => Comp(props || {}));
function For(props) {
const fallback = "fallback" in props && {
fallback: () => props.fallback
return createMemo(mapArray(() => props.each, props.children, fallback || void 0));
function reconcileArrays(parentNode, a, b) {
let bLength = b.length, aEnd = a.length, bEnd = bLength, aStart = 0, bStart = 0, after = a[aEnd - 1].nextSibling, map = null;
while (aStart < aEnd || bStart < bEnd) {
if (a[aStart] === b[bStart]) {
while (a[aEnd - 1] === b[bEnd - 1]) {
if (aEnd === aStart) {
const node = bEnd < bLength ? bStart ? b[bStart - 1].nextSibling : b[bEnd - bStart] : after;
while (bStart < bEnd)
parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], node);
} else if (bEnd === bStart) {
while (aStart < aEnd) {
if (!map || !map.has(a[aStart]))
} else if (a[aStart] === b[bEnd - 1] && b[bStart] === a[aEnd - 1]) {
const node = a[--aEnd].nextSibling;
parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], a[aStart++].nextSibling);
parentNode.insertBefore(b[--bEnd], node);
a[aEnd] = b[bEnd];
} else {
if (!map) {
map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let i = bStart;
while (i < bEnd)
map.set(b[i], i++);
const index2 = map.get(a[aStart]);
if (index2 != null) {
if (bStart < index2 && index2 < bEnd) {
let i = aStart, sequence = 1, t;
while (++i < aEnd && i < bEnd) {
if ((t = map.get(a[i])) == null || t !== index2 + sequence)
if (sequence > index2 - bStart) {
const node = a[aStart];
while (bStart < index2)
parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], node);
} else
parentNode.replaceChild(b[bStart++], a[aStart++]);
} else
} else
const $$EVENTS = "_$DX_DELEGATE";
function render(code, element, init, options = {}) {
let disposer;
createRoot((dispose2) => {
disposer = dispose2;
element === document ? code() : insert(element, code(), element.firstChild ? null : void 0, init);
}, options.owner);
return () => {
element.textContent = "";
function template(html, isCE, isSVG) {
let node;
const create = () => {
const t = document.createElement("template");
t.innerHTML = html;
return isSVG ? t.content.firstChild.firstChild : t.content.firstChild;
const fn = isCE ? () => untrack(() => document.importNode(node || (node = create()), true)) : () => (node || (node = create())).cloneNode(true);
fn.cloneNode = fn;
return fn;
function delegateEvents(eventNames, document2 = window.document) {
const e = document2[$$EVENTS] || (document2[$$EVENTS] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
for (let i = 0, l = eventNames.length; i < l; i++) {
const name = eventNames[i];
if (!e.has(name)) {
document2.addEventListener(name, eventHandler);
function insert(parent, accessor, marker, initial) {
if (marker !== void 0 && !initial)
initial = [];
if (typeof accessor !== "function")
return insertExpression(parent, accessor, initial, marker);
createRenderEffect((current) => insertExpression(parent, accessor(), current, marker), initial);
function eventHandler(e) {
const key = `$$${e.type}`;
let node = e.composedPath && e.composedPath()[0] ||;
if ( !== node) {
Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {
configurable: true,
value: node
Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTarget", {
configurable: true,
get() {
return node || document;
while (node) {
const handler = node[key];
if (handler && !node.disabled) {
const data = node[`${key}Data`];
data !== void 0 ?, data, e) :, e);
if (e.cancelBubble)
node = node._$host || node.parentNode ||;
function insertExpression(parent, value, current, marker, unwrapArray) {
while (typeof current === "function")
current = current();
if (value === current)
return current;
const t = typeof value, multi = marker !== void 0;
parent = multi && current[0] && current[0].parentNode || parent;
if (t === "string" || t === "number") {
if (t === "number")
value = value.toString();
if (multi) {
let node = current[0];
if (node && node.nodeType === 3) { = value;
} else
node = document.createTextNode(value);
current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, node);
} else {
if (current !== "" && typeof current === "string") {
current = = value;
} else
current = parent.textContent = value;
} else if (value == null || t === "boolean") {
current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker);
} else if (t === "function") {
createRenderEffect(() => {
let v = value();
while (typeof v === "function")
v = v();
current = insertExpression(parent, v, current, marker);
return () => current;
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const array = [];
const currentArray = current && Array.isArray(current);
if (normalizeIncomingArray(array, value, current, unwrapArray)) {
createRenderEffect(() => current = insertExpression(parent, array, current, marker, true));
return () => current;
if (array.length === 0) {
current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker);
if (multi)
return current;
} else if (currentArray) {
if (current.length === 0) {
appendNodes(parent, array, marker);
} else
reconcileArrays(parent, current, array);
} else {
current && cleanChildren(parent);
appendNodes(parent, array);
current = array;
} else if (value.nodeType) {
if (Array.isArray(current)) {
if (multi)
return current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, value);
cleanChildren(parent, current, null, value);
} else if (current == null || current === "" || !parent.firstChild) {
} else
parent.replaceChild(value, parent.firstChild);
current = value;
} else
console.warn(`Unrecognized value. Skipped inserting`, value);
return current;
function normalizeIncomingArray(normalized, array, current, unwrap) {
let dynamic = false;
for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
let item = array[i], prev = current && current[i], t;
if (item == null || item === true || item === false)
else if ((t = typeof item) === "object" && item.nodeType) {
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
dynamic = normalizeIncomingArray(normalized, item, prev) || dynamic;
} else if (t === "function") {
if (unwrap) {
while (typeof item === "function")
item = item();
dynamic = normalizeIncomingArray(normalized, Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item], Array.isArray(prev) ? prev : [prev]) || dynamic;
} else {
dynamic = true;
} else {
const value = String(item);
if (prev && prev.nodeType === 3 && === value)
return dynamic;
function appendNodes(parent, array, marker = null) {
for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++)
parent.insertBefore(array[i], marker);
function cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, replacement) {
if (marker === void 0)
return parent.textContent = "";
const node = replacement || document.createTextNode("");
if (current.length) {
let inserted = false;
for (let i = current.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const el = current[i];
if (node !== el) {
const isParent = el.parentNode === parent;
if (!inserted && !i)
isParent ? parent.replaceChild(node, el) : parent.insertBefore(node, marker);
isParent && el.remove();
} else
inserted = true;
} else
parent.insertBefore(node, marker);
return [node];
const index = "";
const App$1 = "";
const _tmpl$ = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<button>count is `), _tmpl$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div>doubled is `), _tmpl$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<li>: `);
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
const onClick = () => {
setCount(count() + 1);
const doubled = () => count() * 2;
createEffect(on(count, () => {
console.log("count changed", count());
}, {
defer: true
const [cats, setCats] = createSignal([{
name: "cat1",
id: "1"
onMount(() => {
batch(() => {
setCats([...cats(), {
name: "cat2",
id: "2"
setCats([...cats(), {
name: "cat3",
id: "3"
return [(() => {
const _el$ = _tmpl$();
_el$.$$click = onClick;
insert(_el$, count, null);
return _el$;
})(), (() => {
const _el$3 = _tmpl$2();
insert(_el$3, doubled, null);
return _el$3;
})(), createComponent(For, {
get each() {
return cats();
children: (cat, i) => (() => {
const _el$5 = _tmpl$3(), _el$6 = _el$5.firstChild;
insert(_el$5, () => i() + 1, _el$6);
insert(_el$5, () =>, null);
return _el$5;
const root = document.getElementById("root");
render(() => createComponent(App, {}), root);
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